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The Mustering of Lorne Mire


(WARNING: Although HD / Reforged CAN be used for this map, for now it is recommended to play in Classic. This is because some models and voices do not function properly in HD. If playing on v1.31 a legacy version of the map can be found in the comments below, though bear in mind it will not have all the content of the latest version.)


'A tide of undead has swept through the known world. Few now remain to oppose them. Three weeks ago the undead hosts invaded the northern Kingdom of Cecia. The country is in disarray.

Elbury the Stalwart, Captain of the Guard, travels to the town of Lorne Mire where a massive undead force is soon to arrive... Lorne Mire rests at a choke-point, standing between the Northwest and the overrun south. To buy time for the North-Western armies, Lorne Mire must not fall.'


The Mustering of Lorne Mire is a story-rich single player scenario / 'campaign style' map that has been updated since 2013, but now features vastly improved mechanics, cinematics, models, music and content across the board.

The Mustering of Lorne Mire is a defensive 'campaign map' that can take approximately 50 minutes to complete. It follows the classic "prepare and defend" scenario that are always my favourite missions in any campaign. It is intended to be fairly difficult, taking the time to find secret characters, efficiently managing upgrades from the blacksmith and unit preservation is the key to victory. Save often.

Please notify me if you find any bugs: although I playtest each new build multiple times, sometimes bugs sneak through!


My lord Elbury, General of Cecia.

It is a sombre evening as I write this letter, I must humbly beseech you for aid in defending our humble town of Lorne Mire. You can only be well aware of the doom overwhelming our fair nation of Cecia, much as it is the entire world. I understand you must be preoccupied preparing the defences of your own fiefdom, but I must emplore you: ride with haste to save the gentle folk of Lorne Mire! I ask not out of selfish desire, but rather because our humble town rests at the centre of a bottleneck twixt two mountainous ridges; to defend our lands is to defend your own!

Your own forces must be meagre after the levies were called by our late King, may he rest in peace, but so are our own. Our town has been weakened immeasurably. The Mayor of Lorne Mire, Gedric, revealed himself as an agent of The Forgotten and their sinister ideology. During the night he and his ilk slaughtered a good portion of the garrison before fleeing into Clergy lands. There he awaits his masters, hiding behind a contingent of mind-controlled parish warriors.

Not only this, but during the rebellion hordes of monsters descended upon us, carrying off those defenders who did not die repelling them. The monsters have no doubt been driven north by the marauding undead. Whatever their purpose for kidnapping Lorne Mire's soldiers, they must be stopped and our men returned to us.

Ride to Lorne Mire, rally whatever civilians and allies that can bear arms and prepare for combat. Equip our militia for battle and drive back the monsters. Then you must surely bring justice to the traitor Gedric, curse his name! Then together we will make ready the defences. The undead will arrive shortly and, should they break through the bastion of Lorne Mire, it will mark the end of civilisation, perhaps all life.

Should you emerge victorious, however, you will be hailed saviour of Lorne Mire and surely all of Northern Cecia. If we fall... the alternative is almost too terrible to consider.

Your admiring comrade,

Sir Eric of Lorne Mire.

Basic Instructions

Follow the instructions provided in the cinematics and try to keep as many of your men alive as possible. You can rally civilians by moving your hero next to them (please note, only 'militant' women will fight for you, though others will still interact with you upon selection).

Make sure to upgrade your troops at the blacksmith and buy items at the market.

During the siege you may need to retreat to the town centre; the front gate may be overwhelmed but there are additional guards and towers to help with your final defense outside the town hall.

Throughout the map there are three secret characters that will aid in your defense, some easier to find than others. Finding all of them, keeping them alive and completing their bonus objectives may unlock various bonuses, including the true ending.

It is advisable to start by rallying all possible civilians, then targetting the kidnapping monsters and then moving into parish territory.






Models & Icons:
I have used the following imported models, big thanks to the creators:

