Note: Before you download this map, please read my descriptions.
About My Package:
This map has more than 10 Abilities / spells, created by me (Losam) For You!
I hope you make a good income and your Thoughts (I'm Open to Suggestions and Comments) about my work and please! Vote on My Map!
That in the event you are using my package (Some Ability / Spell) Please Give Me My Due Loans (and recognition) for my work for me to do (Losam) is forgone (money) for my work (and are Free You Are Actually Authorized by me, Their proper for Practical Purposes) and just Hope that the Payment is due recognition and credit Dear Reader.
My Thanks to:
In respect to the authors, I thank you all (I Authors I Mentioned) and That You worked directly / Indirectly with my work (through comments, tips Votes among other forms).
So thank you to the ALL and then have a list with the Authors mention:
BLIZZARD,-BerZeKeR-, bigapple90, HappyCockroach, I3lackDeath, 4eNNightmare, Weep.
If I have forgotten anyone, I apologize and I am grateful for your help.
In case of:
Opinion / Suggestion;
Need Help / Clarification for my projects (I do not charge money to help you, just thanks / credit and recognition for my help;
Talk to me (Losam) by HiveWorkShop (Site: and send me a message, or write to me by e - mail:
[email protected];
Join! Your Opinion is Important to Me!
Abilities / Spells:
Well, I did updates, I used the hash table (learn how to use them) for Certain Abilities / spells, I hope Can you help me fix the bugs Please contact me (Losam).
The Following is a list with the names of the Abilities / spells I created:
Bash of Storm v1.1 (Updated / Fixed);
BladeThunder v1.1 (Updated / Fixed);
Dash of Storm v1.1 (Updated / Fixed);
Endurace Aura v1.1 (Updated / Fixed);
Nether Bolt v1.0 (New Ability / Spell!)
Brutal trodden v1.1 (Updated / Fixed);
Replicate v1.1 (Updated / Fixed);
Return of Thunder v1.1 (Updated / Fixed);
Sacred Shield v1.1 (Updated / Fixed);
Stealing th Health v1.1 (Updated / Fixed);
Surprise! (New Ability / Spell!)
The Curse of Storm v1.1 (Updated / Fixed);
The Lightning Strike (New Ability / Spell!)
Tornado v1.1 (Updated / Fixed);
United We Are Stronger v1.1 (Updated / Fixed);
Leap Warrior v1.1 (Updated / Fixed);
The P.A.S