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Tomb of the Dragon


CURRENT VERSION: 1.66f (1/4/2024) HOTFIX

Tomb of the Dragon is a dungeon crawler RPG map built as a "reforged Tomb of Jarachon". Use teamwork to complete 10 stages of increasingly difficult dungeons.

Up your stats and collect all the courier skins
Item and item stats are rolled on drop, no 2 items will be the same.

--The Features-----
-15 completely unique and diverse stages, each with their own Boss and quests.
-Codeless save and load. Saves your player account, stash items, courier skins, achievements, equipment, and more.
-Items are randomized on drop, Diablo 2 style, where
no two items will ever be the same.
-Loot is give on a per player basis.
No other player in the game can see your loot. It's yours.
45 courier skins to find and/or unlock. From rare, to legendary couriers, each having unique drop rates.
Private stash in town. Save items between levels and games.
-In-depth stat system.
Completely customize your hero with stat points gained each level.
-11 Ability modifiers per hero. Further customize your hero's abilities with passive and active modifiers.
-Team-based gameplay. Many Bosses cannot be defeated alone, lending aid to having a healer, tank, dps, cc, etc in a diverse party.
-Puzzles integrated into stages. Many of the
stages have puzzles to solve to complete the stage.
-Randomized modifiers on enemies.
All enemies can spawn with random modifiers and abilities - such as [Rich], [Ironskin], etc.
Party UI. All your party members data can be see on your screen, from their health, level, class, to which and how many pets they control.
-Pet AI. No more micro-managing your pets/summons. All this is done with an intuitive AI.
-Walk-in-able buildings. All buildings can be entered into seamlessly, without transporting you to a separate area.
-Custom lighting and fog. Caves are dark and dreary, deserts are sandy and bleak. All this adds to the atmosphere of each stage.
-Boss AI. Each Boss is a custom-coded fight that includes abilities, ultimate's to watch out for, and lots of fun mobs to trash.

-Completely custom item drop system. Each player can increase their drop rate. Chests can drop from monsters that can have multiple items in each.
-Completely customized stat system. Change everything from critical hit rate, to critical multiplier, Wisdom per level. Nearly unlimited combinations.

-Lives system. Start with a set number of lives. Purchase more in town. Choose from 3 difficulty settings that modify monster toughness.
-Lots, lots more.

Music and Sounds - Diablo 2, FF9, FF7, Metal Gear Solid, Sonic, Legend of Zelda OoT
Various doodads such as grass pulled from the Ultimate Terraining Map, but I don't think I even used them.


TotD RPG v1.66f (Map)

Changes made, map approved :)
Level 35
Feb 5, 2009
This is a bit of a strange one. There's a lot that's rather complex about the playstyle that throws you into the deep end, and there's not a whole lot of time for managing items and purchase in between levels. The mechanics seem fine for the most part, although there is a lot to get the hang of from the start.

The map description is very lacking - while there is a lot of information in the preview picture provided, I would like to see the map's description more fleshed out in the written component. There is also some discrepancy regarding the name of the map's creator, although I do notice that your profile says you use the name "Kilix" on US East. All the same, I would like to see a bit more evidence, if possible, of your work on this project as I have heard that you have uploaded resources that weren't your own before? I have no doubt that someone capable of making a map with these kinds of systems and mechanics would be more than capable of doing that.

Until then, this will be set to "Awaiting update".
Level 9
Jul 15, 2005
Yes, I did make the map. From scratch. If you notice - this account I’m using was created in 2005. 16 years ago.

As for the uploading resources that aren’t mine part, I’m assuming you’re referencing a troll comment from 2008. I’m not sure how you want me to verify I’m the sole creator. I don’t want to make a new hive username as this one has 16 years seniority. I can post screenshots of the 50 or so versions as the map has morphed from the original idea to what it is now?

I can change the load screen? I’m not sure what you are looking for.

In regard to the game mechanics, I’m working on making it a little more “new guy” friendly. You’re right, there is a lot going on in the beginning if you have never played before. I may have to introduce mechanics slower.

When I have a little extra time, I can update the maps description. No worries there.

Level 35
Feb 5, 2009
Yeah, I just had to verify based on some other map reviewers.

Something else I forgot to mention (that I should have mentioned in the review) is there was request for a credit list. But if everything is made from scratch and, as far as I can tell, there were no imports... I think it would be a very short credit list, so that should actually be fine. Although I did notice some sound bytes from other games - those may need a mention.
Level 9
Jul 15, 2005
Update description based on review
Yeah, I just had to verify based on some other map reviewers.

Something else I forgot to mention (that I should have mentioned in the review) is there was request for a credit list. But if everything is made from scratch and, as far as I can tell, there were no imports... I think it would be a very short credit list, so that should actually be fine. Although I did notice some sound bytes from other games - those may need a mention.
Updated description based on review
Level 1
Dec 14, 2021
Very good and interesting map. Thx u for this work.
But i don't understand how work save/load system. What need to do to save the progress?
Level 24
Jul 26, 2008
Hey KiliX, played this with you last night (you were necro, i was mystic). Just wanted to comment and say this entire map experience was fantastic. Highlights were the great music, the animation movement between maps (when the map of the next chapter opens up before us), as well as the details to each specific map, like the spider boss crossing the screen as we venture forward, or the lava rising and falling in the Balrog's boss fight lair.

