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Tiger Shark Underwater & Surface Version

This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
I was planning to make some sharks after my Troll Tigershark Rider, and now i had the time for this! This is the result: the infamous tiger shark. The model is made to fit to villagers and other similarly sized units (i made it in a way that it would be about ~6 meters long if it would be real). The model is the same as in the above mentioned Troll Tigershark Rider, it only has no rider, is considerably bigger and has custom anims (i made them in Milkshape).

Tiger sharks (Galeocerdo cuvier) are easy to distinguish by their striped color (hence the name), which slowly fades with the age and their flattened, broad, squarish snout (nose?). Although a good predator with a broad variation of preys (turtles, fish, other sharks and birds), they often eat trash as well. They're mainly found in tropical beaches and considered one of the most dangerous species for humans.


by downloading this ressource you receive 2 models: the actual model is the surface version, the shark that swims near surface and is made for most maps. The portrait file (should be named ''TigerSharkUnderwaterVersion_portrait.mdx'' or so) isn't a real portrait, it's just the underwater version of this model. It should be imported as TigerSharkUnderwaterVersion.mdx, not with the ending _portrait.mdx. The underwater version is, as the name already suggests, made for underwater maps. Both versions have an incorporated portrait (portrait included in each model).

Feel free to use both models in any imaginable way, including editing, if desired. No need to ask me for permission. Have fun with them! :wink:

Oh, and forgot to say: BE CAREFUL around their mouth! There's acute injury and even amputation danger, if they bite! :wink:

EDIT 1: edited a bit the dorsal fin and removed a few unnecessary ingame skins from the underwater version. :wink:

EDIT 2: fixed a little skinning issue, linearized, optimized and slightly fixed the anims and also added an extra scaling to the head during the attack anim. Not it looks more realistic, as the head seems to slightly expand volume when attacking. I also added collision spheres to both models. :wink:

shark, tiger shark, tropical shark, brown shark, Galeocerdo cuvier, underwater creep, sea creature

Tiger Shark Underwater & Surface Version (Model)

Tiger Shark Underwater & Surface Version (Model)

14:41, 6th Feb 2014 MiniMage: The model could be summarized as needing a lot of work and love. The animations are very crude and the mesh could use some work as well. I think you may have confused the two files together btw. The offical file...




14:41, 6th Feb 2014
MiniMage: The model could be summarized as needing a lot of work and love. The animations are very crude and the mesh could use some work as well. I think you may have confused the two files together btw.

The offical file appears to be the underwater one, while the other is the non-underwater on. However. in shallow water, the low depth the model is will cause it to slide through the ground when it swims in shallow water. This needs to be fixed.
Level 24
Jul 9, 2009
Looks great and not to unlike the real shark though the mouth seems too big I'd suggest you make it smaller. Other than that it's picture perfect in my opinion.

Please make my favorite, the whale shark as well. It's the worlds largest known shark with the thickest skin of all known species in the world that's amzing 20 cm thick.

The dorsal fin could use some work on it's shape, proportion, and animation. It will probably need a couple of extra polygons. Nothing that will affect the file size, much, but it could look a lot better. Just use google and find a few reference pictures.

Still, this is pretty cool, and although its uses are limited, there are no other resources to fill the gap, making this extremely useful to those who need such a thing. A map with these in it would be really cool.

3/5 (but on the verge of going up at just any slight improvement)
Looks great + Ingame textures + Useful
ty :ogre_hurrhurr:

Looks great and not to unlike the real shark though the mouth seems too big I'd suggest you make it smaller. Other than that it's picture perfect in my opinion.

Please make my favorite, the whale shark as well. It's the worlds largest known shark with the thickest skin of all known species in the world that's amzing 20 cm thick.

I was thinking about making some rudimentary changes in it. I just took the Shark Rider's (just search it in the model section) mount as is. For the shark rider the mount was good, as the rider made more than 50% of the model, but after examining the model again today, i came to the conclusion that it isn't that good for a single-standing model. About the whale shark: srry, but i'm not taking contracts any longer. :vw_sad: I was planning to make a great white and hammerhead though. :wink:

When i saw the screenshot from the models section, I though it was a shark with a hellicopter fan on his back.
Good job on this Tiger.
Lol :grin: Thx a lot, old friend. :ogre_hurrhurr:

The dorsal fin could use some work on it's shape, proportion, and animation. It will probably need a couple of extra polygons. Nothing that will affect the file size, much, but it could look a lot better. Just use google and find a few reference pictures.

Still, this is pretty cool, and although its uses are limited, there are no other resources to fill the gap, making this extremely useful to those who need such a thing. A map with these in it would be really cool.

3/5 (but on the verge of going up at just any slight improvement)
The dorsal fin? Now that amazes me......the dorsal fin of real sharks isn't much more moved than from this guy. It's main purpose is to stabilize the shark while swimming and helping it change direction and such, to the best of my knowledge. I also don't rly think it is that necessary to make it more complex, as it's quite simple in reality as well.

Thx :ogre_hurrhurr: But there actually are other shark models as well on the Hive. :wink:

Overall looks good:)
The animations are pretty strange and the mouth is a little too big!
Can be useful:)
Yeah, i am aiming to make some major changes in it. Thx a lot for your feedback. :grin:
Level 24
Jul 9, 2009
Well atleast the Hammerhead will be a very nice shark to have although if you're making a great white shark I would reccomend you to make the Orca since lets face it, they hunt the great white.

