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Tread Improvement

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Level 17
Jun 12, 2007
So like, I was at the forum. At Project Recruitment, updating my tread about a map I'm making. And then I found out the the title of the tread had nothing to do with the map anymore.

(It was Ziggurat Takeover (Epic Update) first, and it should be Ziggurat Takeover II.)

So nothing special here, nothing but a minor problem.
But would it not be a nice thing to allow people to change the name of their tread? As far as I know this is not possible. (Tried looking everywhere.)

Level 34
Jul 4, 2007
The users can't do anything about threads, moderators can. Moderators can (un)lock, recycle, move and etc. threads here and there. So just ask any moderator (or the moderator in that designated section) to change your thread title to the way you want.
Level 17
Jun 12, 2007
The users can't do anything about threads, moderators can. Moderators can (un)lock, recycle, move and etc. threads here and there. So just ask any moderator (or the moderator in that designated section) to change your thread title to the way you want.

To be honest, I think moderators have more then enough to do, if everybody keeps asking them: change name, change name!!!! They would get sick of it, I'm sure.
Just changing the name of the tread isn't a big deal that users can't do it right?
Level 34
Jul 4, 2007
To be honest, I think moderators have more then enough to do, if everybody keeps asking them: change name, change name!!!! They would get sick of it, I'm sure.
Just changing the name of the tread isn't a big deal that users can't do it right?

That calls for extreme abuse, like porn-advertisments that changes every minute or flaming.
Level 17
Jun 12, 2007
That calls for extreme abuse, like porn-advertisments that changes every minute or flaming.

You can edit those in the original message, if somebody would do that.
Besides who would but p**n ads inside a tread name, everybody will notice it and the guy that made the post could then be busted very easy.
That's what I think at least.
Flaming goes the same, if somebody sees it, he/she can report it and then poof banned goes the maker.

You can edit the context of a tread, why not it's title?
Level 14
Mar 7, 2005
Airandius said:
To be honest, I think moderators have more then enough to do, if everybody keeps asking them: change name, change name!!!! They would get sick of it, I'm sure.
No, really, changing topic titles is easy and relaxing compared to half of the other stuff mods need to deal with.
Level 14
Mar 7, 2005
We all reserve the right to ignore requests if they are retarded. We also reserve the right to punish users who do it on purpose to waste the staff's time.
Level 34
Sep 6, 2006
I've only ever had two or so people ask me to change the name of a thread. I've been a moderator for what, a year?
Level 14
Mar 7, 2005
FamousPker49 said:
But sure, it's easy to ask a moderator, but I mean what would be the harm of allowing users to change threads?
It would help as much as it would hurt. Sure, the good users can now change the titles to be more fitting, but now people can change thread names on a whim and confuse people. I know that I associate the topic of discussion in my short term memory with the thread's title. If the thread titles started changing, I would be confused as to whether it was a new topic or a changed one.

I would prefer this change not be made on account of what I have said above.
Level 14
Mar 7, 2005
I fail to see how that addresses any of the concerns I posted. It only creates a select window for both the new system's usefulness and its bothering people like me. Good job?
Level 17
Jun 12, 2007
It would help as much as it would hurt. Sure, the good users can now change the titles to be more fitting, but now people can change thread names on a whim and confuse people. I know that I associate the topic of discussion in my short term memory with the thread's title. If the thread titles started changing, I would be confused as to whether it was a new topic or a changed one.

I would prefer this change not be made on account of what I have said above.

But what if somebody makes a mistake, or w8 I have an example:
- Guy makes topic about a custom spell he made but doesn't work.
- Thread title is: My dummy wont cast all units.
- The problem get's fixed but now he encounters a new problem.
- Instead if making a new thread, he could then just change topic title to his new problem for the same spell.
- In this case this might be: Formula of Custom Spell incorrect, help?

It would not be as confusing as you might say, for as far as I know. Normal users would not change the name of the thread unless it's needed.
Only 'noob' users would change their threads to confuse people and to be honest, nobody visits them anyway. xD

That kind of stuff.
Level 14
Mar 7, 2005
Airandius said:
- The problem get's fixed but now he encounters a new problem.
- Instead if making a new thread, he could then just change topic title to his new problem for the same spell.
- In this case this might be: Formula of Custom Spell incorrect, help?
This not only messes with Void/Famous' proposition to only allow the title changes for a single day, but also doesn't make a lot of sense. If you have a new problem, there should be a new thread. That is a proper way to do it.

Airandius said:
Only 'noob' users would change their threads to confuse people and to be honest, nobody visits them anyway. xD
I predict it's the older users that are more likely to change topic titles "for the lulz" and to confuse people than the new members.
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