Alethos - Villager Kid Female
Aquis - Bart (Villager)
Callatian - Elbury (Templar)
Cavman, Kuhneghetz - Female Footman (Guardswoman), Peasant Woman
Cloudwolf - Secret Character (Demon Hunter)
Chilla_killa - WOW Banner
ChirusHighwind - Target Spell Icon
Darkfang - Human Chaplain Icon
Direfury - Human Captain and General (Parish Footsoldier)
Fingolfin - Wheat Field
Freddyk - Dark Liason + Kei'thiras (Dark Soldier)
Grendel - Calcium Behemoth (Bone Construct) + The Watcher (Herald of Alteration)
Grey Knight - Dummy
GreyArchon - Secret Character (Dismounted Huntress)
Happy Tauren - Man-at-arms (Footman Revised)
HerrDave - Bishop Hero (Bishop) + Homestead Doodad
Kitabatake - Crossbowman (Crossbowman), Risen Horror (Porcupine)
LazZ - Martial Might (Victory Rush) + Critical Strike (Assassinate) + Warded Armour (Shield Guard) Icons
Mr Goblin - Zombie, Ghoul, Abomination, Necromancer Reskins! (Big thanks!)
Sellenisko - College Necromancer Balanesh (InquisitorMalendis)
Shiik - Peasant Archer (JakiraSilkwood)
Sin'dorei300 - Log
sPy - Righteous Fury (Holy Aura)
Stefan.K - Mayor Gedric (Alonsus Faol)
Tranquil - Knight Eric (Mounted Royal Captain)
Urkdrengi - Ironherald (DwarfWarrior)
Wereguy2 - Risen Troll (Undead Troll Reskin)
67chrome - Skeleton Archer (ReturnedArcher)

ShadowTor Studios: 'Climb The Hill'
Mikko Tarmia: 'Amnesia OST - 07 - Theme For Unknown' + 'Amnesia OST - 10 - Grunt's Appearance'
Martin O'Donnell: 'TFL Win Theme' + 'TFL Lose Theme' + 'Out of the Barrier' + 'Siege of Madrigal'
Dan Salvato: Easter Egg Theme
Nobuo Uematsu: Burmecian Kingdom
Creative Assembly: Dwarf Bonus Objective Sound
Blizzard: Cheering sound

Finally, although The Mustering of Lorne Mire is an original story, I have taken inspiration thematically from Bungie's 1997 game "Myth: The Fallen Lords", which I highly recommend to anyone willing to stomach the aging graphics / gameplay!

