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The Hive Replays!

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Level 40
Dec 14, 2005
Just watched a few replays from this thread. You guys are far too defensive, need to spend your minerals more effectively, need to work on your army composition, and in general interact a bit more. Rui, the reason you find it is either turtle+tech or rush is because you're sitting in your base mining all game, not actually doing stuff. Hopefully this will make sense when I upload my 1v1 TvP demonstrations (thanks to tag for being my punching bag).

Edit: Here are the replays. A few have a bit of fooling around at the end so don't stay the full duration. These were done at midnight so my play is pretty bad, but they represent some strategies you might see from a diamond Terran player when they are facing Protoss.


  • Tag vs Pewt FastMarauder.SC2Replay
    46.2 KB · Views: 46
  • Tag vs Pewt FastReaper.SC2Replay
    101.7 KB · Views: 58
  • Tag vs Pewt MarineHellionBanshee.SC2Replay
    123.1 KB · Views: 50
  • Tag vs Pewt MarineHellionTank.SC2Replay
    155 KB · Views: 47
  • Tag vs Pewt MMG.SC2Replay
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Level 11
Aug 1, 2009
Poor tag. :(

Also, generally as Terran in 1v1 I go 1/1/1, aka 1 rax, 1 factory, and 1 starport. All three are built right next to each other, and you have 2 of them with tech labs, one with a reactor. Because they are close together, you can easily lift off and switch around which buildings have which addons. For example, you might put the starport on the reactor, then pump out vikings with it, siege tanks+siege mode with the factory, and marauders with the rax. This is usually good because you can field a wide variety of units without significant expense, and can adapt to various situations.
Level 49
Apr 18, 2008
Poot, I watched your replays, and I must say, you're damn good. :p

Can I have some feedback on this? I tried to get quick Thors. I try something like this for the first time, and obviously it's still very rough and I preformed it very bad(a few Brood Lords or even a bunch of Zerglings would have countered this very easily, and possibly many other units).
So I'd like to hear, please, what I did wrong, what could be done better, etc...


  • Deolrin_Thors.SC2Replay
    99.4 KB · Views: 49
Level 40
Dec 14, 2005
Early game:

First off, try to set your CC rally point to empty mineral patches. This slightly optimizes your mining and it's something to do for the first few seconds.

You don't seem to have any sort of build order. You seem to be going for 10supply 12rax 12gas, but you really mess up your timings, get the supply at 11 (should have sent that SCV far earlier), the rax much later than you could have, and the workers don't go on gas until far too long. Try sending a second SCV for your rax (remember to send it early, around 100 minerals, similar to how your supply depot SCV should go around 50) and sending your supply depot SCV to scout when the depot is done.

You screw up your gas big time: First, you tell the refinery builder to mine minerals after he's done (don't do this, if you let him be he'll automatically start mining from the refinery). Next, you ask the CC to build three SCVs and have them mine gas rather than just pull two guys mining minerals (+ the guy who built the refinery), and thus you get your gas far later than you should have. You don't even put workers (even the one who built it) on the second gas until way later on, although you are going for a build which needs it.

Slightly after the BO fiasco, you have around three to five SCVs queued up on average. Don't do this. Try keeping two in the queue max, and use the rest of the money to build stuff; money in your queue is money wasted which could be being spent on buildings.

Your marines come way too late, meaning any sort of Zergling rush would have killed you (this is compounded with the fact that you didn't scout, even when you knew where he was since his overlord came so early).

When your factory goes up, you should have a tech lab ready to swap with it (built with a barracks). This way you can push out a siege tank while your armory is building, which should really help against thors (or maybe just throw down a few hellions if they are going for mass speedlings).

Next, you push out against roaches with marines and thors, without actually knowing how many roaches he has. This is a Bad Idea, since roaches counter both thors and marines. If your opponent had controlled his units even semi-competently you would have lost the game right there.

You build up a ridiculous amount of money but are low on gas. Use this to churn out some marines or marauders (marauders are better against roaches, but you may have wanted marines to conserve even more gas). Also, use this opportunity to expand and claim more gas. This surplus is largely due to your lack of production buildings (I regularly run three factories (tech-tech-reactor) off one base).

When you want to expand, you build it at the top of your base (where it is easily scouted and farther from any actual expansions) than the bottom. After that, you opt to take the island (which can easily be harassed with mutalisks, especially since you lack both turrets and a starport) rather than your easily-defendable natural. You, however, seem to notice and fix this at the last minute, and opt to get the gas first (good). The only problem in the end here was that you loaded the SCVs into the CC instead of just mining until it was almost landed and/or starting some refineries early.

You fail to build any missile turrets to cover your ass in case he has a large ground army and uses the missile turrets to kill all of your workers when you push. You also totally fail to scout when you push; if he had had mass speedlings or mass roaches, it would have been a slaughter.

You are sitting on several thousand minerals by the end, which could have gone into expanding over the entire map or just massing marines or hellions.
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Level 11
Aug 1, 2009
Heh, just played a freaking awesome 3v3 match with a few friends. Just so you know, we were more of screwing around and not playing seriously, so DON'T JUDGE ME :(

Summary: We decide to do some lulzy cheese, basically locking our opponents in their base with a shitton of photon cannons. This is pretty funny while it lasts, until they murder our photon cannons with cruel horrible void rays and immortals and then mrzwach goes emo-shit whining about how we are going to lose and it goes downhill from there. Near the end, it becomes a fight to survive as the enemies fucking huge fleet of void rays attempts to hunt down mrzwach's rebel fleet, composed of a mothership, 3 void rays, and 3 carriers.

But then, in the crowning moment of awesome, mrzwach manages to tactically use a mothership to completely dominate the enemy void ray fleet, despite being heavily outnumbered (it was a mothership, and 3 voids and 3 carriers vs 10+ void rays)!

In short: Watch the replay. It's awesome.

also, don't judge me


  • 3v3 failcheese.SC2Replay
    255.4 KB · Views: 49
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