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The Rescue of Halahk v8.0b

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The Rescue of Halahk


You have been assigned to rescue an arch-paladin, Halahk, but many orcs (and creeps) are going to make it hard for you. You have also been given an experimental Gold Potion that transmutes buildings (reward dependable on the gold cost of the building).

This map is an old map. I made it 1-2-3 (1 year ago now ~ 20th of May 2011) months ago, but I was shy to upload. So, I decided to upload it (after, of course, fixing bugs and stuff). Oh, it's also based of "Tyr's Hand" from WC2. Oh, and Bonecracker Clan is a fictional clan. I just made that up 'cause I ran out of names.

This map does NOT follow the storyline of WC1, WC2, WC3, WoW, and Warcraft generally :razz:

Player 1 (Blue) will start without heroes, unless the game starts with a lacking player. The player's hero will be given to him.

Player 2 (Green) starts with a Mountain King, Player 3 (Gray) starts with an Archmage and Player 4 (Light Blue) starts with a Blood Mage.

Halahk is (almost) unstoppable. His Holy Light can heal multiple units for more hit points rather than the classic Holy Light and damage enemy units. It's also AoE. he can resurrect all dead units on the map too, the Devotion Aura is more efficient, and the His Divine Blessing is something like whosyourdaddy. Oh, and stats have high numbers. 'Nuff said? Yes, he will have someone to counter him as a "final boss", in later versions I guess.

Magtheridon, the final boss, is a very powerful Pit Lord. His Howl of Terror causes regeneration (Health and Mana) and armor to be reduced too, and he can Doom heroes for 15 seconds.

Same for Gul'dan, only he has some abilities (Archimonde's from Melee/Campaign).

Other orc heroes haven't been changed.


  • Once you have Halahk under your control, let him do all the work (tanking, healing, etc)
  • Destroy the Bonecracker Clan's generator, it will unlock the path to the Warsong and Stormreaver Clans' bases, which lead to Halahk.
  • Be prepared for a challenging fight against the Blackrock Clan.

Force Walls

Force Walls are walls preventing you from reaching Stormreaver and Warsong Clan. You can disable them by destroying their matching Power Generator. Do not expect to destroy those generators with too much ease, their guards, the orcs, will provide a challenge.

~ image taken by a player from warcraft3ft.info. (v8.0b)

(Please note that these screenies are from v1.0 ;D)








The Bandits are an extremely weak faction to oppose, you can destroy most of their buildings and kill most of their units with ease, but of course, destroy as less as you can. you will gain control of them once you kill the Bandit Lord (excepting his elite guards, the high-level bandits near him) or when you destroy their Town Hall. Once you do that, their handicap will be 100%, and they'll fight for you. For now, you'll be unable to train bandit units. You will though in the version with the techtree.

Burning Blade Clan
The Burning Blade Clan should be your first priority. If you want to quickly dispose the Force Walls to both high-rank bases (Stormreaver and Warsong Clan), destroy their Power Generator. Though, they are dangerously close to Black Tooth Grin Clan, so they might help each other in sticky situations. Their hero is Rexxar.

Black Tooth Grin Clan
The Black Tooth Grin Clan can allow you passage to the Stormreaver Clan if their Power Generator is destroyed. They are extremely close to Burning Blade Clan, so expect a helping hand from them when you attack them. They ain't very dangerous, but will provide a challenge. Their hero is Drek'thar.

Shadowmoon Clan
Shadowmoon Clan is rather very far away from other Clans, but the path to their base is tight, and is hard to get it. Thus, there are hills that towers are placed on, so melee attackers will have some troubles getting to them. They are powerful though, and have Gul'dan on their side. Their Power Generator is in the far edge of their base, forcing you do destroy most of their base to go and destroy it. They open up the path to Warsong Clan.

