Things from the Piss of Metal

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Level 18
Sep 26, 2004
ya so I decided to make myself a little dump here where I'll show stuff, just like our good ol' Werewulf has.
I'm trying to put only new stuff in this first post, for I know that most of you know my stuff from either wc3c or DA.
I'll start with something you can't know 'cause I didn't showed anywere yet. The rest you may know, but anyway here they come:











More to come.



Level 18
Sep 26, 2004
holy shit, that's the nicest thing anyone said to me, about hangin on the wall & stuff. No, really, thanks.

But I won't sell my stuff, I make them for myself because I like to. And they don't mean anything, it's just paint on paper, random stuff out of my head, not arranged in any way to mean anything.

I'd like now to make more still life paintings now, to get more used to getting the colors right and to study light some more, I haven't done that in more than 2 years now.
Also, I don't think still life suits you D: I think you are all like awesome-stuff-which-includes-demons-and-other-awesome-stuff

No point in being an awesome-stuff-which-includes-demons-and-other-awesome-stuff artist if you don't like it. Maybe he likes doing still-life? :/



Level 18
Sep 26, 2004
still lives are highly important man, and sadly fewer and fewer people understand that. It's a chance to study light and how it affects the forms and colors. It's like...athletes run a lot to keep in shape, painters/drawers make still lives to do that.

And I'll never be an artist, in my vision of the term anyway. Maybe I'll make 1 or 2 pieces of art in my entire life, but until now I've been only drawing and painting, nothing artsy.



Level 18
Sep 26, 2004
yo here's something new I'm making for Heroes3:WoG (but don't tell, I'm serious). It's a new creature concept, Cockatrice. It's still pork in wrogress because I also want to make a background. I almost finished it, so I'll post an the update soon.

Level 25
Mar 25, 2004
That is actually one of the least cartoony deformed creatures I've seen you draw so far. I mean, the eyes are usually what makes your stuff look 'goofy' with a sick sense, but this looks more real and believable. I applaud you. Also, I agree with Werewulf that you should sell your stuff. If not, keep your work in a portfolio to show off at certain job interviews. Hell, you're so good, I'd doubt they'd need you to fill in a job application for an art related job, and I'm hardly exaggerating. Every time I see your work, I feel unworthy lol.

You're a god and it is difficult to find flaws in your art, thus you're the best artist I've seen on any game forum so far that isn't official yet and has not sold their work.
Now down to the questionaire! What is your technique with acrylic? I am a total noob with it and my art teacher has no idea how to draw even with a pencil, and since you look like you're really good with it already (mountains picture is awesome) I've come to you. :p

Level 25
Mar 25, 2004
I really like your pencil artwork. I mean, yeah, all your work is great, but I am more of a pencil artist fan and the amount of detail, style, and technique is awesome. That hellion or whatever from Doom is pure pwnage. Still need to get used to hatching and cross-hatching shading techniques, so for now I use the shading stub, which is something my art teacher hates with a passion.




Level 18
Sep 26, 2004
Oh my, thanks everyone for the kind words...
Craka_J, your post really flattered me :p I never thought anyone would think of me that way...I really appreciate it, man...don't know what else to say :)

As for the acrylics thing, I don't know if I'm really a good person to give advice, no one taught me how to use them and I'm a little goofy with them, trying something new every time...but basically I just put colors on the palette, mix them and put it on paper, but using as little water as possible!! Even though acrylics are soluble in water, they work just fine without it and it's best to keep it that way unless you want glaze or make a quick colored background, so you don't paint directly on white.
And as for mixing colors, there's some basic rules I follow:
- first of all, think that you're painting light, not colors. There's no pure color in nature, everything is affected by light and you paint the light that's reflected by various colored surfaces.
- secondly, you must understand that saturation is a concept regarding light, not color. Chroma is the correct term for what you might be used to call "saturation" for colors;
- black is NOT EVIL!!! Using black to darken a color is allright, as long as you remember that black lowers the chroma faster than it lowers the brightness!! So you might want to add a color high in chroma after you add black to something, to keep it on track (because shadows are always higher in chroma than areas in light!).
Adding the complementary color to darken a color is pretty fake and doesn't work every time.
- Combining 2 colors with high chroma => color with high chroma.
- Magenta and Cyan are much higher in chroma than red and yellow and they're better at additive mixing, so try using them more often.

That's all I can remember for now, I hope it helps...
Level 34
Sep 6, 2006
The one thing I always wish I was better at was art. My brother is an artist (Masters in fine arts) and my other brothers are all talented drawers, but I was left out. Even my seven year old nephew is better. You have some real talent and obviously a lot of practice. I'm definitely jealous. Perhaps I'll steal your soul, if that's where talent is hidden.

I don't care for some of your work as I'm more a fan of conventional art (I do like the Cockatrice a lot), but I can appreciate your work. I probably shouldn't ever critique/comment on art, but I'll have a go. Your Demon Knight's head really bothers me. The head seems a bit large for the body, and I don't like how the neck attaches to the head, it's like his arm is actually attached to the head. Seems like he needs more of a neck, but I guess he's a demon and can be however you wish. Still, something about that general area bothers me.
Level 5
Mar 6, 2008
i don't know why you don't regard yourself as an artist because your work is professional standard. really. i think you could quite a bit of money from your work
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