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The Forest Of Illusion

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Level 6
Aug 19, 2007
Hello its me YAY_WOOT_YAY again with a 30 minute terrain.

Eerie fog clouds what is unseen, obscured. Bats roam the skies as something evil lurks in every picture. Lies and deceit roam in the darkness of The Forest of Illusion.

Lol just thought of that 'on the spot' like my other one "The River of Life". Please give feedback. :wthumbsup::wthumbsdown:?


  • 5.jpg
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Level 9
Aug 11, 2007
HA ha nice dude, i like your terrain. Maybe you can help me with my zombie map, lol. Im sure the guy whos making it will do a fine job though.

also where u get those pine tree models?
Level 34
Sep 6, 2006
Improvement from your last IMO. Keep improving!

How long do you spend on your terrains Oziris? Not more than an hour.
Level 6
Aug 19, 2007
lol thanks for comments guys.
-Angry_Sun it aint that good (30 minutes work)
-Oziris this is only my 2nd attempt at a 'real' terrain. 1st was river of life so plz excuse my "noobish" ness.
~void~ill try and work on 'realism' lol
Gilles thanks for the encouragement :D.
Level 8
Mar 25, 2005
Wow, you found the import button.

You've done one thing in this terrain right, and that's the height variation.
Right, what you've done wrong: Doodads, they're totally random and does not blend at all. Use doodads that match god damn it or it will look like you just threw whatever you could find in your map. Look at the grass, and the trees. It's totally random. And the rock with the stick was a good idea, it catches the eye. Just one thing: it looks stupid. One rock in the entire forest and a skull on a stick, it just doesn't make sense. The placing of the doodads are okay though. Atmosphere, or the lack thereof: Add some perty fog, turquoise or something I reckon. Also remove the region fog, that shit never looks good lest it's from top view. Tiling, it's bloody awful. First of all I've always hated cobblestone, and second it just looks wrong. Why is there a road like that in a forest? Replace it with a dirt road. Also, vines? What were you thinking when you dotted vines like that?

Check out Void's forest, now that's a forest that makes sense.

Ed: Oziris... just stop posting if you're going to post anything including >>>lame<<<. You're being an hypocrite in an extravagantly retarded way.
Level 34
Sep 6, 2006
It's one of Ozris' many errors. Or he likes to make words up.

I like cobble stone seruk!

The weather fog suits it fine IMO. Gives it the atmosphere it would lack normally.
Level 6
Aug 19, 2007
kk thanks seruk lol for the erm... for a better word...constructive critisism.
ill look for ~void~'s forest. Also why should i stop posting? I have a right to post (I know ur gonna say something contradiciting that). Anyway im posting to improve my work and get feedback not insults.
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