Warsong Clan
Warsong Clan is led by Grom Hellscream and has a tough, big base. They are connected with Stormreaver Clan and is close to Burning Blade Clan. They are one of the obstacles to your way to Blackbane, which means they are to be destroyed you want to free Halahk. Be prepared for major assaults, because if you are too late to get to them, they will have enough resources and a huge army awaiting the major assault on your base!

Stormreaver Clan
Stormreaver Clan, having Samuro's help, is one of the bases preventing you from freeing Halahk. Just like Warsong Clan, if you don't get to them quickly, they'll have their army growing stronger. They have a slightly bigger base from the Warsong Clan, and are connected with the Burning Blade and Black Tooth Grin Clan bases.

Blackrock Clan
Blackrock Clan; the most powerful Clan in the map, they have Fel Orcs, Demons, Dark Trolls and a small but practical base on the edge of the map. They will be tough to invade, because of the narrow entrances to their base. Magtheridon is their overlord, and he will is a tough nut to crack, but he's not impossible to defeat. Thanks to being so huge, he will also attack air units. (attempt to put some logics in the map) Killing him will free Halahk.
Author's Note

Have fun? xd
- Fixed a bug with Maghteridon globally casting Rain of Fire on your base.
- Magtheridon can now attack flying units.

- Fixed a bug with Maghteridon globally casting Rain of Fire on your base.
- Maghteridon can now attack flying units.

- Changed Bandits’ force name.
- Now is a 4-player map. (3 controlling heroes, 1 controlling the base)
- Removed end-game surprise.
- Fixed a buff’s tooltip and icon.
- Moved the players’ starting units a bit to the back.
- Towers can now be upgraded to Boulder Towers, Death Towers, Energy Towers, Cold Towers and Flame Towers.
- Added some custom units (Captain, Hydromancer, Blood Elf Lieutenant, Archer).
- If you upgrade a tower, you can now change it back to whatever tower you wish. For example, if you upgraded a Scout Tower to a Guard Tower, but you changed your mind and want a Cannon Tower, you can “upgrade” it to a Cannon Tower and vice versa. BUT, you can’t ‘upgrade’ an Advanced Boulder Tower into a Boulder Tower.
- AI now cheats, to make it more challenging. (gets +2 gold and lumber every 2 seconds, has higher EXP gain rate, global visibility and every 240 seconds its heroes’ level is raised by 1.)
- Peasants now have the “Demolish” ability. It sells one of your structures (targeted spell) and gives you 50% of what you paid back.
- Changed orc walls’ model and positioning. They are also indestructible.
- Nerfed Pit Lord’s Rain of Fire, Howl of Terror and Doom stats.
- All units and structures (Human ones) are now treated as Town Halls, so Scroll of Town Portals can teleport to them.
- AIs now give bounty.
- Upon destroying an AI base, shops will spawn.
- Changed Potion of Greater Mana and Spell Breaker's icon.