Just wanted to say though, in the version we played (.G, not the current hive version) my game crashed when I tabbed out while sitting in the "ready" circle for the next chapter. I also crashed in the current hive version (.F) when tabbing out too, but i think i already mentioned that to you ingame.
Level 9
Jul 15, 2005
Hey KiliX, played this with you last night (you were necro, i was mystic). Just wanted to comment and say this entire map experience was fantastic. Highlights were the great music, the animation movement between maps (when the map of the next chapter opens up before us), as well as the details to each specific map, like the spider boss crossing the screen as we venture forward, or the lava rising and falling in the Balrog's boss fight lair.

Just wanted to say though, in the version we played (.G, not the current hive version) my game crashed when I tabbed out while sitting in the "ready" circle for the next chapter. I also crashed in the current hive version (.F) when tabbing out too, but i think i already mentioned that to you ingame.
Yeah, I figured that's what happened.

I've FINALLY fixed the tab-out desync, and will be updated in the next version. I tested it multiple times on different resolutions and can confirm it has been fixed.

Feel free to add me on bnet or join the discord, so you can jump in on future tests.

Level 4
Jun 4, 2019
Played it today with my buddy, we used Version v1.01f so maybe some points are out of date.

  • The overall look from every single map is just fantastic, there are so many cool ideas, we never got bored (I could tell so many things we liked but i prefer to remain vague to prevent spoilers)
  • The extended UI Features are well placed and supports the overview (maybe you can add the feature, that if you click on a friend hero portrait, you jump to him)
  • The stage system is really nice and the great thing about it is that you could expand it endlessly (also random stages with random events)
  • Passive abilites system: We liked the fact you could add effects to existing spells
  • The start is really overwhelming, maybe you can change stage 1 and 2, so the players have enough time to get the systems
  • In the beginning the Items System was bit confusing but in the end we could handle it. Currently (or mostly) the bag holds one item, so it does not bring much added value in comparison to directly drop the item
  • We received 3 item types: Armor, Trinket, Weapon Mod + Potion -> there are always 2 item spots not filled but maybe we missed something otherwise you could add some more item types
  • The are a lot of item/hero states/attributes but they are mostly to close to each other. Let me give an example: You can increase your HP with Constituion, Endurance, Fortitude and at least pure Strength. Pure strength gives the same in the end like endurance but additional a scaling and dmg. It would be nicer if the talents felt more unique, or at least more distinct.
  • In most games, there is a way to increase your spells, we just found the passive abilitie system but there was no other way to increase your spells. Would be way more motivating, if there is any chance to increase the power of your own spells (maybe a tomes system)
  • Please give some camera controll (maybe you can add the cam slider function from the UI Template: UI Template)
  • In the end, the entire game revolves around your hero, but this is where the biggest weakness lies, the spells. Most of them are pure basic spells and you dont have to do anything while the fights. I'll take my hero the paladin as example:
  1. the Paladin heal is way to weak, the heal pots are in compare completly overtuned
  2. blessing of thunder is just a passiv spell, that you press every 30 seconds
  3. blessing of justice is also a passiv but that is even only a autocast spell
  4. so in the end they only "active" spell from the paladin is thunder clap
  • I am not sure if this is intentional but I played a paladin and my friend a warlock and when he uses his shield, every positiv buff will be removed (like from the paladin) and you cant reply a postiv buff as long as the shield is active ("The unit is magic immune"). That felt weird and mostly he didnt used his shield.
  • Holy Protection: This passive revives any hero with 100% life (according to the description it should be 10%) from this point on we no longer had to fear death:grin:
  • Blessing of Justice: You receive 20% strength but if you die with the buff u still have the same amount of str (no reset of str) and if you use the spell again you gain additional 20% strength (you can easy reproduce the bug if die with blessing and rebuff yourself over and over again)
  • Attributes: There are some bugs with the attributes str, agi and int. It looks like there is some weird calculating, I had some str items + points in strength talent (according to tooltip +53 str) but my hero just had 13 str :ugly: I also lost over 50% of my str after I pressed "select all" for the items
  • Necro skeletts spawned outside the ship (and overall hes fucked because of no corpse)
  • I had 7% chance for crit but every hit was a crit

That so far, I hope you can do something with my feedback and ty for this handsome map we will play it again with other classes and higher difficult !
Level 9
Jul 15, 2005
  • I am not sure if this is intentional but I played a paladin and my friend a warlock and when he uses his shield, every positiv buff will be removed (like from the paladin) and you cant reply a postiv buff as long as the shield is active ("The unit is magic immune"). That felt weird and mostly he didnt used his shield.
  • Holy Protection: This passive revives any hero with 100% life (according to the description it should be 10%) from this point on we no longer had to fear death:grin:
  • Blessing of Justice: You receive 20% strength but if you die with the buff u still have the same amount of str (no reset of str) and if you use the spell again you gain additional 20% strength (you can easy reproduce the bug if die with blessing and rebuff yourself over and over again)
  • Attributes: There are some bugs with the attributes str, agi and int. It looks like there is some weird calculating, I had some str items + points in strength talent (according to tooltip +53 str) but my hero just had 13 str :ugly: I also lost over 50% of my str after I pressed "select all" for the items
  • Necro skeletts spawned outside the ship (and overall hes fucked because of no corpse)
  • I had 7% chance for crit but every hit was a crit
Thank you for your feedback, much appreciated.

-Somewhere between F and H, I reworked how item bonuses were calculated, which should fix the permanent loss of STR, and the 'take all' bugs.
-I'll address the necro shield bug, didn't know it was an issue.
-I'm in the process of reworking Paladin and Necro (the two most passive classes)
-Necro's amplify damage increases crit chance by 70% on enemies, so maybe that's why you were critting so much
-I'm not sure if you noticed, but spell damage is based on your attributes. The tooltip automatically updates with the new damage numbers. Blue text is Int based, Red is Str based, etc..

