Need help with basic Builder triggers

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Level 1
Nov 1, 2007
I'm trying to set up a SciFi builder map, but I can't get into any other builder game (protection) to see how gold income, race selection, opening/closing gates, etc... works out in relation to triggers.

I pretty much just need to know about what basic triggers builder maps (i.e. Medieval Builder, LotR Builder, Village Builder, etc... or even a map like Founders of the North) use.
I hope this will cover your basic needs:

Variable: Unit Group - incomeBuildings

  • Events:
    • Time - every X seconds of game time
  • Conditions:
    • number of units in incomeBuildings is greater than 0
  • Actions:
    • Unit Group - pick every unit in incomeBuildings and do multiple actions
      • Loop - Actions:
        • Player - add Y to (owner of (picked unit)) current gold
  • Events:
    • Unit - a unit finishes construction
  • Conditions:
    • unit-type of (constructed structure) equal to Your Income Building
  • Actions:
    • Unit Group - add (constructed structure) to incomeBuildings
  • Events:
    • Unit - a unit dies
  • Conditions:
    • unit-type of (dying unit) equal to Your Income Building
    • (dying unit) belongs to incomeBuildings
  • Actions:
    • Unit Group - remove (dying unit) from incomeBuildings

Just give walls an ability that morphs them into a building of the same size, but with the "Zone Indicator" pathing map. (or give that ability to a "Gate Wall" unit)

from "World Editor Tutorials"
Just do what this says, but with builders rather than heroes.

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