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The World Of Azeroth v8.5c

Darklycan51 Presents

The World Of Azeroth
Created by Darklycan51

Map Info:
Well this is a kind of altered melee map but much better.
I've made it so you can Re-imagine how the wars in warcraft have passed but in
a simple melee map.


Select one of twenty Eight races to conquer azeroth, With Only five Workers You need to Build a base And create a great empire
Make allies and enemys For glory, Kill Illidan Or Kel'thuzad ! etc.

  • Humans
  • Orcs
  • Dwarven
  • NightElf
  • Undead
  • High Elfs/Blood Elfs
  • Fel Orc
  • Nerubians
  • Satyrs
  • Worgen
  • Ogres
  • Trolls
  • Golems
  • Goblins
  • Naga
  • Broken Draenei/Draenei
  • Gnolls
  • Tauren
  • Demons
  • Pandarens
  • Centaurs
  • Murlocs
  • Tuskarrs
  • Mage Hunters
  • Scarlet Crusade
  • Faceless Ones
  • Forsaken
  • Bandits

Those are the current Races I will probably add a few more.


Inside kultiras lies tandred proudmoore, admiral of Lordaeron

Sunwell boss:
The void Lord, a easy to start boss.

Human form (footmans are morphing into worgen)


Worgen form


Mage Hunter:
You can see most of their base (the big tower is the magic center)


Ogre gameplay:
A user Paillan showing us how to play the Ogres

Change Log:

  • Global Upgrades for the Night Elves
  • Nothing
  • Tooltips
  • Hotkeys
  • Collision size on big units
  • Naval units now have extra 150 range
  • Lots of balance changes (a lot to add).


Special Thanks:
  • Eagleman
  • Diegokopo
  • Paillan
  • Keltras
  • Darkcris
  • ]KeViN[
  • Persiaa
  • Lumix355
  • DragonBlood

  • Kobas
  • Tickles
  • GangSpear
  • Darkgrom
  • Dr Super Good
  • Tank Commander
  • Magtheridon96
Loading Screen/Map Preview Image:
  • Blizzard Entertainment
  • Myself
  • :D

Author's notes:

link: http://i50.tinypic.com/jl4c4h.png
um i guess that thats all.
v Credits for the Description Template.
Map Description Template Created by -Kobas-
Find more here: Map Description - Templates


The World Of Azeroth v8.5c (Map)

17:47, 22nd Aug 2011 -Kobas-: Status: Approved
Level 1
Jul 22, 2011
All I can say is WoW (pardon the pun). This is by far the best map we've ever played (4 of us here). This absolutely has some of the best potential we've seen in a map.

Couple of suggestions:

First, get the AI working so that the computer can actually pick a race and then get a home location started. It's absolutely essential that we are able to play a computer on different teams here as it's REALLY fun when you can play together in large teams against intelligent computers. Really fun, especially on such an AMAZING map and world.

Second, get English down the rest of the way for the translation. Very confusing for some folks.

Thanks SO VERY MUCH for such an amazing map!!! Absolutely wonderful work and I can only imagine it getting better when you get these down and people stat discovering this GEM.
Level 19
Jan 12, 2011
All I can say is WoW (pardon the pun). This is by far the best map we've ever played (4 of us here). This absolutely has some of the best potential we've seen in a map.

Couple of suggestions:

First, get the AI working so that the computer can actually pick a race and then get a home location started. It's absolutely essential that we are able to play a computer on different teams here as it's REALLY fun when you can play together in large teams against intelligent computers. Really fun, especially on such an AMAZING map and world.

Second, get English down the rest of the way for the translation. Very confusing for some folks.

Thanks SO VERY MUCH for such an amazing map!!! Absolutely wonderful work and I can only imagine it getting better when you get these down and people stat discovering this GEM.

thank you im working hard to translate the game you know its not that easy to translate a map completely from Spanish To English. also 7.8 is out (uploading to hive it has already been out for like a week but since no one commented..) and 7.8b will be up soon (will have more balance and stuff no bugs in 7.8 so you can play it).
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Reactions: Ras
Level 1
Jul 22, 2011
There should be a way for you to grep through the file to find the fields to replace. I'd say you could find some tricks (being a programmer may have me spoiled). I'd be happy to look into that if it could help.

But yes, the AI feature to allow a computer to grab a race would be great. You know, just a shortcut that would be nice is if you could assign a race to the computer at the beginning from among the standard races (for example, we primarily wanted to play against orcs and undead on different computer teams) that might be handy. Then they could have their race and just go on out to populate an area. I have a feeling that the computer AI could become super difficult, so we might need ways to tweak that.