Some other notes:

-Your additional slots can be filled with items such as Necro's "soulstone", etc.
-I will definitely be nerfing potions, they are very strong ATM

Again, thank you for your feedback, I'm glad you enjoyed the map.
Level 9
Jul 15, 2005
SO: Massive Update, I'm sure I'm missing a lot here: 1.01o

  • Completely refreshed all classes abilities and passives
  • New passive and talent system
  • Option to play randomized stages
  • Lives are shared as a team now
  • Made normal mode more difficult
  • Tweaked unique spawns on level 1, as they were very hard
  • Added option to pick hero skins at start
  • Added option to repick hero at start
  • Ranger new mounts
  • Necro new golems
  • Dragoon abilities reworked
  • Mystic abilties reworked
  • New UI buttons (still under construction)
  • Hopefully the last of the desync's patched
  • New crit SFX
-Many, many more bug fixes, additions, etc
Level 4
Dec 16, 2003
Hi there!

Me and my friend loved Tomb of Jarachon and where really really excited to try this out. Unfortunately my friend can't play it, everytime he tries to join the lobby he instantly gets kicked out. This does not happen with any other map we play. Have you encountered this before and know a fix?
Level 24
Jul 26, 2008
Hi there!

Me and my friend loved Tomb of Jarachon and where really really excited to try this out. Unfortunately my friend can't play it, everytime he tries to join the lobby he instantly gets kicked out. This does not happen with any other map we play. Have you encountered this before and know a fix?
This happened to my friend who did not own Reforged. S(i)n's map requires reforged to play.
Level 9
Jul 15, 2005
Update 1.10a
-Random destructibles every stage, can drop might, dex, vit.. basically all stat potions. And crafting materials
-Item crafting. Missing or have a low level in one of your slots? Craft an item with materials.
-Paladin has 2 new abilities
-Necro has 2 new abilities
-Enemies now have further involved AI, can ambush, change targets, etc
-All enemies hp/dam/arm/abilities tweaked to better fit game difficulty
-Scaling enemies based on stage and player count
-Hold down right mouse button and hero will follow your mouse.
-Reworked how item stats were rolled on drop
-Reworked a few Ranger abilities
-New stat system, your attributes are now Might, Dexterity, Wisdom, Vitality, Energy. Goes with new stat UI
-Two additional stages added in the stage rotation (random)
-Added a few new optional quests for existing stages
-Reworked a few of the stage terrains to make them flow a bit better
-A few new chat commands, such as -roll, -lock
-Swapped stage 1 and 2 for normal stage mode
-Many other small changes and fixes based on suggestions in the discord
Level 9
Jul 15, 2005
Update 1.10g
Fixed a bug where items would roll with no prefix
Potentially fixed crash on load
Added ambient BG sound tones to all areas
Added player xp bar, saves player level, xp, and courier type - codeless saving and loading
You gain player XP by leveling up and completing stages and quests, max level 99
Changed load screen to address common questions
Added 3 new item couriers, 2 legendary, 1 rare New boss hp bar and percent life text
Text next to player name on UI showing account level
Each account level grants you 1 account point to spend in town, permanent buffs to your hero
May have fixed the crash on load for the 439049834-2th time
Still tweaking mouse movement Fixed a bug where crafting would sometimes not give you an item
Increased drop chance of crafting material from breakables
Got rid of a lot of the random gaming music, for music that fit the game better. Also decreased music volume
Next version will focus on hero ability tweaks and remake
Level 9
Jul 15, 2005
Please make a proper credits list from: Resources in use by Tomb of the Dragon
Simply linking to this isn't being nice to those who spent time making those lovely resources.
I have very limited time. I would love to go through all 11 pages of that and created a detailed list, but at the same time I also want to improve the map, thus the community in return. Not sure how to handle that.


Map Reviewer
Level 71
Jun 4, 2009
I have very limited time. I would love to go through all 11 pages of that and created a detailed list, but at the same time I also want to improve the map, thus the community in return. Not sure how to handle that.
It won't take long to at least credit the resource maker names, few minutes, tops.

Please use the yellow Edit button at the bottom of your posts and add text there instead of writing one post after another of yours unless it's an important update.
Level 9
Jul 15, 2005
Massive Update 1.10i:

Increased Rain of Fire aoe from 375 to 800
Skeletons now match the armor rating of the necro
Increased damage per tick of Reave
Fixed a bug where you could explode hero corpses, preventing them from respawning
Increased skeletal mage duration from 2 minutes to 5

Increased all summon damage and scaling
Standardized summon health to scale with vitality
Increased True summoner max summons to 3 from 2
Changed Revitalize to not be based on heal, was conflicting with shiva heal
Invigoration will now apply powersurge buff if passive has been chosen
New ability, Fervor, single target damage and redirects summons
Harmony increased cooldown from 18s to 23s
Lowered cooldown of timewarp from 15 seconds to 10
Fixed an issue where timewarp was not triggering
Added various buffs etc. to wings abilities and updated the tooltips
Increased xp chance of 'wisdom' passive from 55 to 70
Added new ability - mind blast - single target DoT
Buffed Shiva heal to 50% max hp
Some abilities manacost now scale with max mp

