[Trigger] The "Spell Target Menu"

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Level 6
Jan 2, 2007
I was wondering how i could go about forcing human players to keep the "spell target menu" open. I dont know the exact term for the menu but its the "menu" your hero gets while you select a target for a spell. for example, it is the menu after you choose to cast "shockwave". after you press "shockwave" your curosr turns into a target for you to select where you want shockwave to go. thats the menu i want to force players to use-all the time.
i have seen it done before, but the game used a custom game interface so i couldnt see exactly how it was done ingame. WE cannot detect cursors but it looked to me that your curosr was a permanent target and when you left-clicked, your guy would move there. then when you right-clicked your cursor quickly turned back into the normal warcraft cursor, then changed back into the target cursor. MEANING: players casted a dummy spell to move their unit to the target of the spell (where the curosr was)
how do i do this, forcing players to constantly stay in that "menu" so they must cast a dummy spell to do something.
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Level 6
Mar 15, 2005
  • Forced
    • Events
      • Time - Every 0.50 seconds of game time
    • Conditions
    • Actions
      • Player Group - Pick every player in (All players) and do (Game - Force (Picked player) to press the key F)
F would be the hotkey for the dummy spell. Remember to put a huge range on the spell no mana cost etc. This might prevent you from using normal spells and doing certain things.
Level 6
Jan 2, 2007
...oh wow ...so simple. thank you! +rep

actually, now players arnt able to right-click. is there anyway to allow to detect a right click?
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