v1.0 - Release
v1.2 - Fixed a typo, added a few props.
v1.6 - Fixed a major bug, defeating the player if he/she canceled the construction of a Town Hall.
Replaced the old defeat condition, defeating the player upon the loss of a Town Hall/Keep/Castle, now all of the player's forces AND buildings must be destroyed to lose.
Added some more tiles (Grassy Dirt and Rock).
Added more doodads to make it feel more like an environment rather than a flat place with no wildlife and no vegetation.
v1.7 - Fixed a trigger bug.
v1.8 - Improved terrain and added few more props. (terrain will still be improved in the future)
v1.8a - Fixed a typo :cute:
v1.8b - I forgot that I originally inserted some WC2 soundtrack in the map, accesable via commands. Now I removed most of them (left the ones that play during victory/defeat/secondary defeat though) to reduce filesize.
v1.8c - Fail - I uploaded the oldest version, sorry.
v2.3a - Changed the Orcish AI Script to the classic "Grunt Master" script.
Replaced the boats/ships from the Shadowmoon Clan's base with creeps.
"Quests" are now marked as completed/failed once done.
Changed the boss from Balnazaar to Blademaster of the Blackrock Clan (Blackbane).
Added custom spells.
Fixed credits.
v2.3b - Added some tiles to the lake's shores.
v2.3c - Improved terrain on Shadowmoon Clan's base.
v2.7 - Removed some Cattails.
Added preview image and loading screen.
Changed script from Grunt Master to a custom one.
v4.8a - Buffed Generators and added them Spell Immunity.
Buffed Blackbane and his illusion.
Changed Blackbane's ability from Wind Walk to Critical Strike.
Changed position of some creeps that attacked your base once you had it (after killing the Bandit Lord/Town Hall).
Changed the Bandits' side-switching, the Bandit Lord's elite guards now turn Neutral Hostile.
Changed the owners of Murloc Huts from Neutral Hostile to Passive.
Changed the Golems’ target acquisition range near your base to “Camp”.
Removed Upkeep.
Changed max food to 300.
Added Fog of War.
Nerfed the Gold Potion, and now it can Transmute Enemy and Neutral buildings (it used to transform Allied and Enemy structures, but you had no ally).
Fixed a bug with Redemption pausing Halahk, forever.
Added the version number to name.
Changed the Bonecracker Clan to Burning Blade Clan.
Fixed leaks.
Changed few tips.
Removed WC2 soundtrack so that the filesize is reduced.
Added some more props.
Changed preview screen (shrinked it) to reduce the filesize.
Halahk is freed when Blackrock Clan is utterly eliminated.
Added info about the Gold Potions in the Quests log.
Fixed a bug with Blackbane, pausing him when he casted an ability.
- Minor terrain changes (thanks to Cweener for pointing them out) and added a small lake in the southwest.
- Transmuting Generators is no longer possible.
- Halahk is now freed when Blackrock’s units are all dead.
- Added some doodads and changed terrain height, added more tile variations and changed some.
- Added more critters.
- Final boss changed from Blackbane (Fel Orc Blademaster) to Magtheridon (Pit Lord), and he’s no noob like Blackbane (I hope).
- Gave Final Boss (Magtheridon) items.
- Fixed various trigger leaks.
- Removed one Ogre Warrior from the camp in the North.
- All creeps and Maghteridon’s Acquisition Range changed to Camp (200).
- Now, all clans’ heroes start at level 6, while Warsong and Stormreaver heroes start at level 10.
- Removed Ogre Mauler from the Ogre camp in the West.
- Creeps now drop items properly.
- Removed Archways in Blackrock’s base to improve visibility for the player (visibility as in, you can see something besides a big rock on your screen, not in-game visibility/sight)
- Map data now set to Melee.
- Changed few tips and tooltips.
- Changed Gold Potion’s icon.
- Nerfed Gold Potion ratio to x1 of gold cost, down from x2.
- Added a new item for Arcane Vault, Scroll of Restoration. Restores 150 mana to nearby friendly units in a 600 AoE over 45 seconds, dispels on damage and costs 75 gold.
- Reworked Halahk’s abilities.
- Troll Creep camp guarding the Gold Mine in the West now drops items from Forest Troll Berserker and one of the Shadow Priests.
- Black Spider from Spider camp now drops a random level 1 item.
- Murloc Nightcrawler in Murloc camp next to Shadowmoon base now drops an item.
- Replaced the Player’s Paladins with a Mountain King and Archmage.
- Neutral Creeps now give 100% experience to heroes all of the time, no matter the hero’s level.
- Maximum level increased from 10 to 15, which means all hero abilities’ levels were increased by 1, or 2 for ultimates.
- Changed Potion of Greater Mana’s icon.
- Reworked triggers, especially Tips triggers.
- Added a surprise in the end…:p
- Remade Halahk’s abilities.
- Added a new map preview screen (Though it won't show here for some reason, well at least for now/for me).