Upgraded blaze gives max speed bonus
Changed upgrade flame nova cooldown from 0 to 1 second
Lowered level requirement for ice and arcane magic to 10
Frozen orb now requires both ice mastery and icestorm, as well as level 10
Static ability replaced with lightning nova - deals damage based on current mana

Reworked + added new paladin auras, can now swap between 6 different auras
Heroism passive now allows you to have 2 active auras at once
Blessing of justice can now be cast on enemy units. Any unit that attacks the blessed enemy regains health

Fixed an issue in bear form where armor rating bonus was not showing on stat page
Fixed bear form tooltip showing incorrect cleave and bonuses

Swapped cleave passive for new ability - parry
Fixed a bug where jump would not go on cooldown

All stages now give a default account xp bonus in addition to stage score bonus - (100 * currentStage) + levelScore
Forest Temple - Removed invul on Yggdrasil when he moves locations
Forest Temple - Added a few more enemies
Forest Temple - Fixed a bug in quest where switches would get.. switched
Forest Temple - Removed invul on Cave Lizard fight
Under the Sea - Spiked shell ability removed from all turtle creeps
New stage - Siegebreaker -- accessed by defeating the hydra quest on Tomb of the Balrog
New stage - Laketown -- accessed by completing the seigebreaker stage
Underground Pass - adjusted mushroom positions so some were more visible

New random creep modifier - Thorns
Damage meter now shows last dps done instead of 0'ing out
Loot Chest art has now been changed to a random of 3 different kinds of "bones" the glow has been re-added
Creep modifiers no longer persist as SFX after the unit has already died (fire enchanted, ice enchanted, poison enchanted, etc)
Ice, fire, and poison modifiers also have a chance to spawn with damage adjusted abilities
Adjusted hard and hardcore difficulties
Savecode now saves difficulty completions and your camera lock status
Added a few new hero skins to character select
Fixed a bug where crafting and boss loot would sometimes give no item at all
Level 9
Jul 15, 2005
Update 1.01c - This will be my last update for a few weeks or so. This version seems pretty stable and the softlocks have been removed. Barring any major issue, I'm going to work on fixing hero abilities for next version.

-Courier Compendium has been added. Once you aquire a courier skin, you can change to it at any time. This saves with your account.
-Some courier skins are significantly more rare than others. Try to collect them all.
-Couriers no longer have different invetory size per rarity. You can upgrade your courier inventory permanently for a price in town.
-Added 8 new courier skins
-Added courier skin drops to many of the bosses and unique spawns
-Unique creeps have their droprate increased by a factor of 10
-Every stage has a chance to spawn up to 2 uniques, in addition to the standard uniques in that stage.
-Camera lock option has been added to account save, will remember your camera lock status every time you load the map
-Re-did the buttons for quests, damage meter, stats, compendium, etc. Icons look nicer.
-Fixed a softlock on Laketown stage, where key wouldn't do anything
-Fixed an issue where Stage 9 would gameover because of stage 8 killing the objective after the level was overwith
-Fixed a few of paladin's auras that were not working correctly. Maybe.
Level 9
Jul 15, 2005
Update: 1.21
Changed and standardized quests and xp rewards for various stages
Removed quest rewards that pointed towards specific stages
Altered and updated the 'tomb of the dragon fight' - the final boss stage. Now takes place in space
"in order" stage mode has been removed, can now do random or semi-random
Fixed a bug where random heroes would end up with dark mage transform ability
Fixed a bug where you couldn't properly purchase courier skins from the merchant
Added an additional stage- Gargant Factory
Added an additional stage- Catacombs
Added 2 new towns. Towns are now chosen at random, and change after stage 3 and stage 7
Added sparkle effects to all dungeon levers, so they are easier to see
Removed duplicate stage bug
Removed Magic Immunity roll for Bosses
Added "Regen" roll for modifiers
Added "Teleporting" roll for modifiers
Enemies can now roll up to 4 modifiers instead of 3
Added "Duplicating" roll for modifiers
Replaced various sound effects that did not fit the theme
Added all chat to chat system
Increased hard and hardcore difficulty
Forest temple glaives now despawn when green switch is activated

Added Freezing arrow ability
Added Exploding arrow ability
Removed bolos ability
Level 9
Jul 15, 2005
Update 1.22 (Last update for a few weeks)
Increased cost of gamble
increased cost of purchasing lives
decreased cost of purchasing account xp
Paladin hammer of midas passive now also reduces channel time of blessed field
Paladin hammer of midas ability now also doubles the damage of divine smite damage/heal
Fixed a few of necromancer passive tooltips that still stated intelligence instead of wisdom
Duplicate modifier for creeps now has increased cooldown and only spawns 2 images instead of 3
Removed some of the SFX for the Rei boss fight to make it less chaotic and more visible
Fixed an issue where hardcore difficulty completion was not saving correctly
Higher difficulties now offer more account XP
Higher difficulty monster rolls are now much stronger
Level 2
May 18, 2022
Excuse me, I'm a Chinese player. I translated this with translation software.So there may be some grammatical errors or inaccuracies.
I may need a button to turn off this terrible font.Translation software can correctly translate normal texts, but they can't correctly identify this artistic font. This makes it difficult for me to continue the game, and a lot of texts need to be typed manually to be translated.
So I hope I can have a button to set the font, and the normal font plus translation software can make my friends and I play games more smoothly.
Level 9
Jul 15, 2005
Excuse me, I'm a Chinese player. I translated this with translation software.So there may be some grammatical errors or inaccuracies.
I may need a button to turn off this terrible font.Translation software can correctly translate normal texts, but they can't correctly identify this artistic font. This makes it difficult for me to continue the game, and a lot of texts need to be typed manually to be translated.
So I hope I can have a button to set the font, and the normal font plus translation software can make my friends and I play games more smoothly.
I have no plans to change the font in the near future. The font is not only used as a game font, but also as the font on many, many textures in game as well as background textures. This would require me changing/reworking a lot of assets.
Level 9
Jul 15, 2005
Update 1.30
MAJOR CHANGE-New class - the Samurai. The Samurai is a very complex hero that requires you to complete the game on normal before you can pick him
MAJOR CHANGE-Dragoon Class overhauled. New models, new abilities
MAJOR CHANGE-Stash items save! finally. Found an incredible item? throw it in your stash to transfer it between games
MAJOR CHANGE-Crafting Materials now save to your account and are no longer a physical item in game
MAJOR CHANGE-Achievements are now accessible in town via the achievement guy. These save with your account