08/08/2014: Added a custom preview image
10/08/2014: Sweeping terrain, model and map improvements.
12/08/2014: Fixed some sound bugs, minor terrain improvements
10/09/2016: Version 2.0 Launched, sweeping improvements across the board. Secrets added. Game rebalanced.
12/09/2016: Several bugs removed. Game rebalanced slightly. New spells for bosses, new enemies emerge from the graveyard! Defend must now be researched in order to balance the troll camp with the ogre camp. Various terrain improvements.
13/09/2016: More bug fixes. New quest added, all quests now complete!
22/10/2016: Bug fixes
14/11/2017: The secret character should no longer spawn in the incorrect position... oops. Improvements to tooltips and extensive terrain improvements. Bug fixes / trigger improvements.
25/11/2017: Improvements to terrain. Added content. An extra secret! Adjusted difficulty. Removed the strategy tag as it is tied to Risk.
22/12/2017: Definitive Edition Update. Added large amount of content, Parish Area. Improved terrain further. Improved all cinematics. Improved game functionality. Added new models, new quest. Reworked story progression. Added new upgrades, new secret character. Added easter egg. Added epilogue.
23/12/2017: Adjusted keybindings, tweaked cinematics, fixed multiple typos. Fixed several bugs in triggers. Tweaked Map Description. Added a Chaplain icon.
14/01/2017: Adjusted some triggers. Added a skip timer function after the 'Knight Eric' cinematic. Increased timer by 3 minutes because of this, now you can take a bit more time to explore and not feel rushed, but not have to wait around too long if you finish early.
17/01/2018: Added flavour text through items to every unit in the game. Fixed several bugs / typos.
21/01/2018: Made the two "bossfights" more spectacular and difficult. Several cinematics tweaked. Numerous typo fixes. Loading screen info adjusted. Numerous trigger edits. Hive description inc. Knight Eric's letter edited. Behold the Forgotten!
Also fixed extra typos and fixed other instances of cinematics not working as intended.
31/01/2018: Balance changes, the final army is largely weaker across the board. Terrain adjustments. Removed campaign tag due to request, it being only a single map. If people think the campaign tag was helpful in identifying the style of this map please let me know.
12/03/2018: Hardmode added. Bug and typo fixes. Rebalancing.
02/04/2018: Terrain adjustments. New hamlet added with a new Ogre, artifact and some "easter egg" (happy easter guys) potential for ressurection to acquire new units.
08/06/2018: Terrain adjustments, new tiles bestowed by the new patch! Balance changes, hard mode should be less sweaty. Gedric now drops a scroll of ressurection. Slight cinematic improvement.
12/06/2018: Further terrain adjustments. Gedric should now always drop a scroll of ressurection. Secret character buffed (too squishy!) Some weak shop items buffed. Some typos fixed.
18/8/18: Added 3 Unique investments (available at the Blacksmith), providing interesting new ways to defend Lorne Mire, more decision making when spending your valuable pennies!
19/8/18: Cleaned up a lot of triggers (let me know if you encounter any bugs, its possible some have snuck through). Made a host of terrain and model adjustments. Slight buff to the enemy as I felt the game is a bit easy at the moment. Whilst fighting the last encounter on hardmode the world will plunge into darkness.
20/8/18: Expanded the forests south of Lorne Mire, granting more opportunity for gold. Beware the Watcher's gaze (new flavour event for the eagle eyed, taking place at the exit North of Lorne Mire). Adjusted several sounds. Redid some flavour items. Fixed a bug where war hounds would roar eternally with no cooldown. Lit up Lorne Mire a bit more to make Hard Mode darkness less obnoxious.
26/8/18: The timer trigger was broken when some triggers were merged, oops! Fixed it, also uploaded new screenshots! Rebalanced slightly and fixed some typos / faulty behaviours. Please let me know if anything is broken!
14/9/18: Fixed some bugs (Bishop healing during cinematic, Archer Militia spawing incorrectly, music incorrectly resuming after the undead arrive)
11/11/18: Clarified some tooltips (the Dwarven Ring specifically stating that it's simply an item to sell, for example), fixed some minor audio problems, finally solved the 'units ressurect with an empty inventory' problem by simply removing their inventory ability when they die. Should stop people trying to give these units items and then being surprised when they can no longer drop them.
06/01/19: Some terrain improvements, cleaned some triggers. Again the timer appears to have been broken somehow, which has now been fixed.
07/07/19: Ideology update. New building: "The Scholar's Hall" & corresponding ideology militia upgrades. New secret character, available only to those who score the maximum possible score (hard mode + all secret characters activated & survived). Various improvements inc. development of Ogre / Troll areas. Some dialogue updates.
09/08/19: Some music improvements, trigger fixes to stop music resuming at inappropriate points etc.
12/08/19: Some triggers seemed to no longer function optimally with new update, fixed. Fixed some tooltips. Added further information to some blacksmith upgrades. Added vision of the Scholar's Hall post-upgrade. Some text adjustments. Flavour item given to M____a.
17/08/19: Fixed map description, incorrectly states map takes 30 minutes to complete.
18/08/19: Fixed some bugs caused by new updates, some sounds were not triggering. Added undead bats to final attack that will directly target structures. This should give more use to existing repair units.
30/08/19: Ideology Upgrade now grants 3 bonus militia. There appears to be a consistent error where sometimes the Bonus Upgrades (Peasant Bows, Ballista etc.) do not function properly. I've taken a stab at fixing these but I have genuinely no idea why this is happening as it isn't consistent and works most of the time. Cleaned up some triggers.
03/09/19: Cleaned up more triggers. Fixed an issue where bats do not spawn if you hit -skip. Fixed rare circumstances where the player could intentionally trigger multiple cut scenes at once.
15/11/19: Expanded starting area. Rebalanced structures / bats slightly (structures now have more armour and should not be so vulnerable to bats). Fixed some minor bugs.
02/04/20: Fixed some bugs (barrage not working on town hall etc). Minor map additions inc. new areas in Lorne Mire. All secret characters now have secret bonus objectives which will grant them small but permanent power boosts. These objectives will also reveal more backround to the characters. Some are more obvious than others. Some models have been tweaked as they were not functioning properly in reforged. Updated recommendation re: reforged.
06/09/2021: Large update - cinematics are finally skippable after all these years! Undead trolls and Ogres assail the town during the Siege. Many item adjustments - both to balance and to consistency. "The True Ending" cinematic added, for those who find all secret allies, keep them alive AND complete their bonus objectives. Bonus objectives for characters now have trackers and hints about how to complete them. Rebalancing. New icons added. Some triggers reoptimised / reprogrammed. Adjustments to text and lore. Lots of updates this patch so please let me know if there are any bugs.
08/09/2021: Some balance tweaks: buffed Balanesh and Bone Constructs, buffed Worth Protecting to +15 damage, buffed Brienelles Knights, some doodad tweaks.
10/09/2021: Removed a test unit that mistakenly was left in the upload - many apologies, like an idiot I uploaded the map before saving it! Also fixed a typo. Thank you Blasterixx for pointing these out!
02/09/2022: Fixed bug where the Revenant could trigger her redemption early/twice, causing an integer mismatch that could lock people out of the true ending despite having completed all prequsites. Slight rebalance to increase difficulty. Some typos fixed.
06/09/2023: Amalgam of Still-Living Flesh now spawns corpse spiders on death. Juna the Crafty unleashes the power of spirits to cast Flamestrike! Added a new sound effect to Ironherald's bonus objective completion. Added a new artifact to the shop as a gold sink. Troll priests can now cast Firebolt. Improved various item descriptions and hotkeys. Lowered the size of statue hitboxes as they were causing pathing issues.
23/05/2024: Devotion Update! Added an alternative ultimate for Elbury, giving him the option of devoting to either Lua (the old "Starfall" ultimate) or Yué (a new "tranquility" ultimate). When learning the new ultimate spells Elbury now gains an upgraded warhammer depending on the Goddess chosen, giving him bonus damage and an orb effect (to counter those pesky bats). Added a new upgrade at the blacksmith and rebalanced Lorne Mire's buildings. Revamped bat enemies - there are now more but they are slightly weaker, slightly nerfed Corpse Spider poison. New flavour texts and fixed some typos, added cheering sound effect to the final cutscene. Some other changes I've forgotten!
26/05/2024: Surprise! Killing hostile towers now ejects a wounded occupant to further irritate you / provide you gold, whilst allied towers that die in the final attack with spawn a zombie. Slightly buffed some of the weaker Ogres. New enemies added to Gedric's rebel camp in the north - the Hired Peltast, a bandit spear-thrower that will make the initial camp more challenging. New items added to the market, including a Scroll of Protection. Updated some item descriptions, including making the +12 Claws an artifact. Tidied up various doodads and added others. Fixed a long-standing bug which caused the "Rescue" sound to cut out when mustering/rescuing multiple units in quick succession.

