The Watcher IV : The Battle

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The Watcher IV : The Battle.. [FONT=;Century Gothic] The battle between Thaindore's warriors and Anubis' forces, drilled on throughout the whole night, the dawn was breaking now... Tainthar made his way to the peak of the mountain... to destroy Anubis [/FONT]
Cinematic Time
Tainthar is a blademaster blessed with power's from a distant race called the "Ancients" and every month he must pray to the Ancients so that Thaindore is protected from Tainthar's apponent - Anubis
Anubis is a false god, meaning he is not a god but has powers of a god and people worship him, as a god, Anubis wants Tainthar dead and to enslave the people of Thaindore.
Tainthar made his way to millhand mountain, on the way he encountered a forest which had unknown means of bringing back disturbing memories,
Then Tainthar got throught that forest and made his way toward's Millhand Mountain peak, where Anubis' pyramid was,
there was a huge battle between Anubis' forces and Thaindore's warriors...

Music by: Blizzard Entertainment
Sounds From:


Paladon ; Jump Spell
Kitabatake ; Fire Slash Combo Spell
Aspard & Baassee ; Ohmni Slash Spell

I'm sorry if your name is not on the Models by: list , i cannot find all the models i used on this website. Please message me or somthing if your Credits has not been given

Thanks to amigurumi And zelda.alex Because they looked at the map and told me what needed improving, So many thanks to both of them.
Thanks to Spetimus. He explained to me what was wrong with some of the parts of the Cinematic, and how to improve them.




Changed Tainthar's Spell while jumping over the bridges to a Jump spell By Paladon
Changed the Battle scene completly
Tainthar, Thaindore, Anubis, Battle, Samurai, Anciant, Summon, Pyramid, Karr, Shaman, Great Battle.

The Watcher IV : The Battle (Map)

13:24, 27th Jun 2009 Linaze: Fourth episode of the "The Watcher" series. Definitely the best and most entertaining episode so far, so if you've watched and enjoyed the other episodes, this one won't be an exception. The camera moved a bit choppy from...




13:24, 27th Jun 2009
Linaze: Fourth episode of the "The Watcher" series. Definitely the best and most entertaining episode so far, so if you've watched and enjoyed the other episodes, this one won't be an exception. The camera moved a bit choppy from time to time, but the camera work was overall rather good. One camera that bothered me though, was the one going towards the portal as it moved a bit too slow. The terrain was decent but could've used some more environmental doodads. The music was a bit too quiet and you could barely hear it during the battle scene. Finally, there were quite a lot of grammatical errors and a few spelling errors, as well.

Approved with a 3/5 (useful) rating
nice cinematic. I'm not going to review it, because I helped you already with it.
but there are some bugs, that should be fixed:

1) in the battle, there's an archer who is paused during her attack animation
2) when anubis hurt tainthar, tainthar got knockbacked, and after the fadefilter, tainthar lies on an other point
3) after the battle scene, the screen went red and fades back (6 times, I think) and then tainthar tumbled down, and the screen went normal. Shouldn't it be red?
4) some grammar/typo errors, but I'm not the guy for this =D
5) Is it only my computer, or is there a small lag at the battle scene?

I hope the other parts are going to be a success like this.
Level 18
Jul 14, 2008
nice cinematic. I'm not going to review it, because I helped you already with it.
but there are some bugs, that should be fixed:

1) in the battle, there's an archer who is paused during her attack animation
2) when anubis hurt tainthar, tainthar got knockbacked, and after the fadefilter, tainthar lies on an other point
3) after the battle scene, the screen went red and fades back (6 times, I think) and then tainthar tumbled down, and the screen went normal. Shouldn't it be red?
4) some grammar/typo errors, but I'm not the guy for this =D
5) Is it only my computer, or is there a small lag at the battle scene?

I hope the other parts are going to be a success like this.

could you please tell me which archer it is,
And thanks for the buglist :D
Level 31
May 3, 2008
1) Description - The packaging is nice and well organize, there is absolutely no flaw. But why the main introduction isn't included into the box tag?

2) Terrain & Fog - The fog usage are nice; so does the terrain. Infact, I do not think I seen any flaw on it

3) Music & Sound - The music choice seems to be fitting; even though the selection choice could be better for battle cinematic.

However, the sound effect isn't at his best for most of the aspect. For example, the sound of the thumping footstep doesn't seems to be suitable to be used for the house as the house floor was marble.

The sound of the house collapse isn't fitting either, it sound more like landslide rather than the house itself collapse. A sound of house collapse are suppose to be more like "Kreaakkk, krumm, dang, plang" instead of "shreeeeh". My house ceiling have once collapse, so I know how it sound like.

4) Animation & Special Effect - As for the special effect, it was definitely overused at the battle scene. The battle scene was way too short and I seen special effect are being use more frequently compare to animation.

The animation usage are basic at most of the point and poor. I notice Freya head have weird twist during my first watch (You probably did not reset head position upon being used); as for the second time I watch it, the head face the wall while the body is making a turn.

You need to reset animation and head/chest facing position everytime you used it or else it would cause the unit to make a weird animation or the head facing position stay at the same spot even if you order him to face other unit.

Just take a look at the screenshot below, you would notice he was looking at the wall and not at the Tainthar.


5) Camera - Again, the camera movement was choppy. I notice the only camera movement that are smooth and steady are usually the camera that show a new scenery.

6) Scripting/Triggering - The scripting/triggering now have much more of the basic cinematic setup. But you need to add a custom script of turning off ambient sound, they are suppose to be trigger and not to let it on all the time.