Stuff to be Added/Changed

Stuff that will surely be added/changed:
- Further terrain improvement.
- Improve description (here). [Needs a bit more improvement, but improved a bit for now]
- Add lumber and gold income to enemies per minute. (500 base, increasing when a clan is defeated) ~ Added, kind of, they get 2 gold and lumber every 2 seconds.

Suggestions by Dejavuu.
- Add new techtrees. ~ Modified Human techtree.
- Make it so that each time an enemy clan is defeated, the others grow stronger, and change AI Scripts to more aggressive ones. They'd also get more lumber and gold income per minute.
- Make heroes unable to revive upon death.


Stuff that might be added/changed:
- Adding more custom spells.
If you find any bugs or have any suggestions, please tell me :)

rescue, halahk, lifebringer, paladin, orc, warsong, stormreaver, blacktooth, grin, blacktooth grin, shadowmoon, bonecracker, clan, fel orc, balnazaar,

The Rescue of Halahk v8.0b (Map)

17:45, 16th Jul 2010 ap0calypse: Approved
Level 3
Jun 24, 2010
A very fun map!

However, while they were a nice novelty at first, I think the gold potions make it too easy. Heroes' low damage versus buildings is normally what keeps them from being overpowered, but the gold potions take away that disadvantage. Sure, they have a long cool-down time, but since there are two of them, that hardly matters. Having the paladins take turns throwing their gold potions turned out to be much more efficient than the strongest siege units. Also, I'm a bit confounded was to why paladins are working together with bandits.

Plus sides, though: The AI was better than I expected, the level was well-designed (MULTIPLE WAYS TO REACH THE OBJECTIVE! Seems to be an alien concept to some mappers, :p) the boss encounter was cool, and the triumphant appearance of Halack was even cooler. A very solid map!
Level 8
Jun 21, 2009
Thank you :grin:

Well, yeah. The Gold Potions are kind of making it too easy for players (plus giving them a lot of gold). But that's the reason of the long cooldown. I originally thought of limiting them to 3-5, but changed my mind :cute:

Oh, Paladins don't actually work together with bandits, bandits surrendered to the Paladins once their Town Hall/Bandit Lord was eliminated (excepting the Bandit Lord's elite guards).

Anyway, thanks again :smile:
Level 6
Oct 10, 2009
Review Time #25

CWeener's Review {Protected maps} V3.04 Review of # 25

Reviewing the map "The Rescue of Halahk"

Rating System (in weener points:)

1-10 Originality
1-10 Replayability (discounted for most cinematics*)
1-10 Triggering (discounted for protected maps*)
1-10 Terraining
1-10 Object Managing (custom items and destructibles etc...)
1-10 Spells (if applies**)
1-10 Description (On THW and In-game (Loading Screen and information))
1-15 Engaging a.k.a. fun to play
1-15 Misc (size, system implementation, laginess etc...)
-100 or +100 for abiding by THW rules.
* = when one is discounted then other sections maximums are raised, and those sections are judged harder (if your map applies then it will show you what i raised later)
** = some maps dont really need spells so this section is discounted and given an automatic 10.
Rating System Scores

Less than 100 = FF- (Reported, You clearly didnt abide by all of the posting rules, and i have reported you for (not) doing so.)
100-150 Points = F- (Rancid and Needs major work. Vote for Rejection and no +rep.)
151-160 Points = F (Bad and Needs work. vote for Rejection and no +rep.)
161-170 Points = D (Below Average and Needs much updating. has potential. vote for rejection and no +rep.)
171-180 Points = C (Okay but Needs updates. has potential. vote for rejection* and no +rep.)
181-190 Points = B (Good but still not reaching full potential vote for approval and +rep)
191-199 Points = A (Great and probably has reached full potential**. good job. vote for approval and +rep.)
200 Points = A+ (Amazing, you did everything right and went all out, approval and +rep)

* = depending on the map really, and what categories it scored low in
** = not always but most cases.
The Rescue of Halahk

