Hey! Looks like you need another minimod review!
Here's what I got for ya:
First Impressions
-Some heroes have good names, some don't. Some are really odd, like Batman, Flamethrower, The Nature Boy, and The Thunder GOD.
-Also, make sure Formal names correspond with their class type. For example, the Holy Mage (sorceress) had male arch mage names. Another one was the Sword Master.
Starting Up
-I chose the Thunder God since he was sorta neat. The spells that didn't seem completely in the right place were the Spirit Wolves and Finger of God. Perhaps more interesting spells that fit the character more could be in place?
-Blizzard turned out to be a major annoyance. With all the items, players shouldn't be forced to waste an inventory slot just to get rid of how annoying it is.
-Limit breaking should be an ability rather than a chat command, it took me a few times to get the timing right on it. The command was also quirky because of the second "-", which took me a few times to get. (Alright, it's not that big of an issue, but this should be fixed. There's an open slot on each character anyhow.)
-The Demon's initial monologue has a grammar mistake. It should say "Who says only YOU can revive heroes?" instead of "Who say only YOU can revive heroes??".
Playing Through
-For my first two attempts at this (solo), I figured out that this game was impossible to solo. The third try, I added in 3 bots. What gave me the most trouble was the first heroes that the demon "revived."
-Well, good news is that the bots work. Bad news is that they're pretty stupid. They died by the time we reached the second area. Did I need an escort of a full house of bots or something?
-Because my bots died, I resorted to camping around the fountain with the odd name. There, I just kept casting my spell and leveling up until I was way above the required level for the area.
-Pretty soon, the game becomes just right clicking things to kill them. Why? Eventually, all the creeps out-scale your spells. A solution for this could be spells that scale with level/primary attribute, though this would take some working.
-Bosses were not particularly interesting. In fact, they didn't even really seem like bosses except for the fact that they were heroes.
-The game eventually became a grindfest. After about an hour, I lost all the interest I had.
-The shops were conveniently placed to be useful. That I have to thank you for. Perhaps you should make it so creeps can't go in shop zones?
-Some of the enemy tower placements were in annoying places that they shouldn't be in. Generally, I didn't like the placement of those along ledges or hidden from LOS.
-Eventually, there were huge clusters of creeps. It's just mashing through a wall, going back to heal, then mashing again. That's just boring. Personally, situational fights would be fun.
-Range was an issue. I couldn't see half the things I was hitting. Why? Cause my camera was locked onto me, and my range was nearly greater than my sight range. The opposite was true as well, as I was being attacked by creeps I couldn't see.
-And... the Northrend armory disappears at night. Intentional?
-Two big suggestions I have to say: Try to make the map scale in difficulty with the number of players. Instead of making more creeps, make fewer creeps but make them harder. Then, you can increase the difficulty with the number of players via upgrades or something similar. The other, is to not make the map a grindfest. It gets boring real quick. Add some different things in there. Maybe a puzzle or too. You just need variation.
-All in all, not a bad map. If I had to rate it now, I'd say, a 2/5. The effort was there. It's just that it's a solid grind from beginning to end with no special events in between, and the blizzard reminding you how annoying it is.
-However, there were no bugs at all to my knowledge, so this map is good to go and ready to be approved. I'm sure you've been waiting for this.
The Rating: 2/5