- Fixed a critical bug that stops Dark Lord Evo from spawning
- Sephiorth: Skill 2 - Image Duration increased from 20s to 30s
- Reverts hotkey to WEDR as Q is spellbook key
- Enrage timer reset increased to 45 seconds
- Just a visual update on loading screen and preview screen, also to fix the version title on 2.14h
- As requested... Skill hotkeys changed from WEDR to QWER
- Blaze Knight: Skill 1 - Adds a new effect that boost all allies with damage increase for the duration of the skill
- Astral Mage: Skill 2 - Change the duration of the damage, full hit 1s -> 1.5s, minor hit 2s -> 12s, minor hit damage reduced
-> Fix a critical bug regards to the recent changes made on corpse removal
- Fix Dark Lord Evolution's Illusion from triggering boss death event
- Recode target selection for Magic Defense aura mechanic to exclude dead units in an attempt to reduce lag
- Fix Lifesteal Skillbook lv2's gold cost to 0
- Fix a minor timer window bug during stage 5
- Fix Blade's Skill 2 tooltip
- Fix Angel of Darkness's Skill 2 tooltip
- Increase all lumber requirement of Hero to 5000, as well as giving all players 5000 lumber at starting
- Assassin: Skill 2 - Fixed a exploit that allow casting of the spell without going into cooldown.
- Following Hero's Ultimate cooldown has been changed (all levels)
Blaze Knight: 85s -> 90s
Angel of Darkness: 85s -> 90s
Heavy Knight: 60s -> 80s
Arch Angel: 60s -> 80s
Azure Dragon: 60s -> 80s
Lightning Crusader: 70s -> 85s
Dragon Blader: 60s -> 80s
Assassin: 65s -> 90s
Pandaren Fencer: 55s -> 70s
Wolf Lord: 42s -> 60s
- HP per STR reduced from 57 to 55
- Lightning Crusader: Allow Hands of the storm to work under immunity effect that might dispel the buff. Changed duration to 20 seconds at all levels.
- Blaze Knight: Skill 3 SFX changed
- Item: Crown of Golden King will now give HP bonus properly
- Item: Blue Destiny Armor will now give magic defence bonus properly
- Fix additional countdown window from popping out at stage 6
- Bosses: All general Boss's HP have been increased, certain ult damage increased
- Bosses: All Self Buff SFX have been changed to a single type of buff
- Stage 9: Malice Dark Lord gains Mirror Image when below 40% as well
- Stage 11: Malice Storm Wyrm and Deeplord Revenant will have Ultimate when below 70%
- Map: Forest onward region is now Fog of War instead of total darkness
- Enrage Level reflected properly to 0 when fighting multiple bosses
- Camera panning to Boss when they appear is now instant
- All Physical Immune Buff reverted to old model
- Dragon Blader: Skill 3: Crit bug fixed
- Dragon Blader: Skill 3: Crit dmg bonus decreased from 7.5x to 6x
- Fix Enrage Timer Window from bugging
- Item: Oversoul MP % gain per attack reduced from 0.4% to 0.2%
- Item: Oversoul Max MP gain reduced from 10000 to 5000
- Item: Soul Guardian MP % gain per attack reduced from 0.6% to 0.4%
- Item: Oversoul Max MP gain reduced from 15000 to 10000
- Item: Hailstorm Jewell Max MP gain reduced from 20000 to 15000
- Item: Hydelin, the Unyielding MP % gain per attack reduced from 0.8% to 0.7%
- Item: Fix all item price and sell item cost
- Skillbook: Warp Skill gold cost have been reduced to 1500 gold
- Item: Courier Assistant is now only 300 gold
- Skillbook: All lv2 skill including Warp now costs 2 lumber only
- Stage 7: Tichondrius's Ultimate stun has been reduced from 15s to 9s, increased 45000 damage to 80000 damage
- Stage 9: Granite Golem stun ability have been removed
- Enrage Timer Implemented - Check under 'Enrage Timer Mechanics on sub-quest log for more details
- Wolf Lord: Skill 1 and 2 now provides 20% max mana at all levels
- Wolf Lord: Skill 1, enemy damage reduction has been reduced, adds an new effect that damage all nearby enemies based on current HPbased on Wolf Lord's current HP, AoE reduced by 200
- Wolf Lord: Skill 3 mana cost is changed to 10% max mana + (300 x level) for 1st hit, 5% max mana + (150 x level) for following hits
