The Story of Alindis

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This is my third cinematic I've submitted about a Darnassian spy whose life completely changes, it has a variety of unique musics and a great cinematical tour of Hive workshop's Models. Do not rate unless you watch the whole 15 minutes and 26 seconds.
Enjoy :)

The Story of Alindis (Map)

15:57, 12th May 2008 Firelord213: [+]The map is yours. [+]The map is not protected so no need for any map protection information. [+]The map is in English. [+]No signs of any crashes or bugs. ---------------------------------------- [+]You...




15:57, 12th May 2008
[+]The map is yours.
[+]The map is not protected so no need for any map protection information.
[+]The map is in English.
[+]No signs of any crashes or bugs.
[+]You have put a lot of effort in this map.
[+]Cool models & storyline.
[!]I think the terrain & the last battle could be more detailed & well made.
Level 8
Dec 8, 2007
Good cinematic. I really like it. Good use of models, much action and good ending. Good fight But could be better. Dark force looked very small and was easily destroyed.
EDIT: one more thing. I didn't see anything in the snow and after looking on your map I think that I didn't see very much stuff like crystal dragon. What does that mean???
Level 7
Nov 12, 2007
Thanks, i did want to put more units but Battleshipper said on my other fight cinematic-"There are too much units at the beginning of the game and that causes lag." just wanted to make sure it didnt lag being a 15 min movie and all :)
Level 5
Aug 19, 2007
terrain: 7/10
dialog: 7/10
story: 8/10
music: 9.5/10
camerawork: 7/10
entertainment-factor: 9/10
idea/execution: 8/10

overall 8/10 :D

gj i liked it much better than most of the cinematics submitted here - we ll see if my updated version of space orc stories can match with it :p

feel free to watch it :D

ps: dont listen to ppl who say "dont much so much units in it" just tell them to get a better pc :D


Map Reviewer
Level 74
Jun 4, 2009
-LOL, they were running from one Satyr that ran back after following them a short time
-wasn't able to shoot a stupid Satyr when they were two but able to kill a demon alone?
-so, what, the other two girls and their mother weren't killed!?
-dragons aren't supposed to be stupid to hit walls or roofs like that
-come lets rest where probably other dragons might come...
-by the way, is Kalin a blood/high elf?
-oh, and is that a Orc Shaman in the post?
-a bipedal talking tiger?
-our forces are under attack!?