Also, the battle scene show a flaw (It is hard to be notice if the cinematic isn't been watch carefully). The first time I watch, I notice Tainthar dodge Anubis before Anubis play spell channel animation. However, during the second time I watch it; I notice Tainthar dodge it after Anubis play spell channel animation.

If you are making a battle cinematic, never ever used Wait action. They have min wait of 0.27 seconds and the wait duration sometimes depends on the computer itself.

To top up with, the jumping scene was poor. It look as the Tainthar was walking on the air instead of jumping (That's exactly what he do, he walk) since you add crow form and order him to walk to xxx position instead of using polar projection or jump spells.

Take a look at the screenshot below, you would notice it was 1 straight walk instead of a jump.


7) Replayability - The replayability values is mediocre. The early battle scene look like a massive army hack and slash without any interesting showcase.

The battle scene was too short and focus more on sfx rather than good animation. I notice the battle scene between Anubis and Tainthar more

like a sfx exhibition rather than a battle scene as the battle scene hardly use more than 3 animation, it was quite a waste as Anubis and

Tainthar model have several useful animation to make the battle scene far better.

To top up with, it seems the creator was in a rush in releasing the cinematic. There is a lot of typo that was quite noticeable as you can seen from this screenshot below.




And again, the black_stan model are not fully utilize. Fans of black_stan model are not recommend to watch this cinematic as you would be dissappoint over the waste of the usefulness of this model.

However, the cinematic are getting better and better. The author are certainly making a tremendous improvement over his work, I have no doubt the cinematic would be getting more interesting and impressive for the upcoming sequence.

At the meantime, I do not recommend user to watch the elder sequence as the early sequence (Episode I & II) are rather poor. But, the early sequence could probably be much better than it's early release if the author do take any incentive to improve it.

Overall, this resources is 3/5 (Useful). However, I afraid it was 1/5 (Unacceptable) until the user add a crediting list to the resources he used inside the cinematic. The current crediting are only done at hiveworkshop map description, without adding any crediting into the map; it was as good as rules violation.

So, my rating would be 3/5 (Useful) and vote Disapproval till crediting has been add into cinematic.
Level 24
Feb 28, 2007
The Watcher IV is the fourth episode of xDeathKnightx's cinematic series about the Orc Tainthar and his quest to kill the false god Anubis. This episode began where the third ended, with the battle between Tainthar's clan and Anubis's unholy army. There is also a Tainthar vs Anubis battle scene in this episode, and I can assure you that everything is not what it seems. This was a rather entertaining cinematic, the best in the series, for sure, so if you liked the previous episodes, this one won't be an exception.

The camera moved a bit choppy from time to time, but the camera work was overall rather good as there weren't really any stiff scenes. One camera that bothered me though, was the one going towards the portal as it moved a bit too slowly.

The terrain of the cinematic was of similar quality to the other episodes, some places could've used some more doodads, especially of the environmental kind. The height and tile variation was good and the map didn't look neither flat or plain. My only real complain would be that the brown grass didn't really fit in the snowy environment the cinematic took place in.

The music used in the cinematic wasn't that good and "Tragic Confrontation" didn't really fit as music for the intro battle, and sometimes the music could not even be heard because of the sounds of the battle.

There were a bit of special effect abuse in the duel between Tainthar and Anubis that probably could cause lag on older computers. There were quite a lot of movement going on in the cinematic, though, that made the cinematic feel less stiff and more "lively".

The English used in the cinematic was rather bad, and there were grammatical/spelling errors in most of the sentences that should be corrected.

I didn't really think Freya's model fit in so well with the other characters' models as it looked a more high-poly and overall was of better quality than say, the blademaster.

The cinematic follows all of the Hive's rules and has a good description here on the Hive that contains all the information it needs to.

To summarize, the cinematic was rather entertaining. The camera moved a bit choppy sometimes, but the actual camera work was pretty good. The terrain was also pretty good, but some areas could use some more doodads to look less empty, the brown grass looked a bit out of place in the snowy terrain. The music was a bit too quiet sometimes, and was drowned by the sounds of the battles in the cinematic. There were a bit to many special effects at once during certain scenes. There were lots of animation and the cinematic wasn't that stiff. The cinematic suffered from bad English that should be fixed. The model for Freya didn't fit in with the other models so well. The cinematic breaks no rules and has a proper description.

3/5 (Useful) and voted for approval.
Level 13
Apr 15, 2008
Battles are always hard to make.

Gonna download it tomorrow and I'll leave a review about it :cgrin:
Level 18
Jul 14, 2008
Battles are always hard to make.

Gonna download it tomorrow and I'll leave a review about it :cgrin:

I am updating this map right now, so if you need an older version of the battle i would download now and review tomorrow, because i might be finished with the *new* battle scene by tomorrow, then you can tell me which battle scene looks better :D :cool:
Level 13
Apr 15, 2008
I am updating this map right now, so if you need an older version of the battle i would download now and review tomorrow, because i might be finished with the *new* battle scene by tomorrow, then you can tell me which battle scene looks better :D :cool:

Hah, You just want 2 reviews of me, don't you!

Anyway, I'll do that, you get your 2 reviews :p
Actually, it isn't that hard.

it depends on the battle quality, it's quite hard for a beginner at this genre.
You have to look at all animations, combine them to achieve the best movements.
It's easier for someone who did this before, that's right, but for someone who is new at this, he will have problems with it, and it will cost a lot of time.
Level 8
Jan 28, 2018
I think I found the issue. It's due to the map having faulty custom scripts (which is unrelated to the cinematic) inside the triggers.
Removing them should help the cinematic working as usual.
I will also make a youtube video for it if you only want to watch, of course.
Edit: Here's that video you can watch:
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