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The WotLK Bestiary has Arrived

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Media Manager
Level 49
May 25, 2007
And they present to us some of the new creatures we will encounter. So far we have two:

WotLK Bestiary said:
Nerubian Vizier
The half-spider, half-humanoid viziers once served as advisors, sorcerers, and seers to the mighty nerubian spiderlords. But in the aftermath of the War of the Spider, the tables turned, and in the vacuum of their collapsed society, the cunning viziers rose to power. Utilizing their sorcery and high intelligence, the viziers have emerged as the rulers of the nerubians' underground kingdom.

It is rumored that the viziers themselves may serve an unseen emperor, one who is destined to lead the ancient spider-people to a final victory over the Scourge. While many can only speculate as to the existence of this nerubian emperor, some continue to investigate the link believed to exist between the nerubians and the vicious insect race known as the qiraji.


WotLK Bestiary said:
Plague Eruptor
Plague eruptors are the latest experiment of the Lich King, designed to spread horror and chaos across the world of the living. These walking corpses have quickly earned a reputation as the most destructive of the Scourge army: hyper-violent, incredibly strong, and deceptively fast. The most terrifying weapons in the eruptors' arsenal are the myriad pulsing nodules that dominate their rotting skin. It is from these nodules that the undead plague festers and bursts, insuring that wherever the eruptors go, they quickly spread the Lich King's apocalyptic contagion.



Media Manager
Level 49
May 25, 2007
Update with this baby.

Shovel Tusk
The powerful and ferocious shovel tusks are easily identified by the massive curved antler which protrudes from their heads and the twin sloping tusks that extend from their jaw. The moose-like beasts use their tusks primarily to dig for food, whereas the antler makes for a fearsome ramming weapon in contests to establish dominance over other males.

The shovel tusks are territorial and will protect their feeding grounds with deadly force. Adventurers traveling in Northrend would be wise to avoid these cantankerous and unpredictable beasts.

Level 13
Mar 8, 2005
*sigh* I kinda wished they would have kept the Nerubian looks only as the the Nerubians/Crypt fiends we see in WC 3 and the Spiderlords/Crypt Lords in WC 3. I really hope they won't come up with more strange subspecies for them. Nerubians are my favourite race :p .
Level 13
Mar 8, 2005
Well, considering the fact that they already have the normal crypt fiends in the original WoW, these are just a sub-branch.
I just hope they won't create TOO many sub species :S. I kinda hope that they now stick to only the "normal" Nerubians, Viziers and Spiderlords. *EDIT* oh and the Queens.
Level 4
Jan 16, 2005
What i wonder is with all of these new plague beasts and creatures how have these heroes who have been able to walk through Undead territory not contract the plague? (maby a plot device in the new WC4, you know the heroes of the earth revolt against it and the earth decends into darkness.)
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