[Trigger] Ability click open menu

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Level 9
Jun 20, 2008
Title would not say tpo you what i need so i say it here
I want an trigegr (gui if possibly) that when you click it you wil get an menu without the attack move and patrol thingy's
and if you click an back ability you will get the default back
What i so far got is

  • Events
  • Unit - a Unit begins casting an ability
  • Conditions- ability being cast eqaul to Menu
  • Actions -
Hope u understand what i want otherwise most people now defiance when you reach an certain level in the ability you gain another ability
Mostly the first ability of every hero
Level 9
Jun 20, 2008
doesnt need to change item ability false works fine like this and i got another little problem i how do i add ability's in that trough triggers ?
if an unit acaures item that in that menu i get like an apple ability and when i sue that ability i will get like 100 hp back (only 2 max)
Level 10
Jun 1, 2008
If you mean to add a spell to spellbook through trigger then see this [thread=33039]tutorial.[/thread]
It just add a disabled spellbook contain the spell you want to add to your unit, but the order ID of your visible spell book and disabled spell book must same.
Level 9
Jun 20, 2008
I didnt xD But anyway here i tell it normal (im not really great on english om only 11)
As some may now theres an item called spellbook i took the ability of and added it to an hero
If you click that ability theres will be several other spells
What i want is that when my hero takes an item
and that item is eqaul to apple that the item disseaper and the hero has an extra ability in that spellbook

Hope thats makes sense xD
if able i would like gui since i cant do mui mpi jass vjass or anything else
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