Triggering scores not available, so other maximums were raised(see rating system*)

1-11 Originality *10* Original Aspects.
1-11 Replayability *7* I may play it again if the bugs get fixed, especially number 2.
1-11 Terraining *5* While you had fairly good height variation in places, that's about it. You should DEFINATELY add doodads.
1-11 Object Managing *11* Given full marks as it is not needed here, but in gold potion tooltip "amount" is spelt wrong (extra "m")
1-11 Spells *11* Default Spells, no extra were needed, but you should add some for more replayability.
1-11 Description *10* win.
1-17 Engaging *15* Terrain makes it hard to stay engaged.
1-17 Misc *15* Bugs in the triggers.
-100 or 100 Rules *100* :grin:
0-200 All-in-all *184* B (Good but still not reaching full potential vote for approval and +rep)

Author's Note,

This map was great, I liked the concept and execution. I can recommend a "leak" tutorial of mine for your triggers, if you'd like to visit it. For terraing tutorials, I'm sure we have a bunch here.
1)Displayed the generator tip randomly (I went through the trigger, and you need to set a condition to make sure Player1 is the owner of the triggering unit)
2)BIG BUG!!!!!!!!
After 2 hours of playing, and only having 1 last enemy base to capture, I started building a town hall, but had to cancel to save my peasant, and BOOM! I lost.
(Set a variable unit to be the first townhall red makes, then make the loss condition triggering unit = <your variable for the townhall>

Go to some terraining tuts
go to some trigger tutorials, specifically "leak" tutorials.


I liked just about everything except my dislikes, and bugs.

[Didn't like]
The terrain was too flat in places, maybe indent some.
The terrain had almost no tile variation, and where it did the merging wasn't great.
Some triggers leaked, or bugged.

If any map I've reviewed has been updated, feel free the ask me to re-review it. or if I haven't reviewed YOUR map, feel free to ask me. :)
To be honest, I used my Protected Maps Review Layout, on accident, which is good for you, because had I of used my unprotected review, you probably would of gotten a C(for triggers)
I had this whole thing typed up and realized the mistake, but then it was too late, and unless I re-review this, I won't change it.

I'll give you links to the tutorials I recommended in my "Recommendations tab" if you'd like.
Level 8
Jun 21, 2009
Alright, I'm gonna fix those bugs, I'm gonna improve terrain as good as I can (even though I'm no good terrainer xP), and I'm gonna change the second trigger to:
[trigger=Level Secondary Defeat]Level Secondary Defeat
Unit - A unit owned by Player 2 (Blue) dies
((Count structures controlled by Player 2 (Blue) (Include incomplete structures)) Equal to 0) and ((Number of units in (Units in Playable map area owned by Player 2 (Blue))) equal to 0)
(same Actions)[/trigger]

Also, what do you mean by leaks? Do they malfunction somewhere?

Thanks for the review btw :grin:
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Level 6
Oct 10, 2009
On another note, if the terrain is the only thing you're going to judge then don't bother posting.
See my review?
Make a post like that and then somebody might give a damn.

I see you have neg-rep, I'm willing to bet it was for a post similar to the one you just made.

These people who put there work out here, and who clearly put effort into it, are PEOPLE.
They have feelings.
Be constructive.

Delete your post or I'll get rid of it with consequence.

EDIT: meh, actually you're negrep is for stupidity and failing to read the rules...what a shock!
AND multi-accounting...Surprised you weren't banned....

EDIT2: Oh My Gawd, would you look at this
YOU! said:
Feel free to write your opinions.But remember,dont do it in order to harm me but to make me learn :p Thanks
Practice what you preach.
Enough said to you, hypocrite.
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Level 6
Aug 20, 2009
I tested the map, i've seen some good things (the AI impressed me, The gold potions which give a kind of funny dimension etc...) but I have some comments to do :

  • The objectives said "Your heroes must survive" and when one of them die i continue to play.
  • It would be better if Orcs not only counter but attack you too.
  • One orc can use boats, but he only use them to defend himself
  • When you finish a quest it isn't mark as a finished quest
  • I expected an boss who looks like more orcish than this one.
  • Paths to your town hall are a bit too confined.

