1 about me
2 the map vison
3 the map creation probability
4 the map creation progress
ok, im GeEom, atm, based in europe, and active on northrend (? whatever the european one is) server,
a climax between three major factors has lead to my opinion that i need to create a new troll tribes map:
the stealing and heavy corruption of island troll tribes (last ver from me , 2.06)
my reluctance to edit troll tribes as the island series is so sucsessfull, and therefore inability to try radical ideas
my online disownment of island trolls
as u can imagine, i am now very distrustfull of people
although i never let an unprotected copy of island trolls leave my computer, it was stolen, and changed in ways that made me feel sick: removing *buggs* in the form of gameplay they personaly disliked, and adding cheats, in an unprotected rip off called 2.34 (one of many may i add) there was a lengthly trigger that enabled users of certain names to type a lengthly keyword, and recive a *nice* dialog interface, giving such things as stat lowering imunity (the heat hp mana drop) invulnerability, infinite sight *God mode*(could not bring myself to enquire) and an entire base, complete with 6 of every advanced item, spawn.
as of such i do not intend to ever put a flly unprotected map online
i am going to provide 1 to 1 information on anyone who wants a feature of my map, and all information i deem could not be used to make any semebalnce of a replication of the map
i hope this is aceptable.
if not ill negotiatew, bt a probable outcome i suppose is that i will end up never updating this post, as i am not being sharing enough for the incredible community i have found here.
The Map Vision
the idea of this map was started when i found my need to tell people the obscene destruction of the game they engoyed was not me.
but the imediate problem it, no one will know its me, and that i can not persuade every1 to play the old versions, as again they cannot confirm my identity, especialy since a period of inactivity, in which the name Moop was taken on just about every server, leaving me to just label the maps moop, afriad to put geeom, for fear of being acused of stealing my own god damn map.
and so i suddenly had a wonderfull idea, i would take all the ideas i was reluctant to impliment into island trolls, and put them into a new game, a more complex and advanced game, which had no reputation to loose (although i admit others have , *** ****ed the ****ing **** out of island trolls) admittedly some will find it to complex in areas to be able to play and feel they are having fun, some will prefer island, it is in no way the same map, but i hope, it will be better.
so i mapped out some ideas on A3, i had an idea of making a troll tribes range at some point, and some ideas i loved were exotic locations, underwater, and a far more advance item system
so i concluded to set my new troll tribes on the moon, i called it Troll Tribes: the lunar expansion, but after terrain complications, elected to call it martian troll tribes, for which i can esily adapt existing wc3 terrain around.
and so the vision is this: three tribes of four, having it out in a war/technology race, in which placeable buildings are enterable, and oxygen is required for leaving your structures, where u hunt martian beasts (a n orgional idea was clangers ) and build equipment from hammers, to advanced photonic stelth bombers, (guess which ones harder?)
Creation Probability
due to my natural ability with GUI triggers (if you can imagine it you can trigger it) i have planned to install some unique features into my map, which i will post the basics , if not the works, of here, such as placeable rpg/loap style enterable buildings, advaced AI robots (as in robots that via basic user commands and clever triggering, will effect what they are designed and commanded to do) and some awesome veicle systems.
creation progress
as my triggers are in general en masse, i try to get the unique advanced stuff out of the way before sorting out fiddly bits, and as such my current map development has focused on enabling the creation of those triggers, mass variables, regions (origionaly over 6thousand, but uon finding that i would have to then trigger 60,000 i deleted all but one, and now the regions are created as needed ingame by ofsetting the co-ords of 1 trigger by variables
the first trigger im working on, ofc acompanyed by others that will use it, is the longest trigger i will ever see, spanning 213 mc word pages when copyed in text and engineered on variables that are set in the enabling triggers, and then carryed out instantly by the effector, which alows me to use the longest trigger once, instead of aproximately 70 times, with variation.
as such a problem im having at the moment is getting all the items i will have in the final game, as they are nessasary, ready now, as usualy they would be a finishing touch along with skins and icons, and it will be hard to edit anything once i have set it all.
so everythin is just emerging, no % as of now, im debating whether to get someone else to do my terrian for me, as my daily time limit for this is about to lower , but i will probably end up soloign the entire thing, as my freinds have a less prefectonist veiw of things than me.