-Added ability to sell single items from courier
-Added destructible kills, potions drank, spells cast to -stats command
-Fixed 3 of the paladin auras that were not working as intended.
-Altered the requirements for additional skins at hero select
-Fixed a bug where life steal was not applying to some spells
-Hopefully fixed a bug where, in rare instances, your hero would crit on every attack
-Added additional debug tools
-Further increased the difficulty of hard and hardcore
-Creep Modifiers now scale with difficulty and players currently in the game
-Fixed an issue where w3mapskin.txt got corrupted and gold, skill points, etc. were not displaying correctly for the past few versions
-Added additional text to hero pick intro and changed the camera movement
-Increased load speed for hero pick
-Fixed an issue where player stash was not moving between towns
-Adjusted Golden Coast level so that spawns will now attack from both sides of the defend objective
-Increased BOSS unit HP overall
-Changed BOSS warning model for its attacks to hopefully make it more visible what is about to happen
-Added boss spell indicators where there were none before - more to come
-Added ability indicators to bone angel and nitemare boss fights.
-Stat potions are now automatically used once picked up by hero units
-Soulstones can now be stacked up to 99
-Rangers exploding arrow now increases AoE with higher dexterity
-Crafting Materials are now stored as a currency type and no longer have to be physically in your inventory
-Potions now drop according to creep level instead of randomly - does not apply to destructibles
-Fixed an issue where water color and alpha would bug out when certain towns were random'd
-Changed dragoon models to more dragoon-like. Also changed up her abilities. Can now switch from ranged/melee abilities
-A few new dragoon abilities - fend, lightning fury, etc.
-Adjusted the way RNG works, so rolling the same stages multiple games in a row should cease
-Your hero is now automatically selected for you after you revive from a death
-A sound is played when a player links an item in chat
Level 3
May 27, 2013
The game is cool from a technical stand point but my main issue is - and this could be me playing it with too small of a party - is how big some bosses are and how much damage they deal. On the first level, the murloc, killed me 4 times as the valk with 25? vit (800 hp) which was almost every point into vit from lvl 1 (not all, i think i did 15 vit and 10 might) and i was still dying several times while standing in mid. The other players who hadn't put any points into anything were dying faster.
Afterwards we're doing the green lever lizzard - he hit for 380 damage and killed me in 3 hits with 991 hp.
It isn't really clear - to me - if the tank is supposed to ONLY put points into vit and not do anything else, but if that is the case, why even give me stat points? Just put all my points into vit by default so i don't get excited about a stat system.
Otherwise, I found the item system somewhat confusing as well - was trying to pick up murloc eggs and chracter kept saying 'not enough inventory', but other times my pet would properly navigate and pick it up.
All in all, the UI/gfx/music/tech - 10/10.
gameplay, 6/10, at least as a group of 3. It's possible the game just doesn't scale for 3 and we were wasting our time, though.
anyways, we lost to the green lizard, he was almost dead but the combat system leaves a lot to be desired IMO, having a game feel so diablo inspired but not being able to either spam potions or tank more than one hit made it feel more like a hardcore punishing rogue-like with diablo music.
Level 9
Jul 15, 2005
The game is cool from a technical stand point but my main issue is - and this could be me playing it with too small of a party - is how big some bosses are and how much damage they deal. On the first level, the murloc, killed me 4 times as the valk with 25? vit (800 hp) which was almost every point into vit from lvl 1 (not all, i think i did 15 vit and 10 might) and i was still dying several times while standing in mid. The other players who hadn't put any points into anything were dying faster.
Afterwards we're doing the green lever lizzard - he hit for 380 damage and killed me in 3 hits with 991 hp.
It isn't really clear - to me - if the tank is supposed to ONLY put points into vit and not do anything else, but if that is the case, why even give me stat points? Just put all my points into vit by default so i don't get excited about a stat system.
Otherwise, I found the item system somewhat confusing as well - was trying to pick up murloc eggs and chracter kept saying 'not enough inventory', but other times my pet would properly navigate and pick it up.
All in all, the UI/gfx/music/tech - 10/10.
gameplay, 6/10, at least as a group of 3. It's possible the game just doesn't scale for 3 and we were wasting our time, though.
anyways, we lost to the green lizard, he was almost dead but the combat system leaves a lot to be desired IMO, having a game feel so diablo inspired but not being able to either spam potions or tank more than one hit made it feel more like a hardcore punishing rogue-like with diablo music.
You have some valid points for sure.

