17:47, 22nd Aug 2011
Status: Approved
Status: Approved
(12 ratings)
Darklycan51 Presents
The World Of Azeroth
Created by Darklycan51
Map Info:
Well this is a kind of altered melee map but much better.
I've made it so you can Re-imagine how the wars in warcraft have passed but in
a simple melee map.
Select one of twenty Eight races to conquer azeroth, With Only five Workers You need to Build a base And create a great empire
Make allies and enemys For glory, Kill Illidan Or Kel'thuzad ! etc.
- Humans
- Orcs
- Dwarven
- NightElf
- Undead
- High Elfs/Blood Elfs
- Fel Orc
- Nerubians
- Satyrs
- Worgen
- Ogres
- Trolls
- Golems
- Goblins
- Naga
- Broken Draenei/Draenei
- Gnolls
- Tauren
- Demons
- Pandarens
- Centaurs
- Murlocs
- Tuskarrs
- Mage Hunters
- Scarlet Crusade
- Faceless Ones
- Forsaken
- Bandits
Those are the current Races I will probably add a few more.
Inside kultiras lies tandred proudmoore, admiral of Lordaeron
Sunwell boss:
The void Lord, a easy to start boss.
Human form (footmans are morphing into worgen)
Worgen form
Mage Hunter:
You can see most of their base (the big tower is the magic center)
Ogre gameplay:
A user Paillan showing us how to play the Ogres
Change Log:
- Global Upgrades for the Night Elves
- Nothing
- Tooltips
- Hotkeys
- Collision size on big units
- Naval units now have extra 150 range
- Lots of balance changes (a lot to add).
Special Thanks:
- Eagleman
- Diegokopo
- Paillan
- Keltras
- Darkcris
- ]KeViN[
- Persiaa
- Lumix355
- DragonBlood
Loading Screen/Map Preview Image:
- Kobas
- Tickles
- GangSpear
- Darkgrom
- Dr Super Good
- Tank Commander
- Magtheridon96
- Blizzard Entertainment
- Myself
Author's notes:
um i guess that thats all.
v Credits for the Description Template.
All I can say is WoW (pardon the pun). This is by far the best map we've ever played (4 of us here). This absolutely has some of the best potential we've seen in a map.
Couple of suggestions:
First, get the AI working so that the computer can actually pick a race and then get a home location started. It's absolutely essential that we are able to play a computer on different teams here as it's REALLY fun when you can play together in large teams against intelligent computers. Really fun, especially on such an AMAZING map and world.
Second, get English down the rest of the way for the translation. Very confusing for some folks.
Thanks SO VERY MUCH for such an amazing map!!! Absolutely wonderful work and I can only imagine it getting better when you get these down and people stat discovering this GEM.
use only 1 custom model D= 141 kb is not much, for range = this model, for mounted use raider, and add the (witch) orc !
Some Of the Credits For the models:
Cavman (Dire troll [Mutant Troll])
Mephestrial (for the units and buildings gnolls)
Tranquil (Mounted Royal Captain- Paladin)
Frankster (Crossbowman Fel orc)
Thanks for using some of my ideas8.0 made me very happy. And i noticed you removed the trees i was complaing about as well