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The Heart of Storms Act I: Dusk of Draenor


Hosted Project: HoS
Level 20
Mar 31, 2004
So! It's been one heck of a December. But we did almost everything what we planned.

Dusk of Draenor has gone through an additional round of closed beta testing. You wouldn't believe how many things were not obvious to us or somehow managed to be missed! We're implementing fixes and QoL features as I write this (well, not literally), and it's safe to say the next stop will, yes, the Public Beta!

There are still things to do after it. We plan to make a tutorial/intro map to allow the player to get used to new races and their mechanics - it appears the learning curve is not exactly too friendly, and not many people play melee before campaign proper. We'll also finalize the final cinematic, adding a very special scene that will serve as a bridge to the next Act, Heralds of the Abyss, which is already being worked on. But aside for that, and some tweaks and fixes, the Public Beta will be not only as close to the final product as can be, it will also be very different from what HoS looked like some 2 months ago.

We implemented a lot of custom music, recorded custom audio for additional heroes/units and, most importantly, did a huge graphics overhaul, aiming to bring the visuals to a "semi-Reforged" level, somewhat close to Starcraft 2 rather than Warcraft 3. We have replaced nearly every single texture and most models not just for units and buildings, but for doodads and effects, redid all tilesets and made the maps much more detailed. While this did involve importing stuff from WoW, we improved and adjusted Blizzard's models and textures to fit in a coherent visual style.

Trees were quite a challenge - WoW ones were too detailed and looked bad from RTS camera view, while Warcraft 3 ones didn't age well, even with new skins. But we apparently solved the problem - new Gorgrond, Karabor and Frostfire trees have all the required animations (and more, like shaking in the wind) and acceptable polycount.

Below you can see some of the new terrain samples. These screenshots were made on 1.27, not Reforged.

Oh, and while we're at it, huge thanks to Kantarion for providing us with his huge stash of HD tileset art most of these tiles were based on. Without his work, none of this would have been possible.

We wish you all Merry late Christmas and Happy upcoming New Year!
Stay tuned, everything's coming very, very soon!











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Level 20
Dec 15, 2021
Wow I don't know how I missed this thread (or maybe i thought it was a reforged project and thus forgot about it immediately ? :hohum:)
I still remember the old version from way back, and I got the assets released on a thread about abandoned projects, I might use some of those one day.

This seems as ambitious as ever, which is both hyping and concerning, since it was presumably the downfall of the first project (unless there was some internal problems, I don't know).

Regarding the learning curve : if you're planning completely new techtrees, campaigns have been used from the start by RTS to train for multiplayer for a reason... maybe make melee maps of different tiers to not overwhelm players, if you think melee should be before campaign ? I know campaign are ridiculously more work than melee for the maker's side :gg:


Hosted Project: HoS
Level 20
Mar 31, 2004
And so it begins.



Hosted Project: HoS
Level 20
Mar 31, 2004
Can Orc,Orge,Draenei techtree be played in new version's custom game(melee map)?
As soon as we finalize the campaign, it will be. BTW will update the version soon, we fixed a lot of bugs and updated some models, currently testing how well it worked (damn you buggy Velen!).

For the final version, or shortly after, we plan to make the following:
  • Melee mod version, for 1.35. Will be playable on a special melee map, without any scenario / lore, just pure, adjustable, and in theory even multiplayer-compatible gameplay of 3 factions. More maps will come after that, depending on how it goes. It will then keep developing on its own, with melee-only fixes; for example, some abilities are already planned to be different from their campaign counterparts.
  • Tutorial, for the campaign. This will be a pseudo-melee, in-campaign map, with very little scenario / lore, an easy-mode run intended to make one familiar with factions and their main features, allowing to play all 3 factions quickly. It will not be mandatory, and will not affect progression / achievements / further story.
Level 5
Mar 27, 2019
I found in the screenshots that Heroes don't have Glows, which I think it's the main reason makes it hard to distinguish them from common units. Do you consider adding it?

The last three pictures are fantastic. Are they the cover pictures of future sequels? Looks really promising.

By the way, what version do you guys plan to use with the next campaigns? Still classic or Reforged?


Hosted Project: HoS
Level 20
Mar 31, 2004
I found in the screenshots that Heroes don't have Glows, which I think it's the main reason makes it hard to distinguish them from common units. Do you consider adding it?