Typically, if no one is loading an account, a mystic is almost mandatory. His AoE and single target heals will help keep you alive. All stages are randomized except stage 1 and stage 10. The 'Forest Temple' stage is probably one of the hardest stages to get early, so you got hit with the RNG hammer there. The game is really hard to scale with loading players, but I feel it's at a good medium at this point.

For future, It's completely do-able with 3. Have a mystic in the party, and your life will get easier. After you have a few 'account levels' behind you, you can then transition to not having a dedicated healer. I will also lower the cooldown on potions for next version.

Thank you for trying it out, I'll try to adjust to accommodate some of your input. The game is still very much a work in progress.
Level 3
May 27, 2013
You have some valid points for sure.

Typically, if no one is loading an account, a mystic is almost mandatory. His AoE and single target heals will help keep you alive. All stages are randomized except stage 1 and stage 10. The 'Forest Temple' stage is probably one of the hardest stages to get early, so you got hit with the RNG hammer there. The game is really hard to scale with loading players, but I feel it's at a good medium at this point.

For future, It's completely do-able with 3. Have a mystic in the party, and your life will get easier. After you have a few 'account levels' behind you, you can then transition to not having a dedicated healer. I will also lower the cooldown on potions for next version.

Thank you for trying it out, I'll try to adjust to accommodate some of your input. The game is still very much a work in progress.
We'll take this tip and run with it! We did not have a mystic. I think i liked the valk(ranger? sorry, i don't remember the name. The tanky gal on the right side) a lot so having a healer i think will help us big time. And to clarify - I had a typo - we ran it with 2 - but tomorrow we can run it with 3, we'll be sure to include mystic and i'll post more feedback soon

(we started with 3 and he quit after we died to murloc a bunch)
Level 9
Jul 15, 2005
Update 1.36
-Gems can now drop from monsters, bosses, and barrels. They are semi-rare. gems must be socketed to gain their effects
-Items can now roll sockets. Gems can be placed in sockets at the blacksmith. Once an item is socketed, it is permanent\
-Slightly lowered normal mode difficulty
-Various code fixes to the save/load system. Stash items should no longer be bugging out
-Some bosses now cannot spawn with modifiers such as teleport or duplicator
-changed some achievement requirements around, does not affect old codes. if you already have it, you have it
-Fixed the no death achievement, it was not working properly
-Items now grant crafting materials when selling; based on their rarity
-Increased crafting material cost of unique and legendary crafts to 24 and 36
-Lowered potion cooldown to 5s from 10s
-Hotkeys for account point merchant are now appropriate
-Lots of new light emitters placed in the darker stages, adds atmosphere and easier to see around
-Druid Rejuvenation upgrade can now spread to nearby heroes, healing multiples at once
-Druid Natures Grace now also attacks nearby units for wisdom based damage
-New ranger companion - grizzly bear
-Ranger falcon companion can now heal nearby units
-Fixed the abilities on mystic's shiva and sylph summons, not sure how long theyve been broken
-NPCs now all spawn with properly scaled hp, armor, damage
-Ranger gryphon range now properly works
-Dragoon tethers now works on bosses and duplicates
-Rei abilities no longer damage obelisks
Level 9
Jul 15, 2005
Update 1.50
New Feature: Town Portals. Create a town portal in a stage using the tome. Anyone can use your portal to return to town
New Feature: Each town contains a 'Huntsman'. This guy will be the return location for various quest items
New Feature: All legendaries are now named and have pre-set modifiers. All mod bonuses are still rolled for.
All pre-existing legendaries you load will still work, but all future drops will be named.
You can no longer craft legendaries at the item crafter.
Stash item bug when loading more than 4 legendaries fixed. Stash now properly loads up to 6 items.
Scaled nightmare and hell difficulties down a bit. They were pretty rough.
Texttag indicators when casting spells and gaining XP on spellcast
XP bonus fixed when adding wisdom or bonus xp on the stat page. It's been working, just not showing correctly
Rei BOSS battle completely 'reforged'
Changed hard and hardcore modes to nightmare and hell.
Boosted account XP gained from leveling your hero and completing stages. Also boosted account XP on nightmare and hell modes
Fixed an issue with quests text disappearing when one or more players hide quests
Fixed an issue where your courier would move and cancel orders at random (example: trying to drop an item on stash from courier)
Increased the amount of blood/gore when killing enemy units. Blood persists on the ground longer.
Ranger boomerang ability replaced with strafe
Ranger shearing blades passive replaced with reflexes to give a strafe bonus
Rewrote the quest system and how it displays completed objectives and failures.
Mage - Mana bomb damage fixed.
Spawning Grounds - Murloc King can no longer attack you while he is in the air
Underground Pass - Changed rewards for optional quest 1
Underground Pass - Added additional optional quest
Underground Pass - Increased spiderling sizing
Underground Pass - Slight pathing changes
Underground Pass - Ghomrae can no longer attack you while she is in the air
Desert Oasis - Relocated start location
Desert Oasis - Rerouted patrol areas for unique spawns
Desert Oasis - Change wanderer pathway. Once he is 'captured' he will follow at max movement speed
Desert Oasis - Increased drop rate for crab and scorpion keys
Desert Oasis - You can now click keys in loot to transfer them to your hero and complete the quest
Tomb of the Balrog - Added rock chunks on the south gate of scarab room making it more difficult to blink skip this room.
Gargant Factory - Changed the terrain on the western side so that the two sides no longer connect.
Gargant Factory - Increased mob density
The Voyage West - Kraken can no longer attack you while he is submerged
The Voyage West - Changed this stages environmental effects
Golden Coast - New optional quest
Golden Coast - Terrain and pathing changes on the south side of the area
Easthollow - Terrain and pathing changes on the north side of the map. Moved gates around and opened it up a bit.
Easthollow - New main quest
Easthollow - New optional quest (rare)
Easthollow - Razed body quest reward fixed when razing corpses, and proper fire effect on corpses
Forest Temple - Colored doors have been relocated and can be opened in any order.
Forest Temple - Two new uniques guard the red and blue levers
Forest Temple - Yggdrasil can no longer cast more than 1 line of spikes at once
Laketown - Ice Mage's basic attack can now be dodged and the missile moves slower
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Level 9
Jul 15, 2005
Update 1.52
New Stage: Monastery
New Stage: Rainstorm
New Feature: Harder difficulties will drop higher item mod rolls.
Example: a lvl 40 normal item can only roll 40-80 might, whereas a lvl 40 hell item can roll up to 160 might
Same thing for gems, higher difficulty dropped gems can roll higher than lower difficulty
Save button added. game saves automatically every 5 minutes, but you can also save manually
Replaced dragoon duplicate with valkyrie
Adjusted dragoon shield training
Reworked how dragoon stance switching works. Should no longer bug out when dying, changing stages, etc, and is much more responsive
Necromancer - unholy aura changed to skeletal vampirism
Necromancer - Fixed auto fallen army and gave it a visual effect
Necromancer - Skeletons can now be selected and detonated manually
Dragoon - Changed concussive javelin ability to ensign of battle
Mage - Buffed frozen orb
Mage - Changed ether barrage to show less missiles reducing lag and fps drop
Fixed stash not working for other players
Reduced the amount of postmaster spawns
Reworked how summoned units can be selected and healed - restored some of their HP bars
Greater item mod rolls can be found on harder difficulties
Player XP awarded at the end of each stage was displaying wrong
Increased the time items can be on the ground until they are deleted from 1 minute to 6 minutes
Stat potions can now be consumed from drops even if your inventory is full
Lowered lavahydra evasion from 100% to 50%
Fixed gem tooltips not showing correct max rolls
Dexterity tooltip on stat page was showing +2% attack speed per dex, when really it should have been +0.2%
Added a sound when your player account levels up
Lots of minor tooltip, icon, and art changes/fixes

