Terrain & Environment:
The terrain can use improvements. You have used one tile variations on the sides & another one in the middle but you haven't used tile variations in a manner to make the place look natural.
You have used only one kind of trees in the whole map. Their heights are not varying nor are their types. It looks unnatural.
There isn't any wildlife in the map. You could use at least birds in the map.
The only doodad used in the map are trees & houses. In a city there are a lot of other things like stones, benches, statues etc. You should consider using them also.
The placement of houses isn't natural. A lot of the houses have their gates blocked by other houses. That isn't possible.
The farmhouse & the windmill have been placed inside the city.
You could also consider placing walls around the tiled city area to make it look more natural.
Unit Placement+Balance:
Many of the creep placement isn't balanced. Like in case of some mines there aren't any guards while some taverns are being guarded by the ghouls. Moreover a map has a certain type of creeps. Ghouls alongside ogres & trolls does not make any theme in the map.
The shop placement isn't balanced either.
My rating is 1/5 for the map & vote for disapproval