Also, yes, we have played the 7.8 release. I really think you've got a winner here as you work out some of these kinks. Great job!
Level 19
Jan 12, 2011
yeah mostly the problem is the file size as you notice its almost at limit (and im using the optimizer already) 7.8b will have some balances and -kick , i think in 8.0 i will introduce -repick but im not sure if i will be able to add computers bcuse it would be hard to make a computer build somewhere when players can build anywhere

also i got the models already for an entire draenei race the problem is the file size i hope blizzard adds some more mbs to maps soon



Level 6
Dec 24, 2010
This is a very good Map But need changes, The English and Other things, Actually 4.4/5 Because The Naga are much powerfull and the archimonde (comparated whit Pit Commander) Is
Weak, And add Kil'Jaeden! :D good luck



Level 6
Dec 24, 2010

A description: Select one of twenty two races to conquer azeroth, With Only five Workers You need to contruct a base And create a great empire
Make allys and enemys For glory, Kill Illidan Or Kel'thuzad ! etc. blablabla

-Human [Simple Human with "Paladin" Unit (don't have elf and dwarves)]
-Orc (More like horde, have trolls, goblin, ogres, and death kings !)
-Night Elf (This Race don't have much changes)
-Undead (Have skeleton soldiers)
-Fel orc (Like The Normal Fel Orc But have "ballist soldiers?")
-Dwarves (Have Melee Unit and the normals Units)
-Blood elf [This Race Have Elemental! And The normals soldiers (Edited)]
-Satyrs (Using The Buildings and the unit for the satyr and a Other Soldier)
-Nerubians [This race have spider (worker) And The normals unit of nerubians]
-Golems (Have a lot of powerfull Soldiers, Like Meat golem)
-Trolls (Very Good in range, have a some imported models [Mutant Troll]
-Goblins (This race have much machines [Imported])
-Ogres (I don't Use never this race)
-Naga (Have only a change, The Flying Unit is a water dragon and have Real Guardians)
-Broken Draenei (I don't Much Of this race, but is like the normal)
-Gnoll (My favourite race, Have Flying Units And much buildings Imported)
-Tauren (Now Have Range unit etc.)
-Demons ([This Race is powerfull :S] Have the normal unit of burning legion Like fel beast etc.)
-Pandares (Yeah! [Have a fusion of pandarens and furbolgs])
-Centaurs (This race Is of centaur [The only new thing is the hero :S]
-Murlocs (Anfibian Race, For my is weak)
-Worgen (Good Race a little powerfull :S And have harpys (o_O)

You really need to Have Credits for the creator of models, because The modelers Work Much For making this awesome models
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Level 3
Jun 28, 2010
Is it protected? If not, i plan on making some changes for me and my friends. I found mutiple pathing issues, mainly caused by trees and the neutral buildings.
Level 3
Jun 28, 2010
Okay, well, all i get when i open it in the editor all it is is the terrain, so i'm just going to say whats wrong. In quelthalas, near the goblin labratory, theres a little choke it creates with the nearby trees that stops any units except workers from getting past. Also, you should lower the speed of all units, because the size/scale of the map makes it look like they are going superspeed.
Level 5
Sep 18, 2010
i played a spanish version, and it had 33 races, but it sucked, no tool tips, nothing (on epic war ) enyway, i think you will add more races ,suggestions:
burning legion
enyway, i will host this on battle net and give some feedback :)
Level 1
Jul 22, 2011
How is it going adding AI?

Any chance you can up this map unencrypted as it appears some folks would like to help, but can't open it properly?
Level 19
Jan 12, 2011
sry but i won't publish the map unprotected because many people will start making stupid mods like loap (they posted an unprotected version and now look at it).

so no i would only post the unprotected version when i get done with the map and i think i can't add anything better to it.
Level 19
Jan 12, 2011
i can't separate the orcs because there aren't enough ingame units for range-mounted etc .
so i got to use some trolls/ogres. i prefer leaving them like they are now and add more races and fix really fix-needed races such as Worgen/centaur/Panda That will get upgraded soon. and maybe murlocs too

updated map description.
used Kobas template.



Level 6
Dec 24, 2010
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Level 19
Jan 12, 2011
use only 1 custom model D= http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/...er-53375/?prev=search=orc%20spear&d=list&r=20 141 kb is not much, for range = this model, for mounted use raider, and add the (witch) orc !

Some Of the Credits For the models:

Cavman (Dire troll [Mutant Troll])
Mephestrial (for the units and buildings gnolls)
Tranquil (Mounted Royal Captain- Paladin)
Frankster (Crossbowman Fel orc)

I only added credits for the most used models . if i would add credits for every single model i would get like 2 pages of credits.

if an author wants credits just needs to post a comment



Level 6
Dec 24, 2010
Some suggestions/things you need to change etc

-archimonde have 15.000 of life, and pit commander have 20.000
-the text of the "las otras razas" (The Other Races)
-some workers have the name "trabajador" x= troll. gnoll etc
-The Abilities are some borings, No much New i think
-more descriptions in the seletion of races

