The Journey Chapter 1 Part 1 - The Gates

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Map Reviewer
Level 33
Feb 19, 2011
The Journey Chapter 1 Part 1-3

The Journey
Chapter 1 Part 1-3
The Gates

Meldo had travelled for three days without resting. Step after step
he was getting closer to the gates of Fadim. He was dreaming
that maybe one day he could finally have his revenge... one day...
In the evening he already saw the gates of Fadim. Fadim, the only
town of the Lendeeras Kingdom that did not loose a single wall
in the war against the forces of darkness. "Fountain of Moon" they
said "Fountain of Moon protected us!" they said. Meldo was not
sure did any one of them actually believe it even by themselves.
Meldo raised his camp for some rest and ignited the camp fire.
The weather was sunny. Meldo woke up very early and gathered his
equipment and kept going. Only ten meters before the gate the guards
seemed that they would even notice him. He understood that his disquise
was perfect. Even the trained guards could not regonize him well
his disquises had always worked. He would not be assassin otherwise
atleast he thought so. He entered the streets of Fadim. And he could feel
that his journey's end had begun. He could not imagine how wrong he was.
Peoples talking and the "noice of living" disturbed Meldo. He had
never liked to have contact with people. Atleast as long as he had
been an assassin. It was a good feature for an assassin.
Meldo was hungry he went to local market. He took few apples and
a bread from the stand. No one noticed, he was a professional assassin
and also a thief. He had always thought "It is a way of living."
and he actually believed it. He ate the stolen food and headed to
the library. Before he could do any action in town he had to know
every corner and the sequences of work of the guards.
He went to library and without any ones noticing he took a map from
the shelf and went to a table with it. He looked it for some time
and then went to same shelf again but he putted the map under his coat
and walked quietly away from the library. He knew he had to find
a hideout from somewhere. He did not have money with him
so he had to stole some. It was not hard. After walking around the
street he went to a inn and rented a room. It was on the second floor
so would be easy to escape if he would have to. He went into his room
and took his dagger from his "stash". And also a potion that had some
dark green liquid in it, poison...
"When the night falls something happens."
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Map Reviewer
Level 33
Feb 19, 2011
The Journey
Chapter 1 Part 2
The Night of Action

It was getting darker and Meldo was almost ready. He was still gathering
his equipment. He took his rope on to his shoulder and hided
the poison dagger under his coat. He also took a dark green cloak.
He left the inn and headed to Kings Palace. The streets were almost
empty but some people were still at the selling stands at the market place.
The Kings Palace was well protected and Meldo already had a plan
how to enter it.
Late Evening
Meldo went near front entrance of the palace. He saw 3 guards patrolling near
the gate. He took a rock from a ground and threw it into a corner of a building
near the entrance. A guard went to look there. Then meldo sneaked after guard
and took his knife and back stapped the guard. After few minutes the two
other guards were worried and one of them went to look what
the third of the guards were doing. Dead. He yelled:
Very quickly many guards ran from the night hut of the guards and realized what
was going on. Meldo swinged himself over the wall when no guards
anymore guarded the tops of the wall. "Inner guards..." he said in his mind.
He went to a equipment warehouse and took himself a guard armor.
He weared it on and he heard few footsteps that were getting closer
to him. And instantly he realized that every guard should be near the corpse.
He took fast look around the room and saw three crates near the ladders
to upstairs. He went behind them and hoped for the best. Two guards came
into room. They saw Meldo's poison dagger that Meldo had left on
a desk when he weared the guard's armor. They turned and headed to the
crates that behind Meldo was hiding at...
"Dead won´t talk but who is dead?"
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Map Reviewer
Level 33
Feb 19, 2011
The Journey
Chapter 1 Part 3
Living Death
Late Evening

The guards were getting closer and closer to the crates.
Meldo took long breath and right after that the guards saw Meldo.
What they saw was a dead guard and a opened hatch that leaded
to the roof of the tower. They both yelled:
"ALARM! DEAD GUARD!" and ran past Meldo to the ladders.
Foremost guard started to climb up the ladders and the second one
followed him. When the second guard was on the third step Meldo
got up and stabbed the guard. The another guard dropped down from the ladders
and took his sword from the scabbard and was ready for a fight.
However Meldo was professional assassin and had already stabbed poison
dagger into the guards heart.
Meldo sighed but at the same time he realized that the guard that he just killed
had yelled alarm. He took all his equipment very fast and started to ran on the top
of the wall. Guard noticed that and yelled
"INTRUDER! ALARM! INTRUDER!" Meldo realized that he could not just
normally do his job quietly because guards had saw him.
Meldo was running towards a door that leaded to Resting Room of the guard.
He was praying in his mind that the door would not be locked but
he returned to reality when a bolt streaked past his face.
Meldo was running as fast as he could towards the door and when he reached it
he rended the door open and went inside. Right after he stepped into
behind the door he heard around 8 bolts hitting the another side of the door.
Resting Room
In the resting room Meldo counted that he would have about 2 minutes time until
the guards would reach the door. He took a large log from the fireplace and
putted it behind the door to slow the guards a little. He kept running downstairs
and heard a guard coming. He took a short sword from a desk of a guard to his
right hand and ran back to stairs. The guard was right behind the corner and Meldo
threw the sword to the direction of the guard. The sword penetrated the guards armor
and sliced the chest of the guard. Guard fell to the floor and Meldo kept running downstairs.
When he reached the lower end of the stairs he heard that guards outside had
reached the door. They beated the door and Meldo was in trouble once again.
"Knock knock, whos there?"
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