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Texturing Contest #27 - Theme Discussion

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Until I've wrapped up the 26th contest, I'd like for you guys to come along and suggest themes that we could do for the 27th contest. Yes, I am almost finished with wrapping up the previous one if you're all wondering :]

Previous themes:


Return to the classics - making borg, dalek, or something from the new alien covenant movie.

Heroes and Villains - texture a hero model into its counterpart villain.

Corruption - texture a model to look like it's being corrupted, or infested. Think about Sargeras or Aszhara.

Emerald Nightmare - When the Nightmare spreads, it consumes the life force of all it touches. The more it spreads, the weaker druid magic becomes. Once cursed, the nightmare will begin consuming the victim's thoughts and filling their head with the voices of other corrupted beings, even the nearby flora. Texturing something like the new red satyrs from Legion or the nightmare crazed Cenarius would be interesting.

Deathwing's experiments - you take anything dragon-like and add half-molted metal plates, or add a twilight drake feel, or even netherdrake feel. On a certain degree he contributed to their creation.

Leaders - Archdruid, Archmage, High Priest aka Class Leaders from the Warcraft franchise.

Elemental - texture a unit to a specific element like turning something into a fire, water or the various elemental variations from warcraft. E.g. air elemental.

Doodads - it would be cool if you took existing doodads and gave them higher-quality, newer, or different textures. For example the city doodads like walls arches and statues or the dungeon doodads. Some new Dalaran doodad textures or Black Citadel doodad textures could be pretty creative.

Pirates - yarrr mateys. Ye' be' foiling on Blackbeard's domain :}

Mechanize/curse of flesh - you take an inorganic unit, and make it as organic as possible, or vice-versa. Examples of this concept being the vanilla Flesh Golem model.

Failed Experiments - like Dalaran Reject, Abomination, those Frankenstein thingw and something that's supposed to have form and shape but failed and got deformed based on dark arts like Alchemy Reanimations, Warlock Rituals and Mad Sciences(Thaddius from WoW, Frankenstien(same like Thaddius) Living Failure from Bloodborne, etc).
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well these are slim ideas so far oO lemme suggest a few more

mechanize/curse of flesh, where you take an inorganic unit, and make it as organic as possible, or vice-versa

frost giants, where, ya know, you try to retexture some hero or unit into one of those ice-beards in northrend x3 or those frost-girls

an actual free for all that is only bound to retexturing a specific person's model, we had that with Dio, but.. i don't know if any of these skins have a corresponding model now

deathwing's experiments, where you take anything dragon-like and add half-molted metal plates, or add a twilight drake feel, or heck, even netherdrake feel. they are his.. to a degree

infinite dragonflight, kinda the same, but still, worth a try. those dragons aren't just inverted in color xD

Sha, you can try to 'mutate' anything into a Sha from the panda expansion of WoW :b

and lastly, kaiju :xxd: because one fellow kept nagging me about some 'ghidora'
Level 25
Jul 30, 2013
Alternate Universe: Make a skin where the chosen unit/hero is part of an alternate universe.

Crossoverwatch: Something inspired by the Overwatch universe.

Vry'kul/Norse: Doesn't need an explanation.

Paragons: Archdruid, Archmage, High Priest, and etc. aka Class Leaders from WoW.

Titans: Something related to the Pantheon or any of their creations.

Fairy: Can't we have some challenge for those dark themed skinners?
Level 14
Nov 17, 2010
I don't know if this has been done, and I'm certainly not a textures, but I think it would be cool if you took existing doodads and gave them higher-quality, newer, or different textures. For example the city doodads like walls arches and statues or the dungeon doodads. Some new Dalaran doodad textures or Black Citadel doodad textures could be pretty creative.




How about Gore - Which represent disturbing images such as open organs and unpleasant appearances ? :3
Old God ? ...you know like c'thun, sha and the black empire

That might be good.

How about Gore - Which represent disturbing images such as open organs and unpleasant appearances ? :3

While seeing your post, it instantly made me think of alchemy and experiments. Something along the lines of Alchemist Experimentation.
Level 19
May 14, 2014
@Heinvers Failed Experiments - Like Dalaran Reject, Abomination, those Frankensteins thingy and something that supposed to have form and shaped but failed and deformed based on dark arts like Alchemy Reanimations, Warlock Rituals and Mad Sciences (e.g. Thaddius from WoW, Frankenstiens (same like Thaddius, no idea :p) Living Failure from Bloodborne, etc) Dont know if this idea were great, just suggesting
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