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[Trigger] Ordering unit to cast a spell...

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Level 8
Sep 24, 2007
I tried all these actions: Point, Unit, No target etc, but the problem is, that my custom spell does not appear in the Preset spell list.

I tried second option, converting string, but it doesn't work.

Please help, I want unit to cast a spell (but this spell is not found on the preset list).

  • Action: Order (Picked unit) to ??????????????????????
Level 22
Feb 26, 2008
Your custom ability will never appear in the Preset list.
So, what you do, is you order your unit to cast the ability off of which you based your custom ability.
If you used Slow as your base ability, then order the unit to cast slow.
Level 6
Feb 12, 2008
change the Order String, its all about Order Strings... for example you should have any based custom ability, but in the "Data - Order String ID" or something like that... change it to the base of any preset ability... for example: for tauren stomp, in order string it should have "warstomp" or something like that... im sorry i cant give you exact examples, as im not at home. i could give you a map as example later..
Level 22
Feb 26, 2008
> Data - Order String ID

Are you thinking of Text - Order String?
Because there are only a few abilities that allow you to change the actual Order ID. Two of those are Channel and Charge Gold and Lumber.
Changing the Text - Order String actually does nothing - it's just there for reference.
Level 6
Feb 12, 2008
Text - Order String - Use/Turn On
and its changeable for any ability. Just change it to (for example) "firebolt", and then use:
  • Unit - Order (Attacking unit) to Neutral - Firebolt (Attacked Unit)
Level 22
Feb 26, 2008
> Just change it to (for example) "firebolt", and then use:

That won't do anything. The Text - Order String does not actually change the Order ID of the ability. You can change the Order String to whatever you want, but nothing will happen.
Ordering a unit to cast Firebolt won't get it to cast a custom ability when all you've done is change the Order String.

You order the unit to cast the ability off of which you based your custom ability.
Level 3
Jan 31, 2008
ooh i have the same problem as u, i use the skill channel as my base ability, and i changed the order id to frostnova, but when i order the dummy unit to do -undead lich-frost nova on the targeted opponent, it doesn't even cast... can i know why? :grin:
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