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ToS Presea Combatir Model

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Level 6
Feb 6, 2008
I know people out there make AoSs, RPGs, and whatnot with anime and game characters, and I was thinking... "who wouldn't want a Presea Combatir model?" plus, i'm planning on adding her to a DotA map I was making. I don't have much done, but I can take a screenshot of what i have so far. It might not be a good idea to upload, because all I have are some doodads and units placed , and a text document filled with custom heroes and their skills. I haven't programmed triggers and stuff, beacause i'm in the process of learning Jass. Progress so far isn't going too fast, but as soon as my SATs and stuff are over, it'll speed up a bit, especially in the summer. So, I know i only have 1 rep, but i'm hoping someone will make these Presea Combatir models, not just for me, but for the HW community and other Tales of Symphonia fans.

The task is simply to make either or both models. The difference between the two models is simply the weapon, so i don't suppose it's too hard to make the other if you already made one.

One model is of Presea with an axe, holding it with both hands. She's right handed, so i suppose her right hand should be higher up the handle than her left hand. The axe should look like the one in the picture, and yes, the axe is almost as big as her. Appearance wise, she's 12 years old, so if you can, try to estimate the size based on that.


The second model is basically the same as the first, except wielding the Pow Hammer DX

Pow Hammer DX.PNG

Also, if you want, you can see her using the hammer here:

For both the attack animation should be a down-left-ward swing, sort of a / motion, and she should look nearly effortless swinging the axe/hammer, because she is extremely strong.

If there are any questions, feel free to ask. I will check back as often as possible for any modelers' convenience.

There's no deadline, really, and if you're going to do this, please try to do it well. I would rather have a good model later, than to have a rushed poor-quality model right away.

If this model is already hosted somewhere, please tell me where. I've googled for Warcraft 3 models, Presea WC3 models, Tales of Symphonia WC3 models, etc. and i haven't found it. I've searched through the model sites i know, and didn't find any of Presea. If someone finds a Presea model, I'll note the site so that i will be sure to check that site too before making future requests.
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Level 34
Jul 4, 2007
Can't you guys ever stop making lame wannabe-DoTA makers? -,-

You are making it only worse.

And something else... Well... Third reason.. Uhm..

[/off-topic off]

Level 6
Feb 6, 2008
Can't you guys ever stop making lame wannabe-DoTA makers? -,-

You are making it only worse.

And something else... Well... Third reason.. Uhm..

[/off-topic off]


no offense to you, but your attitude in this post somewhat pisses me off.

first off, how can you make that kind of judgement? You don't even have a single piece of evidence to show that i make crappy maps. I haven't even completed a map yet, so how can you assume that my dota will be crappy? There are some words in the english language you should learn, for example: edit, change, version, update, etc. if maps only ever released one version, DotA AllStars would be pretty crappy, instead of the extremely well made map it is today. DotA AllStars isn't the only good DotA style map either. There are other great maps that include different concepts, like Castle Siege and its horizontally aligned map, and Battle Tanks where you can do quests and change tanks in mid-game.

And your next statement. Only making things worse? Since when was creating maps ever making things worse? Even if the map turns out bad, a fellow map-maker has learned skills and lessons in making maps, and will try again to make a good map. On top of that, Presea is not from my imagination, meaning others are able to see a picture or model of her and know or find out exactly who she is. Making this model will definately be of use to not only me, but others as well. I personally have some friends in university right now. They are fans of the Tales games and they play WC3 a lot. Like i said, I definately will not be the only one benefiting from the availability of a Presea model.

I do appreciate your concern that many people make crappy maps (including DotAs) and use them as an excuse to get models. However, if you believe I am the one at fault here and would like to turn this into an arguement, then take it to the PMs. This thread is not for arguing, but for this request, related questions, polite comments, and clarifications. if you are willing to take this in a more polite manner, then feel free to discuss what I have written in this post.
Level 6
Feb 6, 2008
I completly agree. he has no proof. so he shouldnt be flaming here. It is a wierd pic of her though on your request i posted on just as beat me to it. lol. But still. your right.

Which pic? the first or the second?

The first was the only pic i could find that showed her from multiple angles, and I chose it simply because it'd make the modeling job a whole lot easier (i hope).

The second was the only pic i could find of her and the Pow Hammer DX
Level 3
Aug 24, 2007
Divine isn't really flaming hes just saying that hes sick of people who make DotA rip offs and he never said your map was crap (probably your subconscious putting that in). If you want any models your going to need to provide screenshots of your map along with what its about + features in order to prove your serious about the map.
Level 6
Feb 6, 2008
no actually the first pic is a great one for someone who actually uses ref pictures...

if i get free time i might try this...
and i'd do it from scratch so i'm wondering, is there any size limit you wanna keep it under?