**Last Updated 26/05/2024**

Undead, Invasion, Defence, Medieval, Singleplayer, Scenario, Campaign

The Mustering of Lorne Mire (Map)

14:32, 3rd Apr 2013 Orcnet: decent map for a single player, although that timer is kinda long it would be great if you have a trigger that will set the timer off and start the undead fight for those who finish all of the quests quickly and another is...
Level 28
Aug 18, 2022
Ah that's a recent patch? Does the main version (the download button) not work for 1.32? :vw_sad:
The recent version of the game is right now 1.34 REFORGED, and because it's have difference between the different versions of the Reforged, it's mean you cannot play a 1.33 reforged edited map on a 1.32 reforged game. You must have the most up-to-date game to play. So every REFORGED map before August 1 it's playable on 1.32, but after August 1 / or the release of the 1.33 patch & game / published and edited maps not playable on 1.32 reforged.
Level 8
May 31, 2009
The recent version of the game is right now 1.34 REFORGED, and because it's have difference between the different versions of the Reforged, it's mean you cannot play a 1.33 reforged edited map on a 1.32 reforged game. You must have the most up-to-date game to play. So every REFORGED map before August 1 it's playable on 1.32, but after August 1 / or the release of the 1.33 patch & game / published and edited maps not playable on 1.32 reforged.
Damn Blizzard really do be breaking maps repeatedly...

I've attached a slightly older version which should hopefully work. There's a bug with one of the secret characters in this version but I can tell you how to avoid it if you're going for the True End.

If you find the Revenant character I'd recommend saving the game before fighting Gedric. If you want to avoid any issues I would avoid using the revenant in the fight with Gedric and only send it in to the Cathedral area / near Gedric's corpse AFTER the battle with Gedric is over. This version had a bug where her secret objective would sometimes trigger twice, once before his death and once after. You'll know if it happens because she'll repeat the same redemption dialogue twice. If it happens twice it causes an integer mismatch with can lock you out of the true ending.

Hopefully this works!


  • The Musteringv3.98.w3x
    26.8 MB · Views: 12
Level 28
Aug 18, 2022
Damn Blizzard really do be breaking maps repeatedly...

I've attached a slightly older version which should hopefully work. There's a bug with one of the secret characters in this version but I can tell you how to avoid it if you're going for the True End.

If you find the Revenant character I'd recommend saving the game before fighting Gedric. If you want to avoid any issues I would avoid using the revenant in the fight with Gedric and only send it in to the Cathedral area / near Gedric's corpse AFTER the battle with Gedric is over. This version had a bug where her secret objective would sometimes trigger twice, once before his death and once after. You'll know if it happens because she'll repeat the same redemption dialogue twice. If it happens twice it causes an integer mismatch with can lock you out of the true ending.

