[Trigger] Triggering to cast a custom spell...

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Level 2
Sep 14, 2007
So i read in a tutorial that...
(link to tutorial) - http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/f279/making-any-spell-autocasting-6255/
Custom Spells
To make a trigger launch with a custom spell you will have to look at the 'Order String - Use/Turn On' and make sure it is the only occurence on that unit, else more spells will be launched at the same time. When selecting the ability / action, instead of choosing preset you choose function, then Conversion - Convert String to Order and write the Order String in that field.

In my world editor, when i pick an action such as "Unit - Issue order targeting a unit", I only get the "preset" options, not the "function" options. What is wrong and how do i get the function options to show?

Level 3
Jun 25, 2008
You can do it easily...
But I think you dont want that, because its made with Jass

If I want to do what you want to do now, I do the following:

Click on the Trigger
Edit - Convert it into Custom Text (Means Jass)
And then you have to search the text for the Order String("attack" in your Script right now)
You exchange the String ("attack") with the Order String from your Ability ( You can get it from the Object Editor with: "View - Display Values As Raw Data")
And then it works fine =)
But be sure you have the right tip of "Order" for your Spell. If you use Order to Point then your ability has to be of same type...

Greetings Chrissi, maybe it helps =)
Level 3
Jun 25, 2008
NotCustom Spells.
I mean, in my version I cant do that...
There is no way to order a unit to use Custom-Spell on a target/point/...
Level 2
Sep 14, 2007
And with regards to changing order strings, you can only change the one for "channel", correct? and also, do you have to change it to another existing order string, or can you conjure up your own order string?
Level 2
Sep 14, 2007
Man im fullll of problems tonight! k. so im trying to get an auto-cast spell (working as a dummy spell) to cast another spell...but it keeps on not working. Try this...

  • Untitled Trigger 003 Copy
    • Events
      • Unit - A unit Begins channeling an ability
    • Conditions
      • (Ability being cast) Equal to Searing Arrows
    • Actions
      • Unit - Order (Triggering unit) to Night Elf Priestess Of The Moon - Scout
so place a Priestess of the moon on your map, put a tome of power on the map so you can get to lvl 2, put a point into searing arrows and into scout, and get a few units to attack...

I want it so that when i turn autocast on for searing arrows and then go to shoot, it automatically uses the scout skill. Unfortunately the only way the trigger fires correctly is when you manually cast a searing arrow (press r and then click an enemy unit).

- on the side...The actual skill im trying to create casts chain lightning every time you attack, but drains X mana each time you attack (just like Searing arrows)...il give the chain lightning skill to a dummy caster.

So yea. What do i need to change to the trigger to get it to fire properly?
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