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[RPG] Final Alliance

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Level 3
Dec 10, 2007

Check out he official release site.

I'm not sure of how many of you know about my previous project, which is called Unholy Alliance V. And yes, I know dropping UAV wasn't a good idea.

Blame that to blizzard, for releasing 1.24 patch that make most of the custom maps unplayable. But I don't wish to make an UAVI either, so I named this map Final Alliance instead. The word Final would actually indicate this is my last project on Warcraft III before moving to Starraft II mapping enviroment.

Enough saying, enjoy the game!

  • A RPG game combined with a little castle siege feature style gaming.
    Save (-save) and load (-load) allows you to save your game experience and bring them into next game, with more game experience, more powerful items will be unlocked at your command!
  • Each hero have 5 active spells, and 11 passive skills enchanted in a spell book, by learning the active spells you will gain bonus from the passive spells with different combination of spells. (That make up to a total of 16 spells)
  • Creep system - Totally randomized respawn system, different creep might spawn for the same creep camp, never think that "Oh this is a troll camp, I can easily handle this, and suddenly you shouted - OMG WTF A DEMON!" *sound of flesh flying around* and you get killed.
  • Random special feature such as stone skin, extra strong, spell resistance, and extra fast might get enchanted to certain creep when spawned.
  • Multiquest system - You can finish off the game with various way, like helping the evil kill the goods, helping the good kill the evils, or simply just whack up both party, it is all in your hand!
  • Advanced inventory system - Each hero are allowed to carry up to 4 main page item, 16 backpack items, and also 20 equipment slots, which make up to a total of 40 item slots for each hero.
  • Advance Potion system - Potions triggered, they will heal based on the hero's stat, e.g: Strength hero may gain more life from using health potion, while high Intelligence hero may gain more mana. All the potions stacks!
  • Drag and Drop combination system - We are getting bored with recipe system in many games, so something new have to come out, and here's one, you drag and drop one item into another, crafting new items, with some luck you might get some unknown-item that was not listed in the recipe list!
Level 3
Dec 10, 2007
hehehe thanks :) I'm working on the next hero, as well as new terrain and improvement on the systems, stay tuned!

hope you all enjoyed it ^^
Level 3
Dec 10, 2007
Well, terrain just ground of gameplay, need not to pay too much attention on it, what matters it the gameplay itself :)
Level 3
Aug 18, 2009
I don't know if you are aware but close to the end of the story, the knights start stacking up at the circle of power (closest to the revenants) and they don't teleport to the where they're suppose to. They just stay on top of it made it difficult for me to go through. Only played through the game once so i don't know if it's a one thing
Level 2
Dec 6, 2009
just improve the terrain , this is fun RPG!

and give more screenshot in here so another people will be more interesting I think :D
Level 3
Dec 10, 2007
lol this is a one-man project, so I can't handle too many thing at one time, the code is already giving me enough headache hahaha, I'll try my best to give what I can :)
Level 3
Dec 10, 2007
It is still in progress :) I applied many changes in the next version, so it might take a little more time to the next release.

Expect new hero, new set item, new maps coming!
Level 3
Dec 10, 2007
New version is here! Click here for the latest changes and download!

**Remember to add fan in the official Facebook here like for the fastest update :spell_breaker::spell_breaker:
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