Hopefully this works!
Thank you very much, I'm going to try it.
Level 28
Aug 18, 2022
It was awesome! Thank you for the previous version! It was a challenging one, but I made it! 2/5 points I achieved in the end, so there is a lot to be discovering.
I was discovered that you "hide" some lore history related stuff in the inventory and in the command panel of the units. Not a lot of place are doing that. Do you continoue to improve this or have you other project in your hand? You made me addicted to your maps...
Level 8
May 31, 2009
It was awesome! Thank you for the previous version! It was a challenging one, but I made it! 2/5 points I achieved in the end, so there is a lot to be discovering.
I was discovered that you "hide" some lore history related stuff in the inventory and in the command panel of the units. Not a lot of place are doing that. Do you continoue to improve this or have you other project in your hand? You made me addicted to your maps...
Glad you enjoyed!! I'll continue to tweak this version probably whilst working on another version that's sort of an expansion. You can see how much I wanted to expand the map below:


As for if I ever finish it or not - probably eventually! Hopefully Blizzard gives Reforged some love in the meantime.

Thanks again for playing!
Level 8
May 31, 2009
Hi guys, realised it had been some time since my last update. Continue to work on the expansion, however in the meantime I've carried out some quality of life updates, including improvements to various monsters. For example, the Amalgam of Still-Living Flesh now spawns corpse spiders on death that spit a deadly poison (and provide valuable corpses to the necromancers). Meanwhile Junta the Crafty can now cast Flamestrike, and heckle you while he does so!

I also added a new artifact to the shop as a gold sink (praise the moons) and improved the descriptions of other artifacts / flavour texts. Troll priests can now cast Firebolt to annoy you before their inevitable deaths. Also for flavour's sake I added a new sound effect to Ironherald's bonus objective completion, for the Dawi appreciators out there. I'll keep an eye out for sound effects to add to Aya and Aryss's quest completions.
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Level 8
May 31, 2009
Hi guys, back again for a large-ish patch, dubbed the "Devotion Update"! Elbury now has an alternate ultimate choice, giving him the option of devoting to either Lua (the old "Starfall" ultimate) or Yué (a new "tranquility" ultimate). When learning the new ultimate spells Elbury now gains an upgraded warhammer and flavour text depending on the Goddess chosen, giving him bonus damage and an orb effect (to counter those pesky bats). Added a new upgrade at the blacksmith - improved masonry, also rebalanced Lorne Mire's buildings to be slighty more durable. Revamped bat enemies - there are now more but they have 50 less health on hard mode. Slightly nerfed Corpse Spider poison. New flavour texts and fixed some typos, added a sound effect to the final cutscene. Some other changes I've forgotten! Hope you all enjoy!
Last edited:
Level 8
May 31, 2009
Now i'm curious if there will be a sequel or a prequel of the same universe you created mate
I did at one point start making a full campaign, but unfortunately I just didn't have the time required to do it much justice so I didn't get very far. Here was how I planned to create the missions in the alternate reality where I had the time:

"Prologue Cinematic: Rise of the Forgotten

Mission 1: Elbury & Co vs Rildanese Pirates

Mission 2 / Cinematic: The Battle of Westweald (short mission starts with the King’s messenger struggling to get to the message to Sir Eric, ends with a recounting of King Ornn’s death)

Mission 3: The Mustering of Lorne Mire

Mission 4: Hammerdwell (Elbury & Ironherald go to the Dwarven Hold to renew an alliance)

Cinematic 2: The Forgotten March (scouts playing cards in haunted wilderness, spot a new horde approaching. Rides off to warn Elbury etc)

Mission 5: Ambush on the River Avon (The watcher attempts to cross a bridge, Elbury & Dwarves go to blow it up)

Mission 6: The Winter War (big battle as the undead cross the frozen river)

Mission 7: The Watcher (big battle as Elbury & Co, Aryss leads them through a wildway to find where The Watcher is hiding as the remnants of Lorne Mire’s / Hammerdwell’s armies delay The Watcher’s hordes)

Epilogue Cinematic"

As I didn't have time for the full campaign I have mostly just been polishing the existing map. I have also been working on a much expanded version of the map as previously mentioned, but I'm not sure when that'll be finished! I also considered making the current map two-player, though I think that would be a significant undertaking so I'm not sure.

Either way, released another update today with some new additions!