What I said is more or less important even if it's just details.

Don't lose hope, you can do it.
Level 8
Jun 21, 2009
Thank you too Cweener for the support (and defense) ^^

Hello Yan, thanks for your points, but I don't see where I said "Your heroes must survive" :S I searched all the quests but didn't find it. I'm gonna fix all the other stuff you pointed out, and replace Balnazzar with an orcish hero. I'll fix everything else. Thanks for your time anyhow :)
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Level 3
Jun 30, 2010
Downloading & Testing.
Review will come once I'm done! ;D
Quick Notice: If not mentioned consider adding a minimap preview.
Level 6
Oct 10, 2009
Yeah, since he's kinda like the big boss :p
And I Downloaded the new version, and will play it later.
I must say the terrain looks a lot better, just one thing though.
CatTails (the environmental doodad) are usually within several feet of water.
Meaning that in the top right where you made hundreds, there shouldn't be any. :p
You don't have to change it, but it'd be more realistic.
Level 3
Jun 30, 2010
Dejavuu's Review.
Overall: 3,5/5=4/5
I liked it but it was rather easy though. And could use a few improvements for more fun gameplay and better replay value.

The terrain was actually quite nice, it could use some improvements of course. Some more doodads here and there. Nothing much else to say at this part.

The gameplay was rather simple. Kill the generators and free Halakh. A simple gameplay can be nice and it was, but I'd like if the orc continuously attacked the base from those three paths that lead to the town/city/village.
Also I found that Felbane(The Fel Orc) was extremely easy to beat. My only issues with him was his wind walk which I countered by bringing five peasants to the Blackrock area and started making scout towers after researching Magic Sentry.
Another thing that could be nice would be that you could make bandit units. After all they do surrender and for us sparing their lives shouldn't we get a little more in return?
Oh yea and saving Halakh seemed kinda weird since you've just defeated the entire map and there was not much left :O (Note: I took all the minor villages before Blackrock.)

(I didn't check WE) But I didn't get some lag in the end compared to start so I don't think that there is any leaks.

If you would, you could create a whole new tech-tree. It would not only increase replay value for some people (It would for me and I think I'm not the only one :3).
Also you've gotta do so we can't resurrect our heroes. Because I lost one of my heroes two times and I just resurrected him and then he was ready to die again.

So for a more clear definition of things you could do to improve "The Rescue of Halakh"
-A bit improved terrain.
-Fix hero issues (They can be resurrected and you don't loose if they die.).
-Buff Felbane. Currently to easy. Maybe remove Windwalk or well keeping it could also require the player to use his brain so he needs to figure out to make something to spot him as invisible. By buff you should increase following: Damage, Health, Armor and Life Regeneration.(Last one is really fun if you keep the wind walk.)
-Make the player able to get Bandits.
-Make a new Tech-tree (The above one is somewhat included in this.)

Oh yea and for those Gold Potions. I don't think they should work on generators. I didn't use them for generators, I used them for the towers. Towers were a real pain in the *** but made it abit more difficult as they managed to kill my hero twice. (Forgot Divine Shield :3). But the amount of gold you get is absurd though. I ended up with 30000 gold when I was done.

Also an idea to make it abit harder is that whenever one of the clans die the rest of the orc clans get a buff that increases their damage/health/armor by 10%. That would stack for each dead clan.
It should of course not work on Felbane.