- Wolf Lord: Skill 3: Total extra hit cap is set to 8 now, following strikes much faster now from 0.3s -> 0.2s per hit
- Wolf Lord: Skill 3: Cooldown 2s -> 5s
- Dragon Blader: Skill 4 - Cooldown 75s -> 60s
- Assassin: Skill 1 - Invisible effect is changed to Evasion, scales with level
- Fix Assassin's skill 2 from hitting own allies
- Heavy Knight: Skill 2 - Cooldown from 13s -> 10s
- Heavy Knight: Skill 2 - Adds an effect to damage all nearby enemies based on current HP
- Fix a bug where the Frozen Golem will attack even before the stage starts
- Item: Oversoul - Soul Steal Effect reduced from 1% Max MP to 0.4% Max MP
- Item: Soul Guardian - Soul Steal Effect reduced from 2% Max HP tp 1.5% Max HP, 2% Max MP to 0.6% Max MP
- Item: Hydelin, the Unyielding - Added Soul Steal Effect (2% Max HP / 0.8% Max MP)
- Stage 6 Boss: Gravity Demon - Ultimate hitbox is changed to target 500 range infront
- Stage 11 Boss: Frozen Hell Overlord - Lethal Shards damage have been reduced by 40000
- Stage 11 Boss: Frozen Hell Overlord, all Ice Orb autoattack damage reduced by 2000 per hit
- Gold bounty for Stage 9/10/11 creeps have been reduced by 33% on average
- Added a text on fountain to show 100% refund for item sold
- Fix Dark Lord Evo's ultimate bug from using wipeout even when not broadcasting ultimate
- Fix Grand Chancellor not using land mine ultimate
- Decrease the ultimate frequency of stage 2/3/7 bosses
- Reduced Stage 1 creep's HP and attack slightly
- Stage 1/2/3 boss have reduced HP/Dmg and Skill Dmg
- Assassin's Skill 4 clone count have been reduced to 4 from 6, each clone damage dealing 118% from 140% at max level, each clone take 30% damage for all levels now.
- Item selling refunds 100% of the gold now
- Lvl 5 shop is introduced. Lv 5 shop is opened after stage 9.
- Ultima Blade is renamed as Ultima, the Destroyer and moved to Lvl 5 shop
- Added 3 Legendary Artifacts to Lvl 5 shop:
Exodia, the Moonlight Dance (AGI item)
Zenith, the Eternal Radiance (INT item)
Hydelin, the Unyielding (Universal item)
- All Legendary Artifact including Ultima will have an unique relic ability. Check them out!
- Castle Area now have permanent vision for all players
- EXP gain range is extended to 5000 from 2500.
- Mirror Image Skill changes: All item mirror image have been globally changed to 30sec duration / 20 sec cooldown.
- Changes to damage as follow:
Horn of Illusion (33% Dmg/133% taken -> 25% Dmg/125% taken)
Sword of Sacrifice (50% Dmg/125% taken -> 33% Dmg/100% taken)
Midnight Slasher (60% Dmg/100% taken -> 40% Dmg/100% taken)
Illusion Count did not change.
- Sephiroth, Skill 1 cooldown 6s -> 4s
- Sephiroth, Skill 2 cooldown 20s -> 7s, duration 75s -> 20s, taken dmg (max lvl) 80% -> 55%, phase time is increased from 0.5s -> 1s
- Rina, Skill 4 cooldown 70s -> 65s, duration 20s -> 15s
- Physical Immunity shield animation have been changed
- Animation of following Heroes / Item have been changed:
Heavy Knight Skill 1
Astral Mage Skill 2
Astral Mage Skill 3
Lightning Crusader Skill 4
Sephiroth Skill 1
Sephiorth Skill 2
Azure Dragon Skill 2
Arcane Blazed Shield Activation
- Rina has been reverted back to old model, and named Nightshade again
- Bosses of all stages have been buffed, gaining new skills and increased damage
- Ultimates of various bosses have been modified:
Bosses after stage 5 clears their debuff before ultimate, which means they are uncancellable now
Stage 4 Abyss Lord Ultimate has reduced it cooldown by 4 seconds
Stage 6 Gravity Demon have ultimate now
Stage 7 Tichondrius have ultimate now
Stage 6 Crimson Guardian's ultimate hits twice, 2nd one after 3 seconds
Stage 8 Malice Dark Lord now uses wipeout as his ultimate
Stage 8 Malice Dark Lord Evo gains wipeout Theta instead, deals wipeout 3 with 1 sec interval
Stage 9 Frozen Hell Golem uses Crushline ultimate more regularly
Stage 10 Grand Chancellor uses both ultimate in tandem instead of alternating