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The Sunken City

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Reactions: deepstrasz
The Sunken City
Map Description:
An old updated map, re-created the environment and terrain but the layout stood the same. Updated to the last melee map version. Map layout gives players opportunities to control their enemies when played correctly. Also themed with city ruins and water.


Bigger size images can be found in my album. Icons by Blizzard.
Change Log
• Uploaded
• Update I

- Added 4 More Green Creep Camps
- Added 4 Goblin Laboratories
- Added Environment
- Made bases a little bigger
• Update II
- Edited Dimension Portals
- Edited Description
- Replaced 2 Goblin Laboratories
• Update III
- Updated map description
- Updated to the last version
• Update IV
- Recreated all the map exept layout
- Changed the map name from Floating Land

• Creep Camps
- 6 Green Camps
- 4 Orange Camps
• Neutral Buildings
- 4 Gold Mines
- 1 Tavern

Ruins, Sunken, The Sunken City, City, Dalaran Ruins, Remixer, 1v1, Melee, Recreated, Floating Land

The Sunken City (Map)

» Vengeancekael:[c] 「Profile :: Message :: Hive Staff」 » Date:[c] 「24/Feb/2013 03:05:35」 » Reasons: » Comment: Atmospheric, but generic feel and nothing new. Goblin merchants are always welcome. [Moderated version: IV] [Rating change: 2/5 ->...




» Vengeancekael:[c] Profile :: Message :: Hive Staff
» Date:[c] 24/Feb/2013 03:05:35
» Reasons:
» Comment:
Atmospheric, but generic feel and nothing new.
Goblin merchants are always welcome.
[Moderated version: IV]
[Rating change: 2/5 -> 3/5]
» Rules: [c] Map Submission
» Contact: [c] Staff Contact
! 'Reasons' are automated !

Vengeancekael - [Contact]
Date: 2012/Jun/03 15:40:29

Comment: [Approved]
Neat, very atmospheric map, but like sonofjay has suggested, add more grass, I'd even suggest you use those dark animated grass models from UTM.
And add a higer level item drop to the level 6 rock golems, level 1 power ups should be given to green/yellow camps.
Add goblin merchants to the left and right side of the map (yellow camps).
Right now it's acceptable though.

Resource Moderation - Rules
Level 2
May 29, 2012

This map is awesome. I think that the fog looks nice and the Way Gates were a good idea.

I seems to me that the bottom-left area has more room to build than the top-right.
Level 28
Oct 28, 2011
Well I don't have a big spare time to make a full review

  • The waygate is a great idea
  • A fair and symmetric terrain.

  • Don't put a rock golem in a group of kobold. Golem and kobold have no relation to each other.
  • A level 3 kobold drops a level 5 items but a level 4 water elemental drops a level 2 item? o_O
  • The lower player have more space to build.

RATING: 2/5 Vote for approval

Other notes: Just improve the item drops and make the base wider so players have more space to build.
Level 2
Nov 27, 2017
I agree with the review. But aside from that, this melee is unique; I haven't really seen a style like this, or am I low standard? Either way, I, too, have some suggestions but that'll take a whole new update. Thumbs up, tho! :thumbs_up: