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things to watch out for...

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Level 7
Feb 14, 2008
well i mean mass armys. mass strategy. you start off as a wisp and you have to choose where to build and what race u wish. each race has certain strengths. and in order to get food you must take farm (take the palce of cp) and forts. forts give other benefits beside food, such as spells, auras, or even the ability to be easily defendable. you get armys by buildings barracks and tech them according to what you want. you get different melee troops, magic, and ranged units. towers come automatically with the forts. and by claiming forts you can get special units. by teching your normal barracks to "special barracks" you can then tech to special things. for example if you claim the bandit alliance fort, and your race is human, and then you can get the special barracks for say... bandits. lol or such. being undead and claiming a fort with the background of magic, then you get monstrositys of nature. (not an actual name)
Level 9
Sep 5, 2007
it looks a nice game, and original.
Work on it and I can be the first one to try it.
When you have more specific details, edit the first post and write a long text with that details of the game: story of the game, units, buildings, abilities, that stuff. and make sure it has some colors on the text, it's more attractive.
Level 4
Jan 17, 2008
I have a response to your original question:

1. Run tests over and over and over again and again to make sure it's balanced, there's nothing anybody hates more than playing a game for an hour and having fun and then realizing that they can't win because the game isn't properly balanced.

2. Be careful about making a single massable unit that can win the game. Real WC3 games are fun because the enemy can't just mass abominations and march over everything, if you make a super-unit then the game will become "race-to-get-the-super-unit-and-win" instead of a fun strategy game.

The only reason you can't mass a single unit in WC3 is because they limit the food supply, so even if they have a lot one unit they will never have so many that if you have the right units (and enough of them) that they can still walk all over you.

Good luck, I hope that advice helps :)
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Level 7
Feb 14, 2008
i will definetely release the beta version to this site. not first though cuz i will want to do some balancing on my own. that and me and my crew of 1 friend (terrainer) will want to have a crack at it before we release it. but we are not there yet. the signature shows how far we are lol. when its all green it will become a beta version.

it would be farther along but the fact that my friend is a bit slow (but good) at terrain makes it hard for me to put in triggers. i gotta wait for his turn to end before its my turn. and it would probably be best if we did the complete terrain before the triggers. that way we dont find ourselves starting over or anything.
Level 6
Apr 28, 2005
- Don't use high-poly models.
- No ranged unit should have extremely rapid attack. Raise damage instead.
- Make sure every unit can counter and be countered by at least 1 other unit. (rock bag scissors-principle)
- When testing, take note to how long time it takes for the game to get interesting. Few people like slow paced games.
- Reward aggressive behaviour, or people will just sit in their fort for the first 30 or 40 minutes of the game, massing their one big mega army.
- "Diplomacy" maps are horrible and unfair.
- All units can't be fighters. Make specialized units like support spellcasters, defenders, siegers, infiltrators, scouts etc.
- Use a lot of custom units & abilities. Don't forget upgrades.
- Make sure the triggers are memory leak free.

That's all I can think of right now. Good luck.
Level 19
Aug 24, 2007
- Game Interface
- Keep your imported files lower than 500kb of total please
- Try to use Custom Spells mostly (it interests people much)
- Try to give a passive ability to almost ever unit
- I rather periodicly income giving strategic points or buildings instead of goldmine-trees (NO TREE KILLS)
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