The Trading Isle -Template-

This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
YatoGod Presents

Trading Isle
Created by YatoGod

Map Info:

[rainbow]This is a Simple Template that i created this is my first map that i uploaded here in THW.The Map revolves around my idea of making an isle that is center of trading in azeroth,even though it really doesnt exist.[/rainbow]

Screenshots and Videos:

Image Description:
Lumber Harvesting & Farm:


Image Description:


Image Description:
Isle Guard:


Image Description:
Trading Area & Seaport:


Image Description:


Change Log:


Special Thanks:
  • CloudWolf-Buildings
  • Nichita00-Peasants

Author's notes:

[rainbow]This Template is good for cinematics or campaign.[/rainbow]

Map Description Template Created by -Kobas-
Find more here: Map Description - Templates

Template,Isle,Trading,Trading Isle

The Trading Isle -Template- (Map)

10:59, 4th May 2014 Orcnet: my comment
1. I can't see any screenshots, please do add some.

2. I think the some parts (most) of the terrain is flat. I could see you did not use cliffs and I like that but maybe you could raise some parts in the main-place/main city a bit just to have some variations in slope. I see that there are some parts which are raised but those parts aren't easily seen because they are at the edge of the map.

3. It is also nice to use the global weather, sound environment, light environment and water tinting color. In your terrain fog, I would suggest you use light gray with z start 2000 and z end 3500 and see the effect. Also, I would suggest to use generic sky in the map preferences.

4. Would you mind adding some trigger comments giving credits to the creator of the models you used in this map?
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2. I think the some parts (most) of the terrain is flat. I could see you did not use cliffs and I like that but maybe you could raise some parts in the main-place/main city a bit just to have some variations in slope. I see that there are some parts which are raised but those parts aren't easily seen because they are at the edge of the map.
THAT! Also it's horribly made, tile variation is awful, I can see those tile hard edges, do something about that!
Anyway good luck.
Level 30
Jul 31, 2010
Terrain is on a flat edge, same level-wise you should at least adding some hills or a few cliff levels to give in the human settlement some degree.

Same goes to the sands region and ocean, while the deep water level is way more huge than the land itself, it needs some balancing.

For now its fitting for practice, but not acceptable yet as an upload.