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Rise and Fall of Nations

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Level 4
Jun 20, 2007
Greeting everyone.

AdzYboy here recruiting for his fantabulous project
The Rise and Fall of Nations

At the moment i am soaring along on the terrain with around an eighth completed in the last 2 days.
The story line has also been finished and can be found here

Much is needed to be done.
Although i can see myself finishing this in many many months i would much rather speed up its release and also share the fun with others.

so basically i am asking for any general assistance. but for specific requirements.

i am mainly in need of assistance along the lines of
Story line related ideas - such as quests, heroes, characters and so on.

Advanced terraining - Within the realm of Medalianor lie many grand cities which i dare say my abilities at this point in time shall not be able to give them the beauty they require. any one capable of creating a beautiful city for any of the races a Human Capital, Horde Fortress, Elven forest city or a Undead Death fortress :D then feel free to jump in.

and any other assistance such as triggers or models or just good ideas.

So i hope ive tickled some fancies here.
If any one wishes to help make a great ORPG then gimme a yell and ill give you some details.


love adzy
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Level 10
Feb 8, 2008
Sounds like an interested idea but people most likely wont be interested in helping because:
1: it is a LARGE scale rpg map and most of these dont ever get finished.
2: You have no proof that you will be finishing the map so people may feel like they are working towards nothing.
3: you have no work dont so far.

So heres my suggestions, whip out the map editor and get started, once you find what you need help with

etc: Abilities, heroes, hero stories etc.

Make a thread requesting those people with screenshots etc so people will see that you have work done.

Have a good night :)
Level 4
Jun 20, 2007
true that. i have started work on terrain, story,lore and heroes. but doing all at once by your lonesome takes a bit. mainly focosing on the story atm as the basis of any good map is a good story.

i have maps ive done havnt hosted any onto a map site.. im a bit of a perfectionist you see.

and if some one feels they are working towards nothing then they shouldnt be working at all... id only want people who are truly interested in making a fantastic map that they and i can be proud of.
Level 3
Feb 23, 2008
need help?

need squads?
sky boys mi name object editor is my game(i alwas whanted to say that:smile:)
i have a top secret squad maker and it is simple you can not get more men than limet but the Squad stay together is comeing so do you whant it?:grin:
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