Also who decided to name them killer whales instead of sea pandas?
The dorsal fin? Now that amazes me......the dorsal fin of real sharks isn't much more moved than from this guy. It's main purpose is to stabilize the shark while swimming and helping it change direction and such, to the best of my knowledge. I also don't rly think it is that necessary to make it more complex, as it's quite simple in reality as well.

Take a look at real sharks for a moment. Yes, they have large dorsal fins, but yours is just ridiculously oversized. Real dorsal fins also go backwards and also are curved, not simply a triangle stuck on top of the shark's back, in order to reduce resistance and increase maximum speed (Kind of like a swept frame on sports-cars). You would only need to add two polygons (for a total of three) to significantly increase the quality of the fin without having a noticeable impact on the poly count or file size at all. The file size would be increased by less than 0.10KB.

Thx :ogre_hurrhurr: But there actually are other shark models as well on the Hive. :wink:

Yes, but all of the good shark models on here, that actually have proper animations for using as a unit and not a decoration, are yours.:ogre_love:
Well atleast the Hammerhead will be a very nice shark to have although if you're making a great white shark I would reccomend you to make the Orca since lets face it, they hunt the great white.

Also who decided to name them killer whales instead of sea pandas?
Orca maybe later....there's an ingame orca doodad already.

Take a look at real sharks for a moment. Yes, they have large dorsal fins, but yours is just ridiculously oversized. Real dorsal fins also go backwards and also are curved, not simply a triangle stuck on top of the shark's back, in order to reduce resistance and increase maximum speed (Kind of like a swept frame on sports-cars). You would only need to add two polygons (for a total of three) to significantly increase the quality of the fin without having a noticeable impact on the poly count or file size at all. The file size would be increased by less than 0.10KB.

Yes, but all of the good shark models on here, that actually have proper animations for using as a unit and not a decoration, are yours.:ogre_love:
Yeah, i'll work on the dorsal fin.

So basically you say mine is the only shark that can be used as a creep and not only for deco? That's odd idd. I mean, there have to be more sharks around.... :wink: On the Hive they seem to be even more endangered than in reality. :p
Orca maybe later....there's an ingame orca doodad already.

Yeah, i'll work on the dorsal fin.

So basically you say mine is the only shark that can be used as a creep and not only for deco? That's odd idd. I mean, there have to be more sharks around.... :wink: On the Hive they seem to be even more endangered than in reality. :p

Good to hear you're working on it.

And, yeah, the only unit model sharks on hive are by you. There are some prehistoric sea creatures made by other people, but that's about it.
Good to hear you're working on it.

And, yeah, the only unit model sharks on hive are by you. There are some prehistoric sea creatures made by other people, but that's about it.
Lol. :grin: I'm still wondering that no one else ever made a unit shark so far....:vw_wtf:

Very realistic model!
ty :ogre_haosis:
The dorsal fin looks much better, now.

You also need to work a bit on the head. It's a bit too round and flat; it should be sharp, more of a V shape.
Ty :ogre_haosis: em.....no. It's a tiger shark, it naturally has a flattened head, that's one of the tiger shark's main characteristics. A roundish head would make a bullshark out of it, with this texture. :wink:
Ty :ogre_haosis: em.....no. It's a tiger shark, it naturally has a flattened head, that's one of the tiger shark's main characteristics. A roundish head would make a bullshark out of it, with this texture. :wink:

I meant on the mouth. Not entirely a V, just not a __ either. The snout is flat, yes, but their mouth should still be round, sort of halfway between a U and a V, and on the "bottom" of the face, rather than all the way at the front.
Level 6
May 23, 2011
Uncle Fester?? TAKE ALL MY REP q_q

Anyway xD i really liked the idea and it actually looks like a tiger shark, i just think you should make his mouth a little bit smaller 5/5
The portrait behaves good.
The main model has a more fluent animation sequences. It moves much more gracefully, like a shark would do. The head is well proportioned to the rest of the body. In short it looks like a shark. If I would be in WC3 right now and encounter this beast I would sure believe it's a shark.
Greatly done uncle!
Hehe, thx a lot for your rating and feedback. :wink: I am planning to make more sharks sooner or later. They'll all use the same skeleton (+ anims), but scaled up/down. :wink:

Uncle Fester?? TAKE ALL MY REP q_q

Anyway xD i really liked the idea and it actually looks like a tiger shark, i just think you should make his mouth a little bit smaller 5/5
ty :ogre_hurrhurr: Oh, shame! :vw_sad: I was planning to make the mouth smaller but for some reason i forgot it. :goblin_cry: Will do it maybe tomorrow. :wink:
Uncle I must admit that your sharks look pretty darn good. What's the next species of sharks that you'll do?
Hehe, thx :ogre_hurrhurr: Dunno yet.

You know, i just saw your old squid model and i think you should make an updated version of it
Maybe I'll make a squid too one day, but i must have much sparetime for this project. :vw_sad:
yea it looks really complicated, but if you manage to remake it ill try it out in no time :ogre_haosis:
Must keep that in mind.....so i can notify you when it's done. :wink: This aside, i'd rather first make a Kraken (octopus). There are good models i can use for this and a wow-model for the skeleton and anims with a few changes, ofc. :wink: