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The penguins are up to no good...

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Level 1
May 15, 2007
This is the first image I created from bottom of in Photoshop, not really detailed - I know, but I had fun making it :p

Just got to say that I'm only adept at backgrounds, when it comes to details like humans and animals, I seem to, literally blow :p

Uploaded watermarked version to slow down art thieves in their paths.

As I get harassed, I've removed the image.

(It is, somehow soon - Meant to be an image I send in to RuneScape postbag. My RS name is 737 NGN 737, hence the text in lower left corner.)
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Level 14
Aug 25, 2005
Well Actually if you look closely the back ground is better then a 5 year old by some. (took me about 5 minutes but Sorry i suck at drawing and i was rushed and when you mix the two it goes really wrong.)


  • penguin.jpg
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Level 45
Jun 3, 2005
Okay people, any more of this "I can do better" "a 5 year old draws better than you" "this is absolute crap" comments or bad and insultive feedback and I WILL punish you. You are all lucky I didn't neg rep a whole bunch of you for your comments.

As for the author, you really need to catch up on ALOT of tutorials, i suggest you keep all your work in vectors or such if you are going to go this style as it clashes with your figures. You really do need alot of work on nearly all the principles and such of art like shape, form, line etc and I highly suggest you include a lineart in your next piece. I really hope you post your works in a more serious matter next time and ask for critique instead of pushing people to attack you as its more trouble for you, me and everyone else.
Level 1
May 15, 2007
Nah, you didn't get 20% good response. You don't need training, you need to think about what you'll draw.

Counting my respones, I did :p

Haha! Thats so funny! Looks like that guy on the Westfall Stew, WoW Comic. Photoshop is so hard to draw with, though I haven't had much practice.. I feel your pain <=(

Never read that comic :/ I just drew some person(As said, not good at detailed objects)



Level 18
Sep 26, 2004
Werewulf, let's be realistic for a sec. Look at that drawing again, take a deep breath, and then you honestly tell me if it deserves any critique at all. I think it doesn't. It's obvious he didn't put any effort in it at all. And he's 15 for crying out loud! Seriously, JedimasterYoda (wow, what an original nickname), forget drawing and focus on what you do best. Who knows, maybe you're great at math or writing or whatever, but drawing just isn't your thing at all man. Or if you still want to draw, then keep it for yourself, please.
Level 36
Mar 15, 2006
I have to agree with TDR. There is no way that you can take this seriously. Some people are good at drawing, some aren't. Judging from this piece, you aren't. Who knows whether following tutorials and completely changing the way you draw will do any good, maybe you'll turn out alright. But maybe not.
Level 35
May 22, 2007
Now hold on my friends.

I think that there is more here than meets the eye.

A diamond in the rough is often buried under tons of dirt.

With practice, and determination, this person can find his talent.

It may look like a child's drawing, but surely he is a child afterall.

Look at the positive parts.

1: Aside from the lack of reality, and the overall childish display of art. Look at what is going on...The leaves blowing in the wind, the facial expression of the characters, and the skyline with the sun.

2: It definately isnt a masterpiece...or really post worthy...But it does have good points, that with practice and determination (and a redo) could be really developed into a worthy artistic piece.
Level 4
Aug 31, 2007
I would first practice on paper, since the mouse isn't as easy to control and draw on as a pencil or your hand. Then copy your idea on the computer. (I can easily beat you on paper, but u beat me on computer from what i've seen).
Level 23
Jan 11, 2006
Why not, maybe he wants to improve with it? If you can make beautifull drawings with a mouse, then your realy tallented, Let people draw what they want, how they want it were they want it, and the perspectives of the lake are alright, and how do you know if he is improving if you have only seen one drawing?
Level 1
May 15, 2007
For example me? Eh?

I'm still trying to find out how to draw the details(Persons, animals, trees etc) better, but it's kind of hard. Have been reading a few tutorials and such.

It's probably just like triggering in WE, it was hard at first - But now I've made an entire map ;)
Level 1
May 15, 2007
Werewulf, let's be realistic for a sec. Look at that drawing again, take a deep breath, and then you honestly tell me if it deserves any critique at all. I think it doesn't. It's obvious he didn't put any effort in it at all. And he's 15 for crying out loud! Seriously, JedimasterYoda (wow, what an original nickname), forget drawing and focus on what you do best. Who knows, maybe you're great at math or writing or whatever, but drawing just isn't your thing at all man. Or if you still want to draw, then keep it for yourself, please.

