- Joined
- Aug 27, 2012
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Hi, I have a library that I made, that counts stacks on a hero. I use a function called AddFreudeStack which takes an ability id and a unit to add a stack to a unit. When the unit reaches 10 stacks, it resets the cooldown of the spell that I used to call the function. Additionally, the unit gets double agility for 15 seconds. Now, everything works as it should, except for one thing: sometimes the Agility doesnt return to normal. It does decrease, but not all the way back to the original amount, and I have no idea why. So I'm posting here for some help.
library FearStacks requires TimerUtils
integer array FearCounter
integer array FearCountExtra
integer array FearStacking
constant integer Schadenfreude_BUFF_ID = 'A0CJ'
constant integer Schadenfreude_UNIT_ID = 'U004'
constant string Schadenfreude_EFFECT = "war3mapImported\\Grin Curse.mdx"
constant string Schadenfreude_ATTACH = "chest"
struct Schadenfreude
unit u
integer i
method destroy takes nothing returns nothing
set this.u = null
//native UnitAlive takes unit id returns boolean
function Schadenfreude_Handler takes nothing returns nothing
local timer t = GetExpiredTimer()
local Schadenfreude data = GetTimerData(t)
local integer ud = GetUnitUserData(data.u)
if GetUnitTypeId(LC[(1 + GetPlayerId(GetOwningPlayer(data.u)))]) != Schadenfreude_UNIT_ID or LC[(1 + GetPlayerId(GetOwningPlayer(data.u)))] != data.u then
if FearCountExtra[ud] > 0 then
set FearCountExtra[ud] = FearCountExtra[ud] - 1
set FearCounter[ud] = FearCounter[ud] - 1
call data.destroy()
call ReleaseTimer(GetExpiredTimer())
set t = null
function Schadenfreude_Handler2 takes nothing returns nothing
local timer t = GetExpiredTimer()
local Schadenfreude data = GetTimerData(t)
local integer ud = GetUnitUserData(data.u)
set FearStacking[ud] = FearStacking[ud] - 1
if FearStacking[ud] == 0 then
call SetUnitVertexColor(data.u, 190, 190, 190, 255)
call UnitRemoveAbility(data.u, Schadenfreude_BUFF_ID)
call SetHeroAgi(data.u, GetHeroAgi(data.u, true) - data.i, true)
call data.destroy()
call ReleaseTimer(t)
set t = null
function AddFreudeStack takes integer id, unit cast returns nothing
local timer t
local Schadenfreude data
local unit u = cast
local integer i
local integer ud = GetUnitUserData(u)
local texttag tt
local string text
if FearCounter[ud] == 9 then
set FearCountExtra[ud] = FearCountExtra[ud] + 9
set FearCounter[ud] = 0
set data = Schadenfreude.create()
set data.u = u
set data.i = GetHeroAgi(data.u, true)
set tt = CreateTextTag()
set text = "|cFF4A484AE|r|cFF4A454Cn|r|cFF4B414Fd|r|cFF4B3E52u|r|cFF4C3B54r|r|cFF4C3856i|r|cFF4D3459n|r|cFF4D315Cg|r|cFF4E2E5E |r|cFF4E2B60M|r|cFF4F2763a|r|cFF4F2466l|r|cFF4F2168i|r|cFF501D6Ac|r|cFF501A6De|r|cFF511770 |r|cFF511472L|r|cFF521074e|r|cFF520D77v|r|cFF530A7Ae|r|cFF53077Cl|r|cFF54037E |r|cFF54008110"
call SetTextTagText(tt, text, .024)
call SetTextTagPos(tt, GetUnitX(cast), GetUnitY(cast), 0.0)
call SetTextTagColor(tt, 255, 255, 255, 255)
call SetTextTagVelocity(tt, GetRandomReal( -.02, .02), GetRandomReal( -.02, .02))
call SetTextTagVisibility(tt, true)
call SetTextTagFadepoint(tt, 2.0)
call SetTextTagLifespan(tt, 5.0)
call SetTextTagPermanent(tt, false)
call SetHeroAgi(data.u, GetHeroAgi(data.u, true) + data.i, true)
call UnitAddAbility(data.u, Schadenfreude_BUFF_ID)
call SetUnitVertexColor(data.u, 51, 0, 51, 128)
call DestroyEffect(AddSpecialEffectTarget(Schadenfreude_EFFECT, data.u, Schadenfreude_ATTACH))
set FearStacking[ud] = FearStacking[ud] + 1
set t = NewTimer()
call SetTimerData(t, data)
call TimerStart(t, 15., false, function Schadenfreude_Handler2)
set i = GetUnitAbilityLevel(u, id)
call UnitRemoveAbility(u, id)
call UnitAddAbility(u, id)
call SetUnitAbilityLevel(u, id, i)
set FearCounter[ud] = FearCounter[ud] + 1
set tt = CreateTextTag()
set text = "|cFF4A484AE|r|cFF4A454Cn|r|cFF4B414Fd|r|cFF4B3E52u|r|cFF4C3B54r|r|cFF4C3856i|r|cFF4D3459n|r|cFF4D315Cg|r|cFF4E2E5E |r|cFF4E2B60M|r|cFF4F2763a|r|cFF4F2466l|r|cFF4F2168i|r|cFF501D6Ac|r|cFF501A6De|r|cFF511770 |r|cFF511472L|r|cFF521074e|r|cFF520D77v|r|cFF530A7Ae|r|cFF53077Cl|r|cFF54037E |r|cFF540081" + I2S(FearCounter[ud])
call SetTextTagText(tt, text, .024)
call SetTextTagPos(tt, GetUnitX(cast), GetUnitY(cast), 0.0)
call SetTextTagColor(tt, 255, 255, 255, 255)
call SetTextTagVelocity(tt, GetRandomReal( -.02, .02), GetRandomReal( -.02, .02))
call SetTextTagVisibility(tt, true)
call SetTextTagFadepoint(tt, 2.0)
call SetTextTagLifespan(tt, 5.0)
call SetTextTagPermanent(tt, false)
set t = NewTimer()
set data = Schadenfreude.create()
set data.u = u
call SetTimerData(t, data)
if id == 'A0CU' then
call TimerStart(t, 30., false, function Schadenfreude_Handler)
elseif id == 'A0CK' then
call TimerStart(t, 5., false, function Schadenfreude_Handler)
call TimerStart(t, 10., false, function Schadenfreude_Handler)
set text = null
set tt = null
set t = null
set u = null