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Triforce Aura

Just a quick aura I made. I was surprised there was no Triforce Aura uploaded. I tried to get an ingame screenshot, but my WE decided to screw with me. D:

Do not edit or redistribute without proper permission. Give credit if you use this in your map. Thank you.

Edit: Changed it so that it used ingame textures... but it does not look NEARLY as good as it used to... -.-

Edit: again, Misha has stepped in to offer his helping hand =3

triforce, tri-force, link, Hyrule, Zelda, princess, aura, triangle, gold, Misha, Varsaigen

Triforce Aura (Model)

07:31, 18th Feb 2009 General Frank: A bit too simple, but I approve it through usefulness.




07:31, 18th Feb 2009
General Frank:

A bit too simple, but I approve it through usefulness.
Level 23
Jan 25, 2008
well, I don't know how I could form 3 triangles in a square mesh in Magos... >_>

Edit: Also, I don't see why there is a problem with the file size... it is really small. And I found the boring yellow triangles boring without the yellow highlights I gave it. So, I think the texture it has is perfectly fine.
Level 23
Jan 25, 2008
.... I sense that this will be getting rejected... -.- just because I didn't use the preferred method... I used the Command Aura Target to get me the effects anf anims. Other than that, i didn't do much of anything. Just changed the texture and made it kinda glowy. So, even though I sense someone will say that all i did was "make that one change, thus it should be rejected", it still is a good aura. I do not really see what the deal with the filesize is. it is below 50 KB. it only has four polies. If I were to make it again in the hopes of creating the triforce symbol again, I'd have to use 6 polies (to cut out the inside triangle and make the points for each triangle. So, I tend to think that only 4 polies is enough for this aura.
Level 8
Aug 11, 2007
no ingame screenshot, no good rating :| 2/5
How am i supposed to know if this is going to be what i need? Do i have to test it myself?
I understand that you cannot use it in world editor (any problems you might have) but ask someone else to. PM someone. Even me if you still can't upload a screenshot.
Irregardless my rating will stay so until i see some results.
Ok, this is much better. But there are still some things you can improve.
1) Make it an actual triangle, it is all weird looking right now.
2) Put a glow or something on it.
I can help you with these things if you want.
Trust me, it will look great.

w00t? questioning my modeling skills? oO i did it acording to that var's pic even tho i don't have a clue what triforce is, var liked it anyway.

it is fine like this =/

EDIT: puting more details means adding pollies =/
Level 23
Jan 25, 2008
i believe that he last posted on this... 2 pages ago... Large changes have already been made since then, like it's being approved. You don't need to go around telling people to shut up because of old comments and ancient activity. Especially when it has changed so much since then... -.-