That was just the WORST argument ever.
If you can't come up with anything better than to go on someones nickname, age, whatever.

Also, you said it doesn't deserve critique, then how come YOU ARE CRITICIZING IT?

You didn't understand that, eh?;

R0fl - N00b! ure n0t any bett3r!!!!111
Level 23
Jan 11, 2006
Tip: If you Flame at a flamer, (not saying any of you flame) you aren't any better than the flamer... now, Everybody has to start somewere, some start better than others, but everybody can become good, as long as they practice enough.
This is not about starting... this is about common sense. You either know to draw - or not. If you don't draw well at 15, when will you? I, myself, don't draw especially good, but I am 14 years old, I know to align shadows and lightning, which are things you haven't come far enough to consider thinking of them.

Also, are you saying that TDR is noob or what xD

TDR is right. Everything else is wrong.
Level 36
Mar 15, 2006
HT is right. TDR is a master artisan, and quite honestly, if he tells you your work is shit, then it is. I mean, the fact that you water-marked this turd to avoid theft is the problem therein. You, obviously labor under the dillusion that your work is worthy of stealing. IT'S NOT. No one would ever bother stealing this crap, not in a million years. It would make them look bad.
Level 24
Nov 9, 2006
Everybody has to start somewere, some start better than others, but everybody can become good, as long as they practice enough.

TDR is a master artisan, and quite honestly, if he tells you your work is shit, then it is.
That doesnt make him a god.

And for the moderators, give constructive critism, tell him what he might improve instead of saying he should stop.
Your supposed to encourage him not piss him in the face!
Level 23
Jan 11, 2006
Yea, I've got to admit, It's not realy good ^^, maby you should try just using pen and paper? And look at things in real life, try to draw something easy first, and try to do harder things as you go, if you still don't draw good enough, then go to something else, like working with clay or something, or just go to something in the area of science XD

(Lol, you posted when I was writing ^^) True
Level 4
Jul 27, 2007
*raises a drink*

Cheers to the Hive's mods and high rep users for flaming a relatively new artist in broad daylight!

/and here ends the sarcasm

But seriously guys, here ya'll are taunting the guy for drawing like a 5 year old(or worse). And yet, if we were to result to thinking of things children do, you guys are actually worse then the artist here.

Simple child's rule; If you have nothing to say, don't say anything. As Werewulf said, this is for CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM. Even if it's slightly "Well, it sucks..but..you could try this etc. etc." at least you're helping. All I see here is "You suck, noob. Go fall in a hole" styled comments.

And now..I hide behind a Pally to defend me from flames and neg reps.
Level 36
Mar 15, 2006
Your Pally will just bubble and run away when he sees my black wrath coming in the distance.

But seriously, WTF kind of constructive criticism can you give to this person? This piece of art is a JOKE. It's like Kaitech's comics, it's so disgustingly bad, that there is no wayto improve on this besides starting over with something completely different.
Level 1
May 15, 2007
Your Pally will just bubble and run away when he sees my black wrath coming in the distance.

But seriously, WTF kind of constructive criticism can you give to this person? This piece of art is a JOKE. It's like Kaitech's comics, it's so disgustingly bad, that there is no wayto improve on this besides starting over with something completely different.

You know that I can be malevolently evil when retaliating to comments which offend me, either in their entity or partly?

Think you've seen me angry? THINK AGAIN!

An expression I've adopted and put together from different places; I hate people who flame me without proper reason with the burning intensity of a thousand desert suns.

I've also read one of Kaitech's comics, and it was actually pretty good ;)
Level 36
Mar 15, 2006
You should have indicated that this was not to be taken seriously then, because for all intents and purposes, we've been taking this as an honest-to-christ attempt at artwork.

And Elf, no, as shitty as the visuals in RS are, those sprites are still better than this MS Paint trash.
Level 4
Jul 27, 2007
All you succeed in doing is proving what I said earlier. You have nothing TO say to him, so let it be. I agree it aint pretty. But it's not like he MADE you click on the topic. That was your choice.

And it also isn't his fault you don't like it. Better to just leave the man alone then waste everyone's times with pointless posts saying it's trash.
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