kids, always indent your stuff. I have quoted your post and it is total hell, but if you have made spaces or tabs similarily to how it is done in coding, you wouldn't have such a problem.
Take a look at this(taken from, even if I quote the thread/edit it, it still holds the spaces and this is how the changelog looks like:
[hidden="version 1.1"]
[*]Changed the behaviour of how the ChatModeString is filled. It was kind of glitched and included trailing and leading spaces("-what ever -what" would output " ever " instead of "ever"). This is now fixed
[*] Accordingly to the previous mentioned change, I changed the camera example, because the call to [icode=jass]RemoveStartingSpaces[/icode] is no longer needed
[*]Optimized the loop quite a bit
[*]Delimiter that is used is now configurable, instead of hardcoded to "-"
[*]New functions:
[*][icode=jass]SetChatModeDelimiter takes string newDelimiter returns nothing[/icode]
[*][icode=jass]GetChatModeDelimiter takes nothing returns string[/icode]
[*]New methods:
[*][icode=jass]static method operator delimiter takes nothing returns string[/icode]
[*][icode=jass]static method operator delimiter= takes string newDelimiter returns nothing[/icode]
[*] Added the forgotten function [icode=jass]RemoveModeString[/icode] to the API
[hidden="version 1.0"]
[*]initial release
You can see what is attached to what, because it is tabbed out. If you have hard time seeing, just open notepad and copy it there, tab it out(I used 2 spaces instead of tab, so it was actually harder to create)
Edit: As I see, you must quote my post to see how it looks because its within [plain][/plain] block