Yes, we're not using hero glow because they look really bad in cinematics, ruining the immersion and overall, in our opinion, being one of early 2000's artifacts that haven't aged well at all (others being bone decay animations, and auras, which we also got rid of). All heroes have pretty distinct visuals (such as Yrel having glowing wings, Arnak wearing a skull mask helmet etc) so after a bit they should be easy enough to tell them from units. However, due to a popular demand, we're adding an option to enable hero glow via a chat command (but keep in mind it's NOT the way HoS is meant to look!)

The last three pictures are fantastic. Are they the cover pictures of future sequels? Looks really promising.

Thank you! You'll learn more about where they come from very very soon) A big update is on its way!

By the way, what version do you guys plan to use with the next campaigns? Still classic or Reforged?
We're making Act II for 1.35 now that it has campaign support (and because it can fully support the amount of assets we're using in HoS - even with 3 races and some creeps and neutral units fully redone in Dusk of Draenor, 1.27 was lagging like hell in the editor, butchering hi res textures and outright crashing on some systems), but it's too early to say if we're sticking with Classic graphics mode or going for Reforged, though even in the latter case, we will make use of the engine's enhanced shadows and effects but keep existing polycount and style which is a more detailed version of Classic graphics (remaking those thousands of assets is something we have no need or desire to do, and we consider the existing visual style of HoS optimal). We're definitely not making models more detailed for the sake of it, but we will use more detailed assets for hero faces, buildings, large monsters and vehicles, similar to what we already did in Dusk of Draenor. TL;DR, even if we go Reforged in terms of engine, we're not going Reforged in terms of style.


Hosted Project: HoS
Level 20
Mar 31, 2004
Aaaaand it's done! 1.68, the final release version, is up, awaiting the feedback for likely hotfixes but overall it's the end of open beta for Act I!

We've fixed a lot of issues, revamped graphics (including adding a new Horde UI by @Murlocologist), sounds and balance, and, most importantly, made a new ending cinematic following the updated Dark Portal scene. A lot of questions will be answered, but new questions will arise...




Besides, an inportant feature has been added: although secret achievements and the true end boss were present in HoS since the earliest version, apparently we hid them too well, as thus far not a single player was able to uncover the real ending (cheers to @NovaLan who got close!). Thus we decided to make it a bit easier and added a Black Book in every playable mission that contains a hint on the corresponding secret achievement. These books are located in plain sight and hopefully the hints will make it easier, but still challenging! We also plan to release a number of videos showing completing HoS Act I on the highest difficulty and with the true ending.

Note: the new ending scene is not the secret one, and will be available for players who complete the campaign normally.

Speaking of which, now all missions are properly unlocked after completing the previous ones...
...but you can cheat by typing unlock in game chat :)

Here's the complete list of changes and fixes:

  • Local files now include the installation instructions and REG file that enables them automatically.
  • All missions are now locked from the beginning and are unlocked one by one, in order. NOTE: if you really wish to open them again for some reason, type UNLOCK in the Prologue.
  • Each campaign chapter got a book near the start that contains a hint to an achievement that will unlock the secret ending. Book will not appear if the achievement is already earned.
  • Fixed some in-game tooltips that had wrong color, duplications or unclear descriptions, as well as describing entities that didn't happen before the opening of the Dark Portal.
  • Some orc death sounds replaced to be less vanilla.

  • Horde got a new UI frame, made from scratch by Murlocogist.
  • Added an experimental feature of hero glow. Type heroglow in chat to enable team-colored glow on all heroes and hero-like units. Type again to disable it. This effect is purely visual.
  • Fixed more models of doodads and some portraits (missed last time) that caused lag spikes on 1.30 or higher.
  • Succubi model portraits now have fangs, consistent with WoW.
  • In cinematic close-up frames, using more detailed succubi models now.
  • New icons for Maraad, Eye of Prophecy, Bonesplitter and Chainbreaker.
  • Updated the glitchy texture and model of Orc Rallypoint Banner (and variants).
  • Experimenting with armor type icons; we are trying to find the ones that are comprehensive and not 100% WoW-copied, replaced Divine and Unarmored to see how it goes.
  • Orc Netherlord, Blackhand and Gul'dan models slightly revamped.
  • Orc tower doodads (in M0) should no longer appear with pitch-black roofs in version 1.29 and above.
  • Removed required attachments of large and medium from small heroes.
  • Emporium no longer has its overhead Tesseract visual.
  • Uncorrupted Spearmen no longer use wrongly-colored spears.
  • Shattered Hand Venomblade now has a prosthetic hand as all male warriors do.
  • Added a few more additional animations for Yrel.
  • Warbringer model got slight texture fixes.
  • Prelate got a new cape.

