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[Trigger] Trigger Problem: Researches set to zero? How?

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---------- PROBLEM NOT SOLVED - CAN NOT BE SOLVED ----------

Hi there, this is my first thread in Hiveworkshop..
And its a lamentation of a triggerproblem :xxd:
But seriusly, i wouldnt have post this if i wouldn't be able to fix the problem..

Intro, so you will have a grip on what's going on:

I have made a "research trigger" on an upgrade.
Short said: Every 60 Second you get 100 wood each upgrade.

But i have also made a "map restart trigger" that sets everything just like it was when you entered the game. (Every unit gets removed and replaced)

How can I make a trigger that sets Upgrades to zero again?

Thanks in advance!! :infl_thumbs_up:

Kindest regards from ReDbEaN
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Red, instead of what you are trying to do, use a integer to store either: the level of the upgrade, or the ammount they get and then use that. So if you store the level of the upgrade itd be something like:

add ((p1LumbIncome) x ((100)) to player 1's lumber
if you store the ammount: (p1LumbIncome) to player 1's lumber

then when you reset, simply set the integer back to 0.
I just did like this, simple..

Lumber Income P1
Time - Every 60.00 seconds of game time
If ((Current research level of Lumber Shipping - Level 1 for (Player 1 )Red)) Equal to 1) then do (Player - Add 100 to (Player 1 (Red) Current lumber) else do nothing
If ((Current research level of Lumber Shipping - Level 1 for (Player 1 )Red)) Equal to 2) then do (Player - Add 250 to (Player 1 (Red) Current lumber) else do nothing
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