Title: (None at the Moment)
Objective: To create a fun, multiplayer map from scratch.
Description: This will be a chance for map makers of all different skill levels to compete against each other. Its a simple map making contest, but with two distinctive rules. The first is that no third party programs can be used to make your map. Just good old fashioned World Editor. The second is the interesting one; no triggered abilities. Custom abilities are allowed, but you may not trigger any of your abilities. This will make it very difficult to have your heros stand out, but it will be entirly possible. Triggers are also allowed, of course, but they can not affect the abilities of any unit or hero or building.
Rules and Regulations:
1. The map must be made specificially for this contest, with a starting date of after the contest's creation.
2. The map must be multiplayer.
3. The map may contain any number of custom sounds, icons, models, skins etc. as long as proper credit is given for the creators of all downloaded content.
4. No third party programs can be used in the creation of this map. Unless you made the program yourself, it is forbidden from use. This mean no WE Unlimited, no map optomizer, nothing. However, if you would like, two versions of the map may be submitted for the contest. One for the general publics viewing which can be protected using any third party program, and the second one that is left completely unprotected for the judges to look at.
5. No triggered abilities can be used within the map, at all. This means no triggered hero abilities, or unit abilities, or building abilities. All abilities can only be modified regular abilities.
6. The limit to the number of people that can work on any 1 map at a time is two. That means you can pare up with only one other partner to make a map.
7. NO CINEMATICS MAPS! Small cinematic clips within the map are allowed, but the enitre map may not be a cinematic.
What Judges will be Looking For:
Fun: How fun was the map to play? 20 points.
Originality: How original was the map? 5 points.
Creativity: How creative was the map*? 5 points.
Triggering: How well was the coding of the map? Where there any leaks? If so, how many where there? 10 points.
Terraining: How well was the terraining? If its an RPG, then we will ask, "How beutiful and bountiful is the land?" If its a footmen wars, then we will ask, "How well did the terraining blend in with the style of war?" 10 points.
The judges can give a certain area a score of 0 if they feal it was done so horribly as to not even deserve a single point.
Bonus Points
Did the author decide to put in any "extra" little things that added to the map? Examples would be: an opening cinematic, hints on how to play, a single player mode, computer AI, custom GOOD music, humerous dialogue, custom models, etc.
Depending on how many extra features are added in will determine how many bonus points are given to the author(s). While a total of 50 points can be achieved through the required areas above, up to 15 bonus points can be given. Depending on what extras you decide to add will determine how many points you get. For example, if you decide to add in a very good "hints" system to the game, you may get 1 or 2 bonus points to your map's score. However, if you add an entire computer AI to your strategy style game that fights and micros and uses heros and will find weakness in your defense to strike at, then you might end up getting as many as 10 to all 15 bonus points off of just that one thing! Or, of course, you can do a combination and add in a hints system, many good custom models, good background music and sounds and a well made opening cinematic and earn 5-10 bonus points depending on how well they were all made and added and how well they went with the game. Basically, the more detail you put into your games extras and the harder they are to code, and the more points you'll get.
Point Deduction:
Points can be deducted from your map for anything from racism or excessive profanity, to sexual terrain or images (a picture of a naked girl in the loading screen or the terrain being modeled to look like a pare of breasts in the mini-map), to spelling errors or childish dialogue. The judges may deduct as many points as they see fit, however they must explain why they chose to deduct those points. If the other judges feel to many points where deducted for shallow reasons, the judges entire score will be revoked for finding the author's average. For example, if the map author tells a joke within his map against the French, and a French judge takes offense and deducts 20 points from the player's score, that would clearly be excessive and the judge's score's for that map would be ignored when finding the map's average score.
When the judges score a player, they will take into acount all areas previously mentioned, score each area individuall, and then tally the score for a map's total. All judges will then find the average of their scores for each map to get the map's final score.
Deadline: Two months after the starting date.
First Place: (To be announced)
Second Place: (To be announced)
Third Place: (To be announced)
* Originality is "has this idea ever been done before?" Creativity is "how well did this person take an idea, whether it was original or not, and blend it into the map?"