Let me know if this version is stable for you guys.
Level 9
Jul 15, 2005
Update 1.55a
Decreased thorns return damage to 12.5%, but units with thorns now have 11% damage reduction
Altered Hell difficulty
Removed stat potions from brewmaster
Increased healing ward cooldown for monster mod 'Healing' from 60 seconds to 180 seconds.
Increased Fire enchanted firebolt stun cooldown from 8 seconds to 24 seconds
Re-added poison enchanted mobs. Poison cloud around them deals 5% hp each second
Reduced damage of glaives and snowball stage devices.
Fixed life and mana steal not working on many abilities
Updated party UI with new scaling, textures, and data
Mage - new ability - Meteor
Player now has 3 stashes to choose from
Nerfed manaburn enemies damage
When you die you no longer spawn a portal at your death location. There is a portal that will spawn at the ready area
Various bug fixes and mechanics
Level 2
Aug 13, 2022
Hi, I really like your game. It's amazing.

But, I got an issue with the movement speed - It seems the bonus ms from equipment does not apply

Can you check if it works properly?
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Level 2
Apr 28, 2023
Hey guys.

Apologies for the noob question...

I am not sure if I am doing this the right way. When I start a new game, my items are saved but I am not sure how to load the leveled character from a previous game. It looks like I always start from character level 1 which is really a pain, as I need to start over in order to be able to use my saved items and it obviously makes it a lot harder to keep improving the character level / stats. Is that intentional, or am I doing something wrong?

Also, I tried saving a game, but when I try to load the saved game the application crashes as soon as it loads the map.

Any help would be really appreciated.

Thank you
Level 9
Jul 15, 2005
Everything is saved and loaded automatically, you shouldn't have to do anything. The Hero levels reset each game - but account levels save. Spend account points at the merchant in one of the towns to boost your hero from the very beginning. If you are still having trouble, join our discord and someone can help you gain a few early account levels easily to get you started.

The game is very heavily loot based, as all items are randomly generated when they drop.

Here is a twitch VOD of a few people running it in nightmare mode, maybe take a look at what they do. Game starts at the 5 minute mark:
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Level 2
Apr 28, 2023
Everything is saved and loaded automatically, you shouldn't have to do anything. The Hero levels reset each game - but account levels save. Spend account points at the merchant in one of the towns to boost your hero from the very beginning. If you are still having trouble, join our discord and someone can help you gain a few early account levels easily to get you started.

The game is very heavily loot based, as all items are randomly generated when they drop.

Here is a twitch VOD of a few people running it in nightmare mode, maybe take a look at what they do. Game starts at the 5 minute mark:
Thank bro :) As I play it solo for now, what I did to help me out was to farm creeps for the crafting materials and gold (you sell what they drop), and use the mats to lower the level requirement for the weapon and trinket items I had that were decent. I dropped it down to level 4 which you can get easy in map 1.
I use all the account points on magic find boost (cos I am a greedy %^$^%@ XD)
It is tough to complete even normal when solo, however I was able to do it with necro and the amazon (she is not called amazon XD).
I am no developer, however the huge amount of work and thought and love put into the map is obvious... thank you for this <3

I have a couple of potential bugs to report if you have the time...