-Blood elves: Can Make Really good defenses and can explore very well with the observatory, and powerfull blocking invisibility and some spells
-Dwarven: The Dwarven are good in the surprises attacks, And have some technology like tank of war, They Drink soo much.
-Orcs: The Orcs are really powerfull using all of her powers, they have good spells and have some Death knights, and have some helps of troll and ogres.
-Undead: The Undead Are powerfull, but need some time to construct the base, They Have Some Good Auras With The heros, and have A good balance
-Tauren: Powerfull in melee, and have some good range, a Easy race to playing.
-Nerubian: Really powerfull with some units, Are good With Range, Good for surprise attack.
-Gnolls: Are Good Rushing, Some Fast Creating Soldiers, Have a Really good air, Is some hard to play with these.
-Goblins: Really good with technology and range, they have a zeppelin really powerfull, this zeppelin can attack and transport units.
-Broken Draenei: this race can become really porwerfull With her Advanced Units.
-Night Elves: Much units have shadowmeld, can have a surprise attack easy, but the defenses of this race are weak, try to defend with some soldiers.
-Chaos Orc: Have Melee Range And Air, Are very powerfull with her chaos damage.
-Naga: The Naga Can Swin, The Naga can go to all the map without Ships, And Have powerfull melee and range units, making a terror in the water.
-Satires: The Satires can be strong In groups, but sometimes the spiders and corrupt treants are very usefull for helping the satires.
-Golems: Are The Best Tanks in the game, Have Some Good Attack Too, But are SLOW to create Units
-Worgen: Very good in rushing, Special in the night with the nightwatcher, Can Make much damage in the night.
-Murlocs: The Murloc Can Swin like the nagas, have a good hydras making very powerfull.

The Other Descriptions i think are good
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Level 1
Jan 27, 2012
I've been trying to play this, but nobody hosts it on bnet and I can't host. Would anybody want to play this?
Level 19
Jan 12, 2011
it's not a bug, the altar has no building time , and akama has like 120 seconds of cooldown and that's the same time that an ordinary altar takes to build , so basically it's almost the same , however i will think if i change that and add building time to the altar and make akama trainable.
Level 19
Jan 12, 2011
Next version is going to be an expansion patch with LOTS of updates , which include:
-item recipes
-Various world zones Remade/Fixed(like pandaria)
-4 new races/factions being added : tuskarrs,Scarlet Crusade, Forgotten Ones and Mage Hunters.
-lots of secret events
-balanced a lot of units
-demons will now have 3 tiers instead of one and got nerfed
-some smaller neutral creeps added to add "life" to the map
-Fixed upgrades for lot of units
-Removed all the Ground Texture for buildings , so buildings will look better.
-remade some units such as human archers replaced for spermans/Assassins(spearman upgrade)
-dwarven units (warriors,gladiators and riflemans) now got a new ability each.
-Draenei sorcerer nerfed.
-Nerubian has a New Hero (Nerubian Queen).
-Fixed nightelves being able to create unlimited faerie dragons.
-Legion Event will Work different now and won't Lag the Game.
-Added 3 new World Bosses (Void Lord, Blasted Land's Warlock and a secret Boss).
-Teldrassil has now creeps which help players "Strength" their heroes since they are not in main kalimdor and cannot fight in early game with other
-Pit commander now has a secret way to Reduce 50% of it's Health without battling him.
-All races will now have buyable Scrolls in Their Townhall.
-More tooltips being translated
-Some Weak Heroes will have 1 of their Weakest ability replaced for an extra ability which boosts their main atribute, Example: Paladin (heal replaced with +5/10/15 Strength)
,Summon Abilities are now Stronger.
-Replaced Worgen Field Commander Model to be Team Coloured.
-Ships Limit increased to 20 frigates and 10 battleships (instead of 10 frigates and 5 battleships).

and more..
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Level 19
Jan 12, 2011
i'm really sorry Dx i found 2 bugs which i couldn't resist on fixin'..

1: Tuskarr's didn't have a tower.
2:Heart of Terraske recipe asked for 2 periapt of vitality when it should actually be 1 periapt of vitality + 1 ring of superior health.

this should be the last released version until v8.2
Level 19
Jan 22, 2011
I had bee waiting the return off this map :C
I still always host it on Garena, i could you also help in translation, since my mother lenguage is Spanish (Chilean too be specific)
Also i have some ideas for this map, but i will tall to you about them later in a PM.
Also, your map is in epicwar.com there are MANY copies :/
Level 3
Aug 12, 2012
Map is really great only few things i dislike
Typos , i see almost all is spanish
I dislike that food is not limited at 150 175 , cause the whole lategame is on massing units instead of making some stronger
Level 19
Jan 12, 2011
well it depends mostly on your language , there are only some stuff remaining in spanish which i'm going to translate, the food and other stuff like that won't be changed because it's the main characteristic of the map, you don't win by massing units , the winning player is always the one who uses his units better, also i'm planning to do a -norecipe mode and a -noheromode for people who don't like them , obviously has to be typed by the host at the start of the game.
Level 3
Aug 12, 2012
I would like to help you if you let me work on your project too , i would add item recipes , maybe some towers for scarlet crusade... Help with translations , if you let me help you of course , and if i can't (if you don't let me try to help) You should lower the income
Level 3
Aug 12, 2012
And of course i forgot , please don't put allies at start , i have to tell people all the time