[Crash] TESH Destroying my editor

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Level 24
Aug 1, 2013
Hi all.

The day before yesterday, I downloaded TESH 2.0 and everything seemed fine by then.

However yesterday my editor started to bug all over the place.
One you might already know.
The other being that the GUI triggers became 3 to 4 times slower with opening dialogs... and GUI uses those a lot.

But the biggest problem is that when I have a large (relatively) JASS trigger opened (500 lines had the one that I opened) for a while, the editor does not respond any more and the program shuts down.
That happens within one minute from the moment I open that trigger.
It happens on ALL triggers of that size or bigger. (I didn't test ones between 100 and 500 though.)

So I just set TESH back to 0.7 which is the one I got from NewGen but I would like to know what could have gone wrong.
Level 24
Aug 1, 2013
hmm... I think I will stick to 0.7 for now.

However I would like to see that global variables would also be highlighted...
I know that it is hard but not impossible.
Level 14
Dec 12, 2012

please use the original thread of the TESH 2.0 to post any bug reports/suggestions. This way you ensure that the author (me) will be able see and fix it (I just found this thread accidentally).

Also, if you report a bug, please include the following information in your bug report:

  • The version of NewGen you are using (the one my moyackx or an older one)?
  • Your windows version (XP, Vista, 7, 8)?
  • The language of your editor?
  • What exactly is the problem and which steps did you perform to get that problem? Did the problem exist from the very beginning or just happens randomly (how often then)?

Regarding your feature suggestions:

Wietlol said:
However I would like to see that global variables would also be highlighted...
I know that it is hard but not impossible.

Unfortunatly I still can't definitely say whether thats really possible or not. The problem is that you need to access the text of non-selected triggers. Until now I didn't find an eficient way to do this.
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