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[Defense / Survival] The Last Stand

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Level 28
Oct 28, 2011



Map Type: Survival/Defense
Players: Up to 4 Players
Map Size: Tiny (64x64)
Current Version: Alpha 0.1 (04.22.14)
Download: Click Here


The Last Stand is your typical Survival/Defense Map where you fight waves
of enemies per round.

Players objective is to survive all the waves and not let the enemies to
destroy the "Crystal of Life".

The Last Stand doesn't really bring any groundbreaking ideas to the table
of Survival Maps but instead introduces you to a fresh combat mechanics
(Which is fast paced and very action packed), Character Customization
(Will be stated in full detail in "Features") and many others.


Custom Stats

'The Last Stand' introduces its player to three Stats which is the source of
damage of every attack. This Stats is unique to their respective Weapon-Types

Damage Type:
Counter Weapon:

Melee Power
Indicates how strong your melee attacks

Range Power
Indicates how strong your range attacks

Magic Power
Indicates how strong your magic attacks


Custom Combat

Most Warcraft 3 Maps relies heavily on Warcraft 3's default Combat System
which sometimes lacks the kick and very boring. 'The Last Stand' removes
the Auto-Attack features of Warcraft 3 and instead uses Warcraft 3 'Spell'
to delivers the Hero's attack. This gives players more challenge because the
of aspect of aiming, conserving stamina (or Mana if you prefer that) and other
minor stuffs that you'll learn when you play the game. Every weapon gives
the hero 3 Attack Spell.


Before I go in-depth about Equipments I just want to say that every equipment
that your hero carries will really show in your Hero. (e.g. having a sword
in your inventory will give your Hero's model a sword model). This simply
means that you'll be able to see in you Hero's Model what kind of items
you're currently carrying in your inventory.

Equipments plays major role for The Last Stand. This is are the game's
main source of "Damage", "Armor", "HP" and other statistics and buffs.

There are three different type of Weapon-Type that plays along with the
Custom Stats. This Weapon-Type and their respective Damage-Type is
obviously obvious but for the sake of description here is a small table:

Weapon-Type:Damage Type:

Melee Power

Range Power

Magic Power

Different Weapon-Types have their own Pros and Cons.

This Weapon Types have a subgroup that is called "Weapon-Class" this isn't
simply for visualization because different Weapon-Class also offers their own
Pros and Cons. I'll not make a table of Weapon-Class yet because I'm still
adding some Weapon-Class but just so you can grasp the idea here is what
the maps currently have:

Melee-Type: Hammers, Swords
Range-Type: Throwing Knives, Bow
Magic-Type: Staff

Each class have their own attack set.

Random Enemy-Type per Wave

Title should be self explanatory. Basically, this is a way to improve the map's
replay value. Each wave only spawns one Enemy-Type but this Enemy-Type
have three (currently) possible Enemy-Type that will spawn.

Just to explain this more clearly here is a table of possible Enemy-Type for
Wave 1 and 2.

Wave 1Archer or Footies or Ghoul

Wave 2
Bandit or Gnoll Archer or Wolf


I first planned to make a Difficulty System where players will be able to choose
from a 'Dialog Box' between 'Easy', 'Normal' and 'Hard' but I scrap this because
this is a pain to balance and for a one man team like me that is just more
painful. So instead of that I just made it that when only one player is playing
Creep Wave will only spawn in one area, if two players are playing then Creep
Wave will spawn in two areas and so on.


This Images are Taken on an early version of the map. Things that you can see in
the image is subject to change.







Last edited:
Level 28
Oct 28, 2011


Map only consist limited contents atm and this are
the following:

*5 Waves with each wave have 3 possible enemy units.
*Working Winning and Defeat Conditions
*Revive System
*Working Score Board
*Should be able to support multiplayer matches.

-8 weapon equipments
*2 Swords
*2 Staffs
*1 Throwing Knife
*1 Bow
*2 Hammers

-6 armor equipments
*2 Head gears
*2 Body armors
*2 Shields


This Alpha Release purpose is for me to
receive feedback, bug reports and balance
issues. I'll update this frequently along the
way until it reach fully functional and playable
state before uploading on the map section.

I'm aware fully aware that the map contains
bugs and minimal content atm.

Click the image above this text to download.


Q: So what is the future plan for TSL?

A: Right now, I'm fully focusing on adding contents (items, more waves
and boss fights).
But that doesn't mean that I haven't laid a plan for TLS.

This are the things I'll be working on moving forward.

-Custom Leveling Stat System
-More Weapon-Class
-Increase the number of waves
-Custom Ultimate Attack System
-Additional gameplay mechanics
-Additional Attack Spells for
each Weapon-Class
-Boss Fights
-Player AI
-and many more

Last edited:
Level 28
Oct 28, 2011

# 1

Welp, I just finished making the First Boss today that will be included
on Alpha 0.2. Also I started making the AI, its still need a lot of serious
work but the normal functions are working (attacking, healing, blocking, etc)
so it will not be feature on any of the early future release of the map.

Here are some screenshots of me with the AI and a picture with the boss

Just us taking care of business.


And.... we're dead. D:

I think I'll make the boss wave to only spawn 1 per area since
we didn't even kill a single boss on that game.

The boss have a triggered spell called "Barrage"
Where it will hit you with 5 very quick attacks.


Known Bugs of Alpha 0.1:

  • Wave counter doesn't increase
  • Vitality Ring doesn't give HP
  • Crystal of Life can be knockback
    with Thunder Smash
Level 28
Oct 28, 2011
I don't like that model.

Well, do you have something in mind? As long as the filesize isn't scary then I'll consider it.
Map Filesize is still just around 1.7 mb but I wanna make it as small as possible.

The map looks wonderful so far, too bad I don't like the genre in WC3.

Contrary to your taste, I always feels that Warcraft 3's survival/defense maps are better than other professional games out there.
Level 28
Oct 28, 2011
Only model I can think of is 4.26 MB and it's not even finished yet... Yeah.



I meant the style of combat, not genre.
Braindead moment much? *Headdesk* lulow.

Ah, yeah, that is true, even though I want it to look and feel as fast paced as possible it is still slow because the model lacks crisp animations.
Level 28
Oct 28, 2011

Hey guys, does the Enemy-Unit-Type randomizer works properly?
What I mean is that I know that it works but I need to know if you guys are getting a new set of enemy unit type when you restart the game(without quitting Warcraft 3). Just asking because blizzard made a silly bug that stops randomizing integers(well at least for the way I use it) making the same unit-type to spawn the same when I test it in World Editor.

Aradar said that this only happens when I start it on World Editor but I just wanna make sure.
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