In the map with the optional quest to escort the caravan, 2 out of 3 times I got it, the caravan never started to move, it just stayed there.
In the map where you have to burn 8 corpses for the optional quest (this may not be a bug, it may be me being blind) I could only find 7 (and I did go through the map as thoroughly as I could).
Level 9
Jul 15, 2005
Adjusted the creep scaling based on number of players. Should make it more managable with only 1 person
Adjusted the way magic find is used to calculate rarity of item drops
Lowered the amount of magic find that can roll on items
Magic find now has a cap at 1000% anything over this number will not be calculated in drops
Magic find no longer affects the chance of any item dropping, just the rarity of that item
Magic find now affects gambled items
Fixed an issue where having less than 100 magic find actually decreased the rarity of item drops
Increased the amount of items Bosses can drop by 1
Slightly increased the legendary drop chance of Bosses
Added sound indicators to Rei's abilities
Added an optional quest to the Rei bossfight
Catacombs - dded an optional quest to Catacombs
Laketown - Added an additional requirement to main quest, also added a side quest
Added an indicator next to item level requirement that shows what difficulty the item dropped in - only applies to items dropped in 1.60+
Forest Temple - fixed description bug
Completely redid how attack speed bonuses are added. Should fix a few bugs and provide more accurate attack speed bonuses
Fixed bug where crit multiplier would glitch and cause massive critical strikes
Fixed all the waterfall bugs when blizz patched the model
Fixed an issue with "Spider Parts" side quest in underground passage where it could not be completed
Added forced autosave immediately after last boss defeated
Fixed repick issue introducted last wc3 patch
Rainstorm - Fixed overseer boss name
Formatted stage end bonuses text for readability
Formatted Boss HP text for readability
Paladin - Buffed Hammer of Midas passive
Paladin - Fixed Blessed field remove channel time upgrade
Paladin - Divine smite now also deals damage based on wisdom
Paladin - Fixed an issue where auras were flashing and/or not applying correctly
Paladin - Holy protection now grants invulnerability for 3 seconds on death; increased cooldown
Paladin - Lowered salvation aura scaling from 5x vit to 2.25x (was very overpowered)
Active loot chests can now be selected as if they were 'idle workers' (f8)
Healing ward on 'Healing' unit modifers can now only last up to 6s before it self-destroys, increased its cooldown to 30s
Final boss now has a 50% chance to drop atleast 1 legendary item
Druid - Wolf form now gains dex per level and attack speed while in wolf form
Druid - Spider form now gains wisdom while in spider form
Druid - Spider form life drain buffed
Druid - Wolf form ravage damage buffed
Druid - Bear form Abilities damage buffed
Druid - Bear form bloodrage passive added to taunt ability
Druid - Wisdom and strength passive buffed to add +2 stat points per level
Mystic - Overcharge aura will now stun units in an AOE around triggering unit for 1.5 seconds
Mystic - Wings of destruction now grants a bouncing attack
Mystic - Fervor damage scaling increased
Mage - buffed all fire based DoT spells, firewall, fireball, and blaze
Mage - buffed all lightning based spell damage
Mage - buffed all frost based spell damage
Creep Modifiers - Added sound for when a creep teleports
Creep Modifiers - New modifier - Drain , can cast life drain, passively drains mana with aura
Creep Modifiers - New modifier - Sap, an aura that saps a percentage of your maximum health every second
Level 2
Apr 28, 2023
Just found another bug I think. I happened to step on the ready area as the timer was running out from stage 7 to 8. Stage 8 was the one with the ship where you fight of the wwaves then the boss appears. I got 2 bosses XD it ended normally when I killed one of them. However when it loaded the next stage it looks like it is loading it twice? I.e. The map unfolding in the graph seems to be done twice.
One favour if you think it is ok and if it is simple to implement. Allow the old diablo option when playing solo to type "-players X" where X is a number from 1 to max allowed players. This way you allow weaker / starter characters to cope, while also allowing more seasoned characters to power farm :)
Thank you once more for all the work on the map, it is really amazing not just technically but also the amound of imagination :) <3
Level 9
Jul 15, 2005

Units and bosses will now fade in rather than instantly appear when respawning/spawning
Ready teleporter is now disabled 5 seconds before town timer expires to prevent duplicate stage bug
Fixed an issue if you tried to swap equipment while you were stunned, you could lose that item permanently
Increased the hitbox size of ranger multishot arrows
Fixed issue with catacombs optional quest that prevented completion.
Level 2
Apr 28, 2023
Hey man, hope you are well :)

Couple of things...

I think the item drop nerf is a bit too much imo. It looks very hard now for someone starting to play on 1.60(b) to get to a decent level quickly.
Also when 1.60 came out I lost 3 trinkets. I saved before I left the game but did not place my items in the chests. Normally when starting the next game they would then appear in the eqipment rack. However consistently that did not happen while 1.60 was the version I was using.
Will let you know if it happens with 1.60b.
The frequency of drops seems to be very low atm. This makes it a lot harder and more time consuming to finish quests where you have to collect X amount of items dropped (like the catacombs new quest).

One more thing about auras. I am not sure if this is a visual or an actual bug... I get an item with command aura for example. The aura displays for a second or 2 in my hero status. The damage increase is added to the main damage (white numbers) instead of showing with green +XX next to the main damage. After the first 2-3 seconds, the aura dissappears from the hero status and the damage is also removed, so it shows as if I have no aura applied.

Anyway, just a bit of feedback in case it helps and I am not the only one seeing it like this :p