I have been having some issues lately with World Editor and they have been driving me insane! Any help or clearification would REALLY be great!
1. World Editor is A L W A Y S night... No matter what I set the options to, no matter what map I load, it is ALWAYS night until I press "L". Thats nice and all, I can see again, but without shadows (I really pay attention to for height of many things), it is difficult. But with it being night, it is also harder to get the game just how I want it. Anyone know how to fix this?
2. My palatte box sometimes gets covered by the game, and all I see is anything off the terrain screen. (The X to close it...) This gets very annoying having to reload the palette every time I want to switch what object to drop. Its never happened before, it started about a week ago, and its driving me insane.
3. Line of Sight blocker... Whatever it does, Im not seeing it. I have tried many things to see what it does, none of them do anything. Players can go through it, players can attack over it, I just dont get what they are for.
Thanks for the help... *shoots WE*
1. World Editor is A L W A Y S night... No matter what I set the options to, no matter what map I load, it is ALWAYS night until I press "L". Thats nice and all, I can see again, but without shadows (I really pay attention to for height of many things), it is difficult. But with it being night, it is also harder to get the game just how I want it. Anyone know how to fix this?
2. My palatte box sometimes gets covered by the game, and all I see is anything off the terrain screen. (The X to close it...) This gets very annoying having to reload the palette every time I want to switch what object to drop. Its never happened before, it started about a week ago, and its driving me insane.
3. Line of Sight blocker... Whatever it does, Im not seeing it. I have tried many things to see what it does, none of them do anything. Players can go through it, players can attack over it, I just dont get what they are for.
Thanks for the help... *shoots WE*