1 about me
2 the map vison
3 the map creation probability
4 the map creation progress
ok, im GeEom, atm, based in europe, and active on northrend (? whatever the european one is) server,
a climax between three major factors has lead to my opinion that i need to create a new troll tribes map:
the stealing and heavy corruption of island troll tribes (last ver from me , 2.06)
my reluctance to edit troll tribes as the island series is so sucsessfull, and therefore inability to try radical ideas
my online disownment of island trolls
as u can imagine, i am now very distrustfull of people
although i never let an unprotected copy of island trolls leave my computer, it was stolen, and changed in ways that made me feel sick: removing *buggs* in the form of gameplay they personaly disliked, and adding cheats, in an unprotected rip off called 2.34 (one of many may i add) there was a lengthly trigger that enabled users of certain names to type a lengthly keyword, and recive a *nice* dialog interface, giving such things as stat lowering imunity (the heat hp mana drop) invulnerability, infinite sight *God mode*(could not bring myself to enquire) and an entire base, complete with 6 of every advanced item, spawn.
as of such i do not intend to ever put a flly unprotected map online
i am going to provide 1 to 1 information on anyone who wants a feature of my map, and all information i deem could not be used to make any semebalnce of a replication of the map
i hope this is aceptable.
if not ill negotiatew, bt a probable outcome i suppose is that i will end up never updating this post, as i am not being sharing enough for the incredible community i have found here.
The Map Vision
the idea of this map was started when i found my need to tell people the obscene destruction of the game they engoyed was not me.
but the imediate problem it, no one will know its me, and that i can not persuade every1 to play the old versions, as again they cannot confirm my identity, especialy since a period of inactivity, in which the name Moop was taken on just about every server, leaving me to just label the maps moop, afriad to put geeom, for fear of being acused of stealing my own god damn map.
and so i suddenly had a wonderfull idea, i would take all the ideas i was reluctant to impliment into island trolls, and put them into a new game, a more complex and advanced game, which had no reputation to loose (although i admit others have , *** ****ed the ****ing **** out of island trolls) admittedly some will find it to complex in areas to be able to play and feel they are having fun, some will prefer island, it is in no way the same map, but i hope, it will be better.
so i mapped out some ideas on A3, i had an idea of making a troll tribes range at some point, and some ideas i loved were exotic locations, underwater, and a far more advance item system
so i concluded to set my new troll tribes on the moon, i called it Troll Tribes: the lunar expansion, but after terrain complications, elected to call it martian troll tribes, for which i can esily adapt existing wc3 terrain around.
and so the vision is this: three tribes of four, having it out in a war/technology race, in which placeable buildings are enterable, and oxygen is required for leaving your structures, where u hunt martian beasts (a n orgional idea was clangers ) and build equipment from hammers, to advanced photonic stelth bombers, (guess which ones harder?)
Creation Probability
due to my natural ability with GUI triggers (if you can imagine it you can trigger it) i have planned to install some unique features into my map, which i will post the basics , if not the works, of here, such as placeable rpg/loap style enterable buildings, advaced AI robots (as in robots that via basic user commands and clever triggering, will effect what they are designed and commanded to do) and some awesome veicle systems.
creation progress
as my triggers are in general en masse, i try to get the unique advanced stuff out of the way before sorting out fiddly bits, and as such my current map development has focused on enabling the creation of those triggers, mass variables, regions (origionaly over 6thousand, but uon finding that i would have to then trigger 60,000 i deleted all but one, and now the regions are created as needed ingame by ofsetting the co-ords of 1 trigger by variables
the first trigger im working on, ofc acompanyed by others that will use it, is the longest trigger i will ever see, spanning 213 mc word pages when copyed in text and engineered on variables that are set in the enabling triggers, and then carryed out instantly by the effector, which alows me to use the longest trigger once, instead of aproximately 70 times, with variation.
as such a problem im having at the moment is getting all the items i will have in the final game, as they are nessasary, ready now, as usualy they would be a finishing touch along with skins and icons, and it will be hard to edit anything once i have set it all.
so everythin is just emerging, no % as of now, im debating whether to get someone else to do my terrian for me, as my daily time limit for this is about to lower , but i will probably end up soloign the entire thing, as my freinds have a less prefectonist veiw of things than me.