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The Heroes RPG

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Level 5
Dec 18, 2007
Another RPG in developement...shocker.



The Heroes RPG is mainly an open world RPG with a little story that does not decide where you can't or can go, what you can't and can have, and what you can't or can do.


You start off as a Human Monstarey student when you wake up one day to find everything around you in flames. From there on a guard will tell you what happened while everyone was sleeping. He instructs you to go to the Monstarey Study and find the Headmaster for he will help you-if hes still alive. On the way to the Study there is an open gate which you can choose to leave the Headmaster and go to the nearby city named Jar'thar to start the open world part of the game. If decided to go find the Headmaster, you find him barely alive where you can then choose your profession and receive starting weapons from right there and some gold if you tell the Jar'thar Gazette writer about the event.
If a player chooses to follow the story, the player, told by a surviving Monstary Monk later in the game, must find a mysterious man that can only be found in an alley way in the city at night. When found you discover him talking to someone else, and he gives up what he knows.
(The rest will be posted in the end of this message for people who don't want spoilers)


Warrior: A melee based hero.
Items Allowed for Usage: Sword, Axe, Mace, Hammer, Pick Axe, Flail, Halberd, Spears, Shields, and Short swords.

Archer: A ranged based hero.
Items Allowed for Usage: Slingshot, Bow, Crossbow, Javelin, Throwing Knives, and Throwing Axes.

Mage: A magic based hero.
Items Allowed for Usage: Staff, Wand, Enchanted Staffs, Quarterstaffs.

Priest: A healing based hero.
Items Allowed for Usage: Staff, Wand, Enchanted Staffs, Quarterstaffs.

Druid: A nature magic based hero.
Items Allowed for Usage: Staff, Wand, Enchanted Staffs, Quarterstaffs.

Paladin: A holy magic and melee based hero.
Items Allowed for Usage: Hammer, Flail, Mace, Sword, Axe, Truncheon, Shields, and Short Swords.

Necromancer: A undead magic based hero.
Items Allowed for Usage: Staff, Wand, Enchanted Staffs, Quarterstaffs, Daggers, and Light Maces.

Warlock: A Demonic magic based hero.
Items Allowed for Usage: Dagger, Staff, Wand, Truncheon, Enchanted Staffs, and Light Mace.

Assassin: A stealth based hero.
Items Allowed for Usage: Dagger, Crossbow, Throwing Knives, Throwing Axes, Short Swords.

Ritualist: A spiritual magic based hero.
Items Allowed for Usage: Staff, Wand, Enchanted Staff, Dagger, Truncheon, Light Mace.


Items in the RPG will have a labeling system to let players know what each of them are worth and so on. Item names will be color-coded to show the quality of the items, and as well as a description of their purposes in the description of the item.

Item Color-codes:
Brown: Bad
White: Good
Yellow: Commmon
Light Blue: Uncommon
Red: Rare
Black Legendary:

Weapon Color-codes:
Brown: Mediorce
White: Good
Yellow: Excellent
Red: Master
Black: Legendary

Weapon Descriptions:
Enchanted: (Yes or no)
Passive: (Yes or No) (Passive Type)

Item Descriptions:
Class: (Armor, Jewel, Orb, Augmentation, etc.)
Enchanted: (Yes or No)
Active: (Active Ability, yes or no)
Passive: (Yes or No, Passive Type)
Mergable: (With Weapons, such as Augmentations)
Armor: (If at all)
Damage: (If any bonus damage)

Continued Story:
The man says it was an inside job performed by possessed Bandits and Draconians. It is then where (if you decide to) you seek vengeance for the death of the Headmaster and destruction of the Monstarey and hunt down the planner of the attack on the Monstarey.

That is all, when i have some terrain done I will put screenshots.
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