  • Weakened the Clan Banner and Grog healing to 2% and 1% respectively; to compensate, increasing banner durability and decreasing barrel mana cost.
  • Veinrender proc chance increased to 20%.
  • For all current and future Attack type heroes (Slayer, Prelate and Butcher), Mana cost of their spells is reduced.
  • Eyes summoned by Rogaar now damage structures as well.

  • Epilogue got a post-credits scene answering one of the most frequent lore questions.
  • Epilogue visuals revamped, including lighting, doodads, terrain, orc clan composition and Kilrogg model.
  • Fixed M3 bug where Velen's cinematic could be played more than once.
  • In M4, Barbaros's projection is now transparent (for clarity that it's a magical vision).
  • In M4, finishing a side quest after 80% gate power should no longer reset fog back to normal.
  • In M4, Reckoners should no longer retain any units besides Crystals and Sorcerers (becoming Felsworn) after the side quest is complete.
  • Further increasing mana gained by Circles in M4 for sacrificing allies and especially dominated enemies. Previously finishing up the mission was taking too long. Mana for Gul'dan's own minions will remain the same, though.
  • M2 succubi vision now uses unique models for each of the three characters.
  • M2 bug with sleeping Vigilants is resolved.
  • Found a better sky for M2 Legion ships vision.
  • In M2, units now can't walk through Horde banners.
  • Grommash in M1 should no longer cast Blood Fury. In return, beating him until he honors Arnak by pretending to be defeated now awards an achievement.
  • In M2, attempting to avoid fighting at sea and letting Horde ships amass will now make them deploy much more troops from the sea. Eventually all guarding Boarders will join, and in the (unlikely) case of somehow surviving that, Velen will be bombarded every few seconds until he dies or the ships are destroyed.
  • In M3 Ginghema's dying animation should no longer glitch.
  • In M4, if Avelarii dies while orbital bombardment is in progress, the cinematic should no longer show it.
  • Reduced the Ogrogeddon achievement (M3) kill requirement to 50, let's assume each ogre was two-headed to add up to a hundred.
  • Fixed a but that prevented the final achievement for the secret ending from being achievable in M4.

  • The game may sometimes choose to shut down all special effects. Reload the map for it to stop.
  • Subtitles may disappear from the game (but still appear in log). Go to options, turn the subtitles off, then back on.
  • Game may crash with "not enough memory" message. Relaunch with fewer background apps.
Level 7
Feb 7, 2020
Hi everybody,

If this is not the right thread to talk about bugs, could you tell me where I can do it? I would then move my question there.

If this is the right place, am I the only on who has the models replaced by big 3d green and black squares?

Here is what I did:

-install the 1.27 version of ROC and TFT with my keys
-allow local folders
-I put the The Heart of Storms Dusk of Draenor 1.68.w3n in the campaign folder
-I found it in custom campaigns
-I chose hard
-I launched it
-Immediately, I saw that the first screen is black. I click on prologue. Then the cinematic is black. I clicked on esc, and the game begins: a lot of models are big cubes of green and black squares (see hereunder).

What I tried:

-I put every setting on "high" since I saw in the original thread that we should not use low settings

additional info:

I have win10, on a 2020 gamer laptop.

Could you help me?

In advance, sorry if I did not follow some instructions given on the original thread. I searched for information, with no avail.

2023-09-08 08_45_13-Warcraft III.jpg
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Level 29
May 14, 2021
Hi everybody,

If this is not the right thread to talk about bugs, could you tell me where I can do it? I would then move my question there.

If this is the right place, am I the only on who has the models replaced by big 3d green and black squares?

Here is what I did:

-install the 1.27 version of ROC and TFT with my keys
-allow local folders
-I put the The Heart of Storms Dusk of Draenor 1.68.w3n in the campaign folder
-I found it in custom campaigns
-I chose hard
-I launched it
-Immediately, I saw that the first screen is black. I click on prologue. Then the cinematic is black. I clicked on esc, and the game begins: a lot of models are big cubes of green and black squares (see hereunder).

What I tried:

-I put every setting on "high" since I saw in the original thread that we should not use low settings

additional info:

I have win10, on a 2020 gamer laptop.

Could you help me?

In advance, sorry if I did not follow some instructions given on the original thread. I searched for information, with no avail.

View attachment 447412

Make sure you ask this kind of question on that separate thread above. The moderator might see your post being made on wrong thread and will move without warning!

Make sure you have followed the instructions correctly, especially this one:
Heart of Storms WC3.jpg

Look for the "Local Files Installation Guide". You have to install the HoS Local Files as well, not just enabling the feature! Put it in the game root directly.