Sky Display and Time of Day are tools of some importance to any terrainer performing Terrain Art.
The "Time of Day" will effect your doodads and tiles when setting the settings to "Game View" using the hotkey "V," or more preferably; All those keys offgraphics listed in another thread,
it will change their colour slightly, or greatly when regarding the difference between "Noon" and "Night" so that your doodads will have a more matching colour mish mash, you'd still probably
have to do some tinting if you seek perfection nonetheless.
The "Sky Display" only has one function that I care for, or at the very least one "sky box" that I care for, and as far as I understand the sky box is a significant tool to anyone that want's
to make a sky look good, without being extremely skilled in terraining, the "fogged sky" melds exceptionally together with nearly any fog and give you a nice transition between fog and sky
for the background, while you can still include some cloudsphere models and some glow effects to tweak it to perfection, would you so chose.