Level 8
Jun 21, 2009
Hmm...thanks for the suggestions ^^ I'm gonna make a tech-tree similar to Warcraft 2, where you could train dwarves, elves, humans, etc. I'm also considering making some creeps spawn once Blackbane dies, to prevent Halahk from escaping. Thanks for the suggestions and review though :3
Level 16
Nov 30, 2009
A Singleplayer Map that actually looks good? Something very rare nowadays. I will test it but won't bother on Terrain now since, judging from screenshots, it seems to be your weak point.
Level 16
Nov 30, 2009
Okay... Unsorted review.

WARNING: This is only done by a brief test!

First Impressions
Not some awesome epic RPG like RDZ's creations. But hey! Altered Melee where the creator bother to make an awesome Item!
3/5. Gold Potion seemed very imbalanced at first (And it is).

Sweet old Melee. Plus rescue elements.

I don't know whether I'm doing it wrong or something, but Gold Potion's imbalanced Gold Rate seems to be toppled over by the Base Size of opponents and the fact that training high-tier units costs so much time. You can still keep some balance, though.

Nothing imported and fitting resource selection. Although that also means no extra eyecandy which can be useful to improve your terrain.

Scoring now....

Vote for Approval? Yes
+Rep? Not yet

-Shorten the time needed to train high-tier units! They really take hellsome time to train!
-Resize the Orc Bases! They are too big right now!
-Make Generators unable to be targeted by Gold Potion! Otherwise destroying it would be just a piece of cake!
-Improve the Terrain! If I enter Terrain score, it might reduce this Map's current score!
-Current description looks messy. How about some
Code magic? :D

But, all in all, you got 3/5 for now. Be happy and try to improve it! I'm sure you can!
Level 8
Jun 21, 2009
The Gold Potion is going to be balanced in the next version, because it seems to give the player. Also, I thought I made the Gold Potion unable to function upon organic units and mechanical units? I'll fix that as well. ^^

As I said, Terrain is in-improvement. I'm also taking terraining tuts. :D

Thanks for the suggestions and the review :grin:
Level 16
Nov 30, 2009
The Gold Potion is going to be balanced in the next version, because it seems to give the player. Also, I thought I made the Gold Potion unable to function upon organic units and mechanical units? I'll fix that as well.
There's nothing wrong with what did Gold Potion affects.
The wrong thing is the amount it gives.

A Watch Tower lends me a 1100 Gold while Totem lends me 800? D:
Level 3
Jun 30, 2010
Oh yea I also just thought of something. You might wanna make the "lesser" orc clans heroes stronger. Yellow had a shadow hunter which I had a gryphon rider soloing O.O (He even had his fellow troll spear guys to help him :O)
Level 4
Jan 29, 2010
Attacking the clan at the top right of the map was completely optional. Is it supposed to be? I didn't need the force wall the generator there controlled to be gone. I destroyed the clan at the bottom right of the blackrock clan without it.

I destroyed all of the blackrock clan without halahk. I broke the cage last. The blackrock clan's blademaster was as dumb as a post. He'd attack, then when he wind walked, he wouldn't break out to attack. He'd wait for the invisibility to wear off. At low hp, he just runs away from you like an idiot when you attack him.

Also, a very important note, when I used Halahk's ultimate, Redemption, it casted, but after that, he just kept waving his hammer in the air. all the basic unit commands were gone (patrol, move, attack, hold position) as well as his active skills. So after I used redemption, i couldn't move him to the starting point at the bottom right of the map.
Level 8
Jun 21, 2009
Attacking the Clan on the top right is optional actually, same for teal and pink. You can attack any which you want. Also, going to remove Wind Walk in the next version and add another ability to him. Plus make him stronger.

And thanks for the bug report, gonna fix it too.
Level 6
Oct 10, 2009
Sounds like you paused him during the spell and forgot to unpause him :p
Anyways, I've got three more review requests and if no more come in, I'm going to try to re-review this.
It's definitely improved. This time however I'll use the Trigger scores too, so I can see the accurate score. ;P
If a big version or something is coming out soon, let me know and I'll just wait for it. :)