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Trigger Editor crashes in Mac OSX 10.5.3

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Level 6
Jun 1, 2006
Why would you buy a MAC in the first place?
I think MAC was invented to hurt people.. :(

http://uncyclopedia.wikia.com/wiki/Macintosh said:
Whoops! Maybe you were looking for Heaven?

“What can we say? Sorry guys, but we can't get enough of blue screens, viruses, and Bill Gates' tiny cock.”
~ Naive Windows Fanboys on Switching to Macintosh

“I almost have enough money to buy a Mac! Almost!!!”
~ Bill Gates on Macs

“They're kinda like supermodels really. Sure, they're a little slow and there's not much going on inside but boy, are they pretty.”
~ The management on Macs

“Of course they're always on TV! They're not really computers. They're just props for set design! Are you going to fill your house with wax fruit as well?”
~ Anyone trying to explain things to a Mac user

“Ooh... Shiny.”
~ Mac owners on anything metallic

A Macintosh or Mac, is an overly-user friendly computer. They are the butts of jokes made by naive/stubborn/dimwitted Windows users who hate change. It is like having a pc on steroids - nothing works and everything moves around with shiny things and colors. It's 30-500 times less faster than a PC and 100 to 300 times more expensive. The previous sentence was an un-edited example of the learning capabilities of the average PC user. Although, it was originally designed so that people with mass intelligence could use a computer without sinking to the level of common n00bs, it was quickly adopted by Hollywood and geniuses and indeed 61% of the population. Of course, most people who buy macs use them for running complex accountancy software and the entire banking system runs on just one MacBook in a secret location in San Francisco. Microsoft's superior operating system, Windows, is known to, when run nearby a mac, within ten feet, to corrupt their hard drives in a attempt to commit suicide in an attempt to escape being near such a desperately horrible OS such as the OSX.

Best Uncyclopedia article ever.
Level 5
Dec 6, 2008
Yah Im currently loaning my mama's computer.
I'm saving up for a PC for the future aswell.
MAC's seems to be more of a work? computer. hehe
I've never had problems with vista, I believe many people with out dated versions or ripped version experiencing vista as a problem or a killer after you.

I want w/e, I just want wc3 and D3 :)
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