--protected-- (will crash your world editor *clearly state!*)
(by the creator of space orc stories)
Since there is a real hype about cinematic maps lately, I decided also to submit a new cinematic i just finished today
and because mods have gone through various cinematics lately where you sometimes wonder if ppl watch their cinematics themself before they upload them i tried to spend a little more time in it
It's a Short Story about a more or less small expedition into the deserts of kalimdor and a tomb in search for an ancient artifact
it ain't pretty long (around 10min) so everyone can take time to watch it =)
Credits are given in the end (inspired by Critters)
the biggest problem with making this cinematic was the randomness itself; because units use their stand - x animations randomly it will sometimes happen that scenes dont work as smooth as they should do (it's like 1of5 times you run the cinematic one animation will not work properly / perfectly timed)
i tried to fix that issue with setting their animationspeed to 00.00% without success
my point is; i could not do anything about it =D
Well then enough chatting: Download it - Comment on it - rate it
and the one most important: Have Fun with it
Cinematic, Short Story, Tomb, Adventure