Alright, downloaded and played, then launched the editor and checked it out. So here's a mini-review:
The map was nice, but AI is buggy for some reason. They build their barracks, food structure, altar, then proceed to harvest, and that's it. They don't do anything else...
Asides from that, I liked how tiny the map was. It probably is just me liking tiny melee maps, but it creates a different element of playstyle. The terrain looked pretty good, nothing spectacular though, but maybe a bit too flat. Use the raise tool here and there to fix that. I also noticed the map has no shadows on the edges, this isn't important, but you could go to Scenario->Size and Camera Bounds and increase the camera bounds by one tick, it will look kinda better this way. Oh, and the map says "Suggested Players: 2", why not 2-4, since this is a 4P 2v2 map?
Though the terrain was asymmetrical, sure making it more unique, but harder to balance it out so no player has an advantage over another. Right now, the left side has a fountain and a merc camp, while the right side has a shop. Also the player on the bottom right has only one access path to his/her base (if you don't count flying units flying over the waterfall). But then, seems that goes for the top right player too. At least you can surprise the players on the left side by bashing through the trees, creating a new path.
Speaking of players, I noticed the player on the top right might be attacked by the Ogre camp if he builds a bit to the left, you might wanna fix that and set their target range to Camp (200) (actually, you might wanna do that for every camp). Speaking of creeps, why do some have 3-4 sets of "100% chance for random level item"? Having only one would do the same job, no need for 2-3 more. While on that topic, why a random level item? Does that mean a Murloc Huntsman can drop a Mask of Death?
Also, the lack of green camps surprised me, the left side would have only one, while the right side would have an orange one instead (if it's 2v2),and a red one in the middle. Not sure if imbalanced, or recommends coordination between the players.
On a final note, you may wanna go to Scenario->Options and set the Game Data to "Melee", so that the map will be up-to-date with the latest changes (since I see you modified a doodad).
For now, I'm rating it 3/5 (summed up from 2.5/5), because the concept was cool but the execution was so-so, and because I like tiny melee maps, since they change the style of gameplay and force different strategies and cooperation to the players.
- Spoiled brother (ask to add only a few neutral Hostile)
- Small map (ask by my brother again. Only : 64 x 32)
- I don't like all my brothers option so please understand him
What do you mean...? And how are those cons about the map? (I guess I understand about the second, but that is more of a neutral point imo, since some people, myself and my friend included, like small melee maps
And for screenshots: Press PrntScrn ingame, a screenshot will be taken and saved in your <WarCraft 3 installation folder>/Screenshots/, find it and then upload it somewhere, then copy its URL/link, and type
, and your screenshot will appear.