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The Rising - Possible team member slots available

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Level 6
Apr 12, 2009
The Rising - Team member slots available!

legospencer and SinFinite humbly present, the work in progress:

The Rising Open RPG

What this map needs in terms of assistance:

  • Stable triggers that run efficiently and flawlessly with a minimal amount of sprawl. (Extra assistance required!)
  • Hero vs. Environment balancing: a balanced Hero system in general. (Extra assistance required!)
  • Spells of matching aesthetic and theme that work congruently with a Hero’s main attribute and personae: spells that are also balanced, worthwhile, and have a marginal increase in usefulness according to level. (Extra assistance required!)
  • Triggering some systems into the map: Hero picking, equipment system, etcetera. (Extra assistance required!)
  • Modeler: As this map gets more and more worked on, it's becoming very apparent that an experienced modeler is essential. Very few entirely custom models needed, but a good deal of model edits will be needed. High-quality an essential ideal. (Available Position!)
  • Skinner: Because custom skins refresh the WarCraft atmosphere. This job will not be extremely laborious, because the demand for skins will be low. (Available Position!)

Expert GUI acceptable, but JASS preferred. If a position on the above list is taken, but you still believe you have something excellent and awe-worthy to contribute, I highly encourage you to contact me nonetheless.

  • legospencer - A seasoned master at awful GUI, legospencer tends to stick to his specialties, which range from terrain masterworking, quest forging, story development, item creation, and conceptual and aesthetic moderator. Overall, he is the project leader.
  • SinFinite - A brawny JASS Warrior hailing from frostbitten lands of the north, SinFinite works day-to-day slaying my awful GUI abominations one event at a time. His talents range from triggering, ability moderation and creation, game balancing, and partial creative direction.
Overall, it’s a large project, but if people are sincerely interested in joining us in our quest, may it be for glory, friendship, kindness, or pure intrigue; well, it's only a message away. Message me about the map a little more, unless you already know what you’re getting into. And even if you don’t want to help, questions and comments are still very much appreciated!

The Rising thread
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