Objective: To create a fun, multiplayer map from scratch.
Description: This will be a chance for map makers of all different skill levels to compete against each other. Its a simple map making contest, but with two distinctive rules. The first is that no third party programs can be used to make your map. Just good old fashioned World Editor. The second is the interesting one; no triggered abilities. Custom abilities are allowed, but you may not trigger any of your abilities. This will make it very difficult to have your heros stand out, but it will be entirly possible. Triggers are also allowed, of course, but they can not affect the abilities of any unit or hero or building.
Rules and Regulations:
1. The map must be made specificially for this contest, with a starting date of after the contest's creation.
2. The map must be multiplayer.
3. The map may contain any number of custom sounds, icons, models, skins etc. as long as proper credit is given for the creators of all downloaded content.
4. No third party programs can be used in the creation of this map. Unless you made the program yourself, it is forbidden from use. This mean no WE Unlimited, no map optomizer, nothing. However, if you would like, two versions of the map may be submitted for the contest. One for the general publics viewing which can be protected using any third party program, and the second one that is left completely unprotected for the judges to look at.
5. No triggered abilities can be used within the map, at all. This means no triggered hero abilities, or unit abilities, or building abilities. All abilities can only be modified regular abilities.
6. The limit to the number of people that can work on any 1 map at a time is two. That means you can pare up with only one other partner to make a map.
7. NO CINEMATICS MAPS! Small cinematic clips within the map are allowed, but the enitre map may not be a cinematic.
What Judges will be Looking For:
Fun: How fun was the map to play? 20 points.
Originality: How original was the map? 5 points.
Creativity: How creative was the map*? 5 points.
Triggering: How well was the coding of the map? Where there any leaks? If so, how many where there? 10 points.
Terraining: How well was the terraining? If its an RPG, then we will ask, "How beutiful and bountiful is the land?" If its a footmen wars, then we will ask, "How well did the terraining blend in with the style of war?" 10 points.
The judges can give a certain area a score of 0 if they feal it was done so horribly as to not even deserve a single point.
Bonus Points
Did the author decide to put in any "extra" little things that added to the map? Examples would be: an opening cinematic, hints on how to play, a single player mode, computer AI, custom GOOD music, humerous dialogue, custom models, etc.
Depending on how many extra features are added in will determine how many bonus points are given to the author(s). While a total of 50 points can be achieved through the required areas above, up to 15 bonus points can be given. Depending on what extras you decide to add will determine how many points you get. For example, if you decide to add in a very good "hints" system to the game, you may get 1 or 2 bonus points to your map's score. However, if you add an entire computer AI to your strategy style game that fights and micros and uses heros and will find weakness in your defense to strike at, then you might end up getting as many as 10 to all 15 bonus points off of just that one thing! Or, of course, you can do a combination and add in a hints system, many good custom models, good background music and sounds and a well made opening cinematic and earn 5-10 bonus points depending on how well they were all made and added and how well they went with the game. Basically, the more detail you put into your games extras and the harder they are to code, and the more points you'll get.
Point Deduction:
Points can be deducted from your map for anything from racism or excessive profanity, to sexual terrain or images (a picture of a naked girl in the loading screen or the terrain being modeled to look like a pare of breasts in the mini-map), to spelling errors or childish dialogue. The judges may deduct as many points as they see fit, however they must explain why they chose to deduct those points. If the other judges feel to many points where deducted for shallow reasons, the judges entire score will be revoked for finding the author's average. For example, if the map author tells a joke within his map against the French, and a French judge takes offense and deducts 20 points from the player's score, that would clearly be excessive and the judge's score's for that map would be ignored when finding the map's average score.
When the judges score a player, they will take into acount all areas previously mentioned, score each area individuall, and then tally the score for a map's total. All judges will then find the average of their scores for each map to get the map's final score.
Deadline: Two months after the starting date.
First Place: (To be announced)
Second Place: (To be announced)
Third Place: (To be announced)
* Originality is "has this idea ever been done before?" Creativity is "how well did this person take an idea, whether it was original or not, and blend it into the map?"