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The Wc3Banlist Tutorial

Level 3
Dec 5, 2008
This guide is posted on Vampirismfire/vampirismspeed/dotaportal/dotasg.com and many other forums.
Original creator of the guide is SaMmM.
Please make sure to state SaMmM as original creator of the guide if you redistribute this guide elsewhere.

If this guide is found to be redistributed without giving credits to SaMmM; the following actions will be taken:
1. The admin of the website containing the redistributed copy will be contacted.
2. Redistributed copy will then be requested for removal from the website.
3. Account suspension of the user that steals my guide will be made to the admin.
4. If a admin from a website steals my guide, i will personally badmouth and defame your website in all of my guides.

Table of Contents:
1: Getting started
2: Country Checking
3: Ping Checking
4: Banlisting leavers
5: Custom comments
6: Auto refresher
7: Approved host and Global banning

Getting started

I am now going to show u how to install wc3banlist 3.0 and then patch it to wc3banlist 3.1 beta.
Visit Downloads - WC3Banlist
Download wc3banlist 3.0

Install it (I don't have to go into details of installing, i know you guys can handle a simple installation)

Now after u finish installing wc3banlist 3.0
Go to Downloads - WC3Banlist

Now download WC3Banlist 3.1 beta (build 210).

After u have downloaded WC3Banlist 3.1 beta (build 210).

Extract all the contents in the winrar achieve to your wc3banlist directory. Overwrite when it ask you to confirm. The wc3banlist directory is located usually in C:\Program Files\WC3Banlist.

After u have succesfully extracted WC3Banlist 3.1 beta (build 210) to your wc3banlist directory, you have finished installing.

Country Checking

Launch Wc3banlist by clicking on its icon on your desktop.
It should look like this, regardless of different versions.

After u have successfully launch Wc3banlist, now launch THE FROZEN THRONE.
Connect to any BattleNet Server, join any game in BattleNet. Once u have joined a game it should look like this.

Type /fromall
Wait for 2s, then press and hold Ctrl on your keyboard, and then press v.

A list of people and their country in game will appear at your typing bar.

For example: confinists: (SG), toy016: (AU), pasu: (SG), vteckui: (TW), Alkhaleed: (SG), iNeverLied.: (JP), ryoDK: (SG), yontboy: (US).

Press enter on your keyboard and it will appear as chat for everyone in game to see.

Thats all for country checking!

Ping Checking

Launch Wc3banlist by clicking on its icon on your desktop.
It should look like this, regardless of different versions.

After u have successfully launch Wc3banlist, now launch THE FROZEN THRONE.
Connect to any BattleNet Server, join any game in BattleNet. Once u have joined a game it should look like this.

Type /Pingall
Wait for 2s, then press and hold Ctrl on your keyboard, and then press v.

A list of people and their Ping in game will appear at your typing bar.

For example: leO.5ePhiRotH: 16 ms, Sagittarius-Hgg: 22 ms, LiBrA.NooBBOB: 201 ms, 2times2: t/o, HaRdGayBoyZ: t/o

Press enter on your keyboard and it will appear as chat for everyone in game to see.

Thats all for Ping checking!

Side note for Ping: Ping determines if a player will lag or not
By looking at a Ping number, the lower the better it is, For example 20 ms is better than 150 ms. Once someone has 50ms or above they might experience game stuttering or delay when moving units in game.

Banlisting leavers
When someone leaves during a game starting countdown or during game playing.

You can ban on your own banlist.
There is a few simple ways of banning people, and i am gona list 2 of it.

1st way is to immediately type "/banlast" when someone leaves. Wc3banlist will automatically ban the last leaver with a comment/keyword leaver.

2nd way is to type /ban [insert name here] [insert comment here]
For example: /ban SaMmM leaver

Custom Comments

In wc3banlist, click on Preferences Tab and then click on Custom comments in the left side.

Click on the + button and type in Leaver in the box that pops up.

After u have type leaver press ok.

Type this into the blank box beside the + and - button:
leaver after $gametime ($ratio) on $realm [($year-$month-$day)] - $gametitle

So now whenever u ban someone in game, with the command "/ban SaMmM leaver" or "/banlast"

Then SaMmM will be banned with the comment "SaMmM is a leaver after 00:14:35 (5v4*) on Lordaeron [(2007-02-17)] - dota sg ap! 5v5 net"

Of course u can be creative and use custom comments for other uses, go figure it out!

In wc3banlist, click on the preferences tab and then click on miscellaneous on the left side.

Tick the checkbox "Enable automatic game refresh"

U can also set the interval for auto refreshing with the slider with a minimum of 10s and maximum of 60s.

Side note: Auto refresh only works for game host, and is only available for wc3banlist 3.1beta version.

Approved host and Global banning

When you play on Battle.net, many hosts and people threaten to ban u globally.
Its a empty threat, as only approved host can ban people globally.

Even if a approved host bans you, you are not actually globally banned!
People will have to download the approved host's bans to know that you are banned.

When you are banned by wc3banlist, only your username will be logged by the banlist. Your IP address will not be logged. So if someone says he is gona ban you by your IP, he is lying.

Here is a list of approved host:

(Image taken from We're BACK!!! - Banlist.nl)

I do not encourage leavers and sore losers, i hope nobody will become bigger losers and leavers after reading this section.

Please feel free to ask any questions!
Thats all! I hope this tutorial can help people! This tutorial was done completely by me SaMmM.