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Level 4
Aug 12, 2007
Hmmm i got the trigger now right that every 10 level i get more skill points, but my problem is, i need an Trigger how i can make if all are lvl 10 the new trigger gets activated wich gives 3 skills per level but the lvl 1-9 trigger to get 1 bonus is away, i just need an trigger like:
  • Lvl1to10
    • Events
      • Unit - A unit Gets an level bla bla up
    • Conditions
      • (Hero level of (Leveling Hero)) euqals 9
    • Actions
      • Hero - Modify unspent skill points of (Leveling Hero): Add 2 points
      • Trigger - Turn on lvl10to20 <gen> at lvl 10 or somethink how it works. it activates the next trigger, I tried to make couple combinations but.. Theres my lvl 10-20 trigger:
  • lvl10to20
    • Events
      • Unit - A unit Levels a level wahteva up
    • Conditions
      • And - All (Conditions) are true
        • Conditions
          • (Hero level of (Leveling Hero)) euqal 11
          • (Hero level of (Leveling Hero)) equal 12
          • (Hero level of (Leveling Hero)) equal 13
          • (Hero level of (Leveling Hero)) equal 10
          • (Hero level of (Leveling Hero)) equal 14
          • (Hero level of (Leveling Hero)) equal 15
          • (Hero level of (Leveling Hero)) equal 16
          • (Hero level of (Leveling Hero)) equal 17
          • (Hero level of (Leveling Hero)) equal 18
          • (Hero level of (Leveling Hero)) equal 19
    • Actions
      • Hero - Modify unspent skill points of (Leveling Hero): Add 3 points
      • Trigger - Turn on lvl20to30 <gen>(and here i need that it gets activated if all heroes are level 20!)
      • Trigger - Turn off 1to10 <gen>
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Level 9
Jun 26, 2007
And - All (Conditions) are true
(Hero level of (Leveling Hero)) euqal 11
(Hero level of (Leveling Hero)) equal 12
etc etc...
i'm pretty sure that a hero cannot be level 11, 12, 13, ... and 19 at the same time...

PS: you don't need to turn on/off these triggers, you've made some level conditions, they won't run out of these levels...
Level 4
Aug 31, 2007
Or - Any (Conditions) are true
(Hero level of (Leveling Hero)) equal 11
(Hero level of (Leveling Hero)) equal 12
(Hero level of (Leveling Hero)) equal 13
(Hero level of (Leveling Hero)) equal 10
(Hero level of (Leveling Hero)) equal 14
(Hero level of (Leveling Hero)) equal 15
(Hero level of (Leveling Hero)) equal 16
(Hero level of (Leveling Hero)) equal 17
(Hero level of (Leveling Hero)) equal 18
(Hero level of (Leveling Hero)) equal 19

Try this.
Level 9
Jun 26, 2007
remove the turn on/off and set all these trigger initially on
you've made conditions to filter the trigger, they will work only for the right level

Trigger Level_0_to_9
Event : a hero levelup
Condition : Or(level=0, level=1, level=2,... level=9)
Action : Add hero 2 skill points

Trigger Level_10_to_19
Event : a hero levelup
Condition : Or(level=10, level=11, level=12,... level=19)
Action : Add hero 3 skill points

Trigger Level_20_to_29
Event : a hero levelup
Condition : Or(level=20, level=21, level=22,... level=29)
Action : Add hero 4 skill points

etc etc...
Level 15
Feb 9, 2006
Please use trigger tags, it will make the triggers so much easier to read.

Right click on your trigger in the trigger editor. Click ''Copy as text''
Now, in this box write
  • (Paste Your Trigger Here) Then end with a [/trigger.] Just remove the dot. I only used it to not create a trigger tag.
  • Hope that was understandable.
Level 4
Aug 12, 2007
what about this?
  • Skillpoints
    • Events
      • Unit - A unit levels
    • Conditions
      • (Unit-type of (Leveling Hero)) equal Hero(Hero, Hero 2 , Hero 3, Hero 4 = Heros of my map Called like that)
      • (Unit-type of (Leveling Hero)) equal Hero 2
      • (Unit-type of (Leveling Hero)) equal Hero 3
      • (Unit-type of (Leveling Hero)) equal Hero 4
    • Actions
      • Hero - Modify unspent skill points of (Leveling Hero): Add (Integer((((Real((Hero level of (Leveling Hero)))) / 10.00) + 1.00))) points
Level 9
Jun 26, 2007
bigger OR equal

integer bigger or equal than val

true for integer=val

true for integer=val+1
true for integer=val+2
true for integer=val+3
true for integer=val+4
etc etc

false for integer=val-1
false for integer=val-2
false for integer=val-3
etc etc

you've got some problems with logical opperators...

And => works if all of the conditions are right
sample : is my dog strong and clever?
the answer is yes if my dog is both strong and clever
the answer is no if my dog is only strong
the answer is no if my dog is only clever
the answer is no if my dog is not strong and not clever

Or => works if one of the condition is right
sample : is my dog strong or clever?
the answer is yes if my dog is both strong and clever
the answer is yes if my dog is only strong
the answer is yes if my dog is only clever
the answer is no if my dog is not strong and not clever

so bigger or equal than works for
- bigger value
- equal value
but doesn't works for
- lower value (wich are not bigger, wich are not equal)
Level 4
Aug 12, 2007
And => works if all of the conditions are right
sample : is my dog strong and clever?
the answer is yes if my dog is both strong and clever
the answer is no if my dog is only strong
the answer is no if my dog is only clever
the answer is no if my dog is not strong and not clever

Or => works if one of the condition is right
sample : is my dog strong or clever?
the answer is yes if my dog is both strong and clever
the answer is yes if my dog is only strong
the answer is yes if my dog is only clever
the answer is no if my dog is not strong and not clever[/QUOTE\]
Also that with the DOG i wont Understand.. but i got it
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