I've never really had much experience in using models in game, so i really don't know what size it should be. I guess just keep it so that it's useable in game without lag? maybe the limit should be somewhere around 500 or 600 KB? Like i said, i lack experience to know ^.^;

Divine isn't really flaming hes just saying that hes sick of people who make DotA rip offs and he never said your map was crap (probably your subconscious putting that in). If you want any models your going to need to provide screenshots of your map along with what its about + features in order to prove your serious about the map.

ok. i'll try to get some in as soon as can. I've still got SATs to worry about until the school year ends, so i need to work out my schedule carefully.
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Level 6
Feb 6, 2008
I'm taking one of my SATs this saturday, so as soon as the test is over, i'll have time to deal with my map and stuff. For now, here's some screenshots of what i've done so far. keep in mind i just started map making pretty recently, i have a lot of things to learn.

DotA EW Heroes List.png
These are most of the heroes i will be including in the first release. I have yet to design a few more and pick out a temporary model. The circles of power represent heroes in which World Editor has no similar models. Some of the heroes have been given temporary models only for the sake of testing.

DotA EW Sentinel Tavern.png
This is the layout of the Taverns and the Shop/Fountain area. I haven't decided what units/buildings will be the shops, but there will be 2-4 shops and 3-5 recipe shops. There might be a shop for quest items and recipes.
I might try to incorporate mini-quests. There will be simple quests like: collect 8 blue crystals for a reward, deliver a package and bring back a reply note, etc. There will be more difficult quests, for example: fighting off an army of creep that are immune to spells to protect a little girl, getting tricked and poisoned by an old witch NPC and then seeking the antidote from a cleric NPC who requires you to go to certain areas in the map to get materials, etc. There will also be quests that require a loss, for example spending money to buy quest-only items, or getting silenced for a few minutes in order to complete the quest.

DotA EW Ancient Creeps.png
I did get this idea from DotA AllStars, which was a Roshan-like powerful Ancient Creep (immune to spells and possibly other stuff?) except i decided to have 2 kinds in two different spots on the map. In each of the two locations, one of the two will be randomly chosen to spawn for each. It will be done in independent probability, where the outcome of one will not affect the other. This means if one spot spawns the Ice Infernal, the other could still spawn either one. Then 2-3 minutes after killing one, it will be replaced by another randomly chosen one.

They will be extremely hard to kill, much harder than DotA Allstars's Roshan. The Fire Golem (ShadowInfernal model) has a 5% chance to drop a Blazing Infernal Gauntlet which super-powers damage, nullifies all move speed modifiers from items, and drops upon death. The Ice Golem (Ice Infernal model) has a 5% chance to drop a Freezing Infernal Battle Armor which adds an extremely high amount of hp but also nullifies all move speed modifiers from items, and drops upon death. Both of these items will stack, but they will be rare drops at a 5% drop rate (1 out of 20) and since the spawns are random it will be even harder. Both also have a 10% chance to drop a one time use item depending on the killing hero's primary attribute. Strength will drop a super hp healing item, Agility will drop an infinite range instantaneous teleport to a currently-visible area, Intelligence will drop a super mp healing item. Also, to make killing them worth the while, they will 85% of the time drop a one-time revival item, always reward money, and always give exp. In any single killing, the Ancient creep will only drop one item.

In my DotA, I will be introducing a new concept. I say introducing mainly because I have never seen a DotA map with this idea. Some of the skills are slightly lacking in... useful-ness, but have extra benifits when used with specific heroes - synergies, as I call it, with other certain heroes. I won't go into detail with examples, because I'd like to have some surprises in store when the first release comes out. =D

My text document is already super long. It notes each hero's character name, unit name, primary stat, unit model, and its skills. For each skill, it tells all the basic statistics of the spell, like cooldown, manacost, range, whether it is autocastable, targeting details (terrain targeting AoE, creep only, heroes only, allies only, enemies only, linear AoE, triangular AoE, etc.), damage, and it clearly notes any increases and changes per level. Some characters have a miniature bio, tool.

See? i've given it quite a lot of thought, work, and planning. ^.^

As soon as I have time, I will continue to learn Jass from here and here. After reading a portion of each, I think both of the authors deserve some extra rep for being really well written, but i'm sorry to say i can't rep yet. >.< I'm not saying that none of the other tutorials here on Jass are good, i just haven't the time to look through.
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Level 6
Feb 6, 2008
Its AoS not DotA's... -.-
AoS is a genre for maps like Defence of the Ancients(DotA), Desert of Exile (Doe), Age of Myths and aotz...

oookay..... thank you for sharing that? :D

I used DotA just because I see the the term DotA a lot more often than AoS (I'm not even sure what AoS stands for. something of Strife, i think?). I've never been good at naming genres, whether it's books, movies, games, or anything else.

Edit: ok, lol. I just found out that AoS stood for Aeon of Strife.
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Level 6
Feb 6, 2008
I've managed to get some work done since my last post. I now have 74 heroes made, and i've added a lot of numbers and values to skills.

If anyone asks, i'd be willing to post up a few. Just take a look at the first screenshot in my post on Feb. 25, pick out one of the models, and i'll post some details.

When I finally learn what I need in order to program in skills, I'll jump right on it.
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