Transparent skins?

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Level 21
Feb 14, 2004
You'd open up the 32bit .tga.

Go to a menu where it says layers and go to load from alpha channel.

select alpha channel one. If it saYs there is no open documents with alpha channels it means the skin isnt 32bits.

Select the darkest black in the colour palette and colour the part you want to alpha out.

Save to alpha channel.
Level 21
Feb 14, 2004
Just a note - If you have any ALPHA CHANNELS , 24bits .tga will erase them if converted to .blp. This is because 24bits .tga do not have any alpha channels before conversion or after conversion. So, if you've alpha'd out anything in your skin, it will not work in the game if converted to .blp.

2. Thanks
Level 2
Aug 18, 2004
by the way in some places on some models you cant alpha out... thats how they do team color. take the sappers for example you cant take out all but one of them because they have the team colors on them. on one of the dudes backback theres a team colored super man symbol... if you alpha'ed out the REST of his backpack it would be a team colored box. but theres some places where you can take stuff out.
Level 21
Jul 3, 2004
Ok thx sopho I think my problme was I seve my skins in .bmp with photoshop. I will try tga.

ahhh !!!!!!

It desn't work !! cause when I alpha out the wings of mannoroth and then I save in .tga (24 or 32), I see the wings on the w3 viewer preview ! In .bmp, the alpha out work ( I dont see the wings BUT in the game I dont see the model, just the team color !
plz can some1 help meeee !!?
If u dont understand my creepy english, said me.
Level 21
Feb 14, 2004
Probably alpha channel problems. I've gone far enough, since I don't have the knowledge for alpha as well, I can't help you on this one for now.

But... It will work if any part of the skin is not alpha'd out or the alpha channels have no been tempered with. Just do 24bits .tga as I said, with opaque alpha channel added via WC3 Viewer.
The part you alpha'd out, as I said will not work.
Level 2
Aug 18, 2004
whats the point? alpha-ing realy isnt that hard man at least in adobe it isnt... just click on the channels tab click on the alpha channel then click on the little square next to the RGB channel so you can see what your alpha-ing out black= alpha out white= leave alone, very simple man, very simple :wink:
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