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[Role Playing Game] The Lands of Arkeya

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Welcome to The Lands of Arkeya homepage. I'll hopefully be filling this up more soon, but with the release of Reforged anticipated this year much of this game is only being worked on in regard to systems, other features such as terrain and world design are still on hold until the new editor is released. If anyone has questions about this game let me know.

What is this? The Lands of Arkeya will be a co-op RPG that is focused on telling a story and giving you an excellent medium to experience it (voice acting, synergetic combat, intentional lack of balance because lets face it not everything is even, and special quests that temporarily alter how you play.) For the moment this game will be intended to be played with 3 players. Each class will have around 12 abilities, talents that alter them and their own version of environmental abilities. Environmental abilities are those gained from where you are (example: You are on a beach, you gain ability: throw sand (reduces hit chance) or you get a quest to find a key to open the door? Well it doesn't matter if you're a rogue, open it without the key. Get kidnapped and separated from the rest of your group? Well if your the inventor why don't you just build a tank and get yourself out of the bad guys base.

Lastly, you will be able to control a couple fun aspects of the game. For example you will be responsible for building one of the hub cities, this is done like a tower defense objective and whatever survives will be your next hub, hopefully you defended your merchants.

Some already done features:
Full 20 slot inventory per player, 4 hold items in hotkey positions.
Full character stats per player
Randomly generated items (presently diablo-esque style)
Soundtrack system per Player
Projectiles System
Advanced Combat System

More systems to create:
AI fear response
Threat system
Enhanced Stealth system
Character mid-combat interaction system (similar to Overwatch auto-callouts)
AI intelligence system

Thanks for stopping by! I understand this is a basic layout, but I don't have much else to showcase with reforged on the way.

If you would like to be involved in play testing any of the map please let me know